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Fix bug get instruments

Fix issue: #805 (closed)

The general problem is that the orchestrator function:

  • def get_instruments(event)
  • get_instruments_in_ranking_statistic(event)

They only work for CBC events with event['extra_attributes']['SingleInspiral'] data and need to be fixed to consider more general events, including burst events.

There is also the request to upload all the triggers that target CBC signal as belonging to the "CBC" group. This merge request will always use the instrument associated with the event to indicate the instruments participating in the trigger.

For consistency, the instruments participating in the event should be correctly ingested in the G-event by GraceDB.

Now, all the modeled searches provide the chisq field (except pycbc-SNR_OPTIMEZED that need to be fixed) and they should conform to this request.

Edited by Roberto DePietri

Merge request reports
