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Draft: Ingestion of SVOM ECLAIRS notices into LLAI workflow

Open Naresh Adhikari requested to merge naresh.adhikari/gwcelery:addsvom into main
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@@ -723,8 +723,7 @@ def _create_replace_external_event_and_skymap(
def _kafka_to_voevent(alert):
"""Parse an alert sent via Kafka from a MOU partner in our joint
subthreshold targeted search and convert to an equivalent XML string
GCN VOEvent. Also, include handling for SVOM/ECLAIRs mission alerts
with initial and update types.
GCN VOEvent. Also, include handling for SVOM/ECLAIRs mission alert.
@@ -738,7 +737,6 @@ def _kafka_to_voevent(alert):
# Define basic values
# Support for both key types
pipeline = alert['mission']
start_time = alert['trigger_time']
alert_time = alert['alert_datetime']
@@ -755,7 +753,7 @@ def _kafka_to_voevent(alert):
# sky localization may not be available
ra = alert.get('ra')
dec = alert.get('dec')
# Try to get dec first then ra, None if both misssing
# Try to get dec first then ra, None if both missing
error = alert.get('dec_uncertainty')
if error is None:
error = alert.get('ra_uncertainty')
@@ -766,22 +764,34 @@ def _kafka_to_voevent(alert):
if ra is None or dec is None or error is None:
ra, dec, error = 0., 0., 0.
# Load template
# Load template based on the mission
# FIXME: Need to adjust for targeted Fermi-Swift and SVOM/ECLAIRS GRBs
fname = str(Path(__file__).parent /
root = etree.parse(fname)
if pipeline.lower() in ['fermi', 'swift']:
fname = f'{pipeline_lower()}_subgrbtargeted_template.xml'
ivorn_suffix = 'targeted_subthreshold'
fname = 'svom_grb_template_xml'
ivorn_suffix = 'grb'
# Construct the full path to the template
template_path = Path(__file__).parent / f'../tests/data/{fname}'
if not template_path.is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f'Template file {fname} not found '
f'in ../tests/data')
root = etree.parse(str(template_path))
# Update template values
# Change ivorn to indicate this is a subthreshold targeted event
root.xpath('.')[0].attrib['ivorn'] = \
pipeline.lower(), trigger_time).encode()
# Change ivorn to indicate this is subthreshold targeted event and SVOM grb
ivorn = \
root.xpath('.')[0].attrib['ivorn'] = ivorn
# Update ID
root.find("./What/Param[@name='TrigID']").attrib['value'] = \
if pipeline.lower() in ['fermi', 'swift']:
root.find("./What/Param[@name='TrigID']").attrib['value'] = str(id)
root.find("./What/Param[@name='Burst_Id']").attrib['value'] = str(id)
# Change times to chosen time
root.find("./Who/Date").text = str(alert_time).encode()