"meg reply" command do not replay G-events in S-event with the propper negative latency
The problem was fixed (with a Hack in "SEventCreator.from_id" in creator.py) to shift all the events' time by the maximum extra negative delay in upload. This hack does not work not work for the command "meg reply."
meg create --source playground --target local --original-search S241005bw
meg validate --source local G0038 --loginfo
The way the delays are computed needs to be checked. The order is the same, but the delays are a bit different.
meg create --source production --target local --original-search S241006k
G518282 (latency 15.548) --> G0054 (latency 74.572) or G0061 (latency 19.856)
This issue should also investigate the reason for this possible mismatch. Here are the differences in delay for events uploaded using 'meg replay-events':