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Prefeer AllSky over SSM

Change the criteria for preferring events and select the preferred events. No unit test in provided (for now) since we have to revise all the alert canvas to allow fast performance.

Conditions that determine the choice of the preferred event

  • Event completeness comes first
  • then, publishability criteria for significant events
  • then, publishability criteria for less-significant events
  • then
    • prefer full-bandwidth over EarlyWarning
    • then, CBC group is given higher priority over Burst
      • then, prefer CBC-allsky over CBC-SSM
      • then prefer burst-BBH over burst-allsky
  • then, prioritize more number of detectors for CBC
  • Finally, use SNR (FAR) between two CBC (Burst) events
Edited by Roberto DePietri

Merge request reports
