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Changes for 4.0.2
- RCG I/O module mapping modified to allow DAC models to appear in any order on the bus. (issue #150)
- Fix for ANU new 'N' site setting (Issue #117)
- Fix to rtcds stop --all to stop IOP model last
- Various changes to clear all RCG code gcc compile warnings (Issue #147)
- Modified to perform proper checking for Parameter block entreis. (Issue #155)
- Enabled user space code compile with RCG_BUILD_USP compile argument
Changes for 4.0.1
- Minor fix to the script, so that it does not crash when a free size is specified.
- Bug fix to enable biquad filtering.
Changes for 4.0
- Added a new streamer cps_xmit/recv (cds pub sub) which is an ip based streamer system
- Added a mx receiver variant omx_recv_buffered which can hold multiple cycles of data
- Removing all daqd variants except daqd_shmem which is now named daqd.
- Renaming and reworking the streamer processes
   - local_dc (takes input from models and concentrates it into one memory buffer)
   - omx_xmit/omx_recv
      - still needs work to consume the buffer from local_dc
   - zmq_xmit/zmq_recv (takes the buffer from local_dc and transmits it over zmq pub/sub)
   - dix_xmit/dix_recv (takes the buffer from local_dc and transmits it over IX dolphin)
- Improved FE/IFO data simulation code for daqd and streamer testing
   - This provides properly formated data, not a plant model of an IFO
- Improved the diagnostic tool mbuf_probe
   - Allow for simple streaming and limited analysis of some of the shared memory buffers used in the codebase.
- Implemented a standalone_edc.
   - An edcu as a regular program, not a non-rt model.
   - Can record data into multiple types (short, int, float, double)
- Implemented fix for FRS 13791
   - Increase the number of connections allowed on a daqd circular buffer past 32.
   - Generalize the data structure to allow changing the max number easier.  Currently set to 128.
- Updated the nds process
   - run dir defaults to /run/nds
   - the name of the socket has changed from pipe to daqd_socket
   - the command line is changed to specifying the run dir instead of the pipe/socket filename
   - ie nds --rundir /run/nds
     - gives a jobs dir of /run/nds/jobs and a socket at /run/nds/daqd_socket
   - the nds process will attempt to create the 'jobs' directory if it does not exist
Changes for 3.6  (NOT YET RELEASED)
- When using daqd_shmem, must set a parameter "GDS_BROADCAST" = "1" to enable gds broadcast.
- daqLibZmq.c developed to send out GDS TP data via separate shared memory area for use with 
  new ZMQ DAQ transmission software.
  - This code is inserted if USE_ZMQ file exists in release/src/include directory. If not, then
    build will default to using mx_stream version (daqLib.c).
- RCG now builds user space code as well as kernel objects.
- controller.c and moduleLoad.c now split into new files to clean out #defs:
	- controllerIop.c and moduleLoadIop.c for IOP model builds.
	- controllerApp.c and moduleLoadApp.c for user application model builds.
	- controllerIopUser.c and controllerAppUser.c, which are user space equivalents.
- Removed /proc entries from all FE code. This should alleviate issue with change to /proc
  in later Linux kernels.
- daqd does not allow non-minute minute trends.
- zmq_rcv_ix_xmit allows a configurable time window in which it will wait for all FE computers to
  send data.
- Bug fix for Fcn, Relational Operator, AND parts: Not removing spaces in arguments.
- Added controllerLR.c.  This is code to run an IOP at 32K, as required by PEM Mid IOC over long fiber.  This in invoked by:
	- Set rate=32K in IOP model Parameter Block
	- Set virtualIOP=3 in IOP model Parameter Block
	- NOTE: Presently, this only reads ADC modules ie not DAC writes, as it was implemented for PEM DAQ channel.s
Changes for 3.5.1
- Bug fix for mx_fe: Not reading test point count properly from FE code resulting in xmit buffer
  - Bug fix (1136) for the external edcu.  Exit instead of crash on bad filenames when building
   the channel list.  Allow for blank lines and comments
   Changes for 3.5.0
   - Removed old EPICS Control System Studio from plugins.
   - Bug fix for improper variable case when used with EPICS input.
   - Bug Fix (1133) - Fix cdsEzCaRead/Write implementation
   - Bug Fix (1132) - Increase ADC parser part limit to 6000
   - Add installer support for kamioka,indigo,anu,uwa,cardiff,bham sites
   - Add awgtpman support for indigo,anu,uwa,cardiff,bham sites
   - Modifications to edcu.c:
     - No longer hard coded dcuId: takes it from template model like all other FE code.
       - Now synchonizes to IOP model on target computer: set sync=<iopmodelname> in model Param block.
Changes for 3.4.5
- Bug Fix (1133) - Fix cdsEzCaRead/Write implementation 
- Bug Fix (1132) - Increase ADC parser part limit to 6000
- Add installer support for kamioka,indigo,anu,uwa,cardiff,bham sites
- Add awgtpman support for indigo,anu,uwa,cardiff,bham sites
Changes for 3.4.3
- Changed PCIe real-time network configuration from single Dolphin channel to 2 Dolphin channels
  to avoid end station local traffic being sent back to long range PCIe network switch:
	- Local traffic (PCIE IPC) via channel 0
        - Long range traffic (RFM0/RFM1) via channel 1
- Bug Fix: Move rearming of ADC Demand DMA in IOP models from as ADC data is read in to after
  call to feCode(), IOP model code. Found that there was bus contention issues if IOP model was
  sending PCIe IPC at 65K.
- Added TIME_MASTER option for IOP models.
	- IOP will send GPS time and cycle via PCIe network to sync other computers.
- Added support for IOP that has no IOC ie synchronized by TIME_MASTER via PCIe network.
Changes for
- Bug Fix for as per FRS 11066.
Changes for 3.4.2
- Increased the number of IPC per transmission type from 512 to 1024. This was done due to IPC
  counts on PCIe network approaching 500 at the sites.
- Fixed EPICS startup file to test against existence of proper log file ie path was wrong.
- Fixed bug in cdsrfmswitch. Code was not unmapping Dolphin cards properly when module removed.
Changes for 3.4.1
- Bug Fix: Support for 20bit DAC was not included in 3.4. This release reinstates that support.
Changes for 3.4 
- Bug Fix (1112): Add support for Indigo,ANU,UWA,Cardiff site/ifo in
- Bug Fix (1085): Default daqd behavior is to disable md5 checksum file creation
- Bug Fix (1098): Fix EZ_CA_READ/WRITE calls to work with EPICS Sequencer 2.2
- Improve lock-up on model shutdown by removing erroneous printkl() in moduleLoad.c (r4486)
- Added ability to run DAC modules without a preload of the FIFO for lower latency.  This done
  specifically for MIT in RCG V2.8.8, but had not been carried over into RCG V3.x.
- Added support for General Standards 20AO8 DAC module, as was done for branch-3.3 as a test.
- Added auto generation of safe.snap files for models built for the first time.
- Changed IPC error reporting, as requested in Bugzilla 793.
- Added support for Dolphin PCIe network Gen 2 hardware.
- Add ability to inter-connect PCIe (Dolphin) switches between corner and end stations.
	- Deletes need for GeFanuc RFM cards. However, option still remains to use them.
	- Added standalone cdsrfmswitch code into src/pcieswitch directory. 
- Add mx_crc_only process: Required to perform CRC calculations for real-time code when DAQ run
  in a 'standiop' mode.  This is also included in branch-3.0.
- Bug Fix (472): Better framewriter error messages
- Bug Fix (985): Fix daqd for single-machine framebuilder in kernel 3.2
- Bug Fix (1010): Prevent divide-by-zero error in daqd filesys.hh
- Bug Fix (513): Cleanup debug schemes.  Also created separate udp_rcvr files, fixed mx_rcvr header
- Bug Fix (1015): Update daqd,nds build for ldas-tools 2.5
- Add leap second to dataviewer for Dec. 31, 2016
- Bug Fix (1047): EDCU code that supports dual data concentrators was modified to work 
  with new mx_stream introduced in 3.1
- Bug Fix: Change MX heartbeat betwwen controller.c and mx_stream/mx_crc_only to use ipc->reqAck
  instead of ipc->status.  DAQD uses ipc->status on a standalone system, so was an issue there.
  This fix also done in RCG branch-3.2.
Changes for 3.2
- Bug Fix (1033): Daqd frame writer changes:
  Split the producer thread into multiple parts to free up a thread to only receive data.
  Split the raw frame writer thread into two compoments to allow it to catch up better to
  when there is a slow down on frame writes.
  Cleaned up some of the EPICS code.
  Added more EPICS channels to give metrics on daqd.
  	- Add leap second to dataviewer leapsecs.txt file for 12-31-16
	- Bug Fix (1010): Prevent divide-by-zero error in daqd filesys.hh
	- Bug Fix (1047): EDCU code that supports dual data concentrators was modified to work
	  with new mx_stream introduced in 3.1
	- Bug Fix: Corrected initialization for fixed and set phase oscillators at model start.

Changes for 3.1.1
- Bug Fix for loading of RampMuxMatrix on startup (1030).
Changes for 3.1
- Per ECR LIGO-E1600234, modified front end daq code to run without any fast channels. Previously,
  DAQ required minimum of 2 channels at full rate.  This resulted in a lot of useless DAQ data
  traffic, particuarly from IOP models, which were creating 550KByte/sec of raw network traffic
  for signals not of interest or acquired. While not significant for smaller systems, for LIGO
  production systems this accounted for ~25% of the 70MByte/sec DAQ network traffic. The code
  changes made to implement this also reduce the latency of front end data transmission to 1/16
  of a second from the previous 1/8 second.
- Bug Fix (1022): Allow dataviewer to display trends of double precision channels.
Changes for 3.0.3
- Bug Fix for loading individual filter coeffs (#1008 and #1014).
Changes for 3.0.2
- Bug Fix to part connection checking.
- Bug Fix to auto-generated ADC monitor screens. Screens for models which use several top level
  signal names were not being generated correctly.
Changes for 3.0.1
- Bug Fix (957): Phase locked oscillator 
- Bug Fix (1005): GPS part: GPS second being sent to user code 1 cycle late.
- Bug Fix (832): Dataviewer -r <restorefile> command line option fixed.
- Bug Fix (999): start script does not error out if real-time model killed 
- Bug Fix (1000): ccodeio.h now uses environment variables in file paths
Changes for 3.0
- New Decimation filters for IOP to 16K as per T1600066.
- Bug Fix (973): part updated to reflect new status bit pattern from updated SUS HWWD
- Bug Fix (895): Attempting to clean up compile, with better error messages with user direction
  to error files:
	- Added checkInputConnect() function to all library parts in src/epics/utils/lib.` This
	  was done to allow for checking of connections prior to going into the code linking
	  portion of the compiler, which should provide better info to the user as to exactly
	  which part(s) are not properly connected instead of the old 'search around these 
	  parts' message.
	- There are still a number of parts which are handled by code within, instead
	  of having there own .pm library part. Began the process of moving these out. Those
	  moved to their own .pm file are:
		- - Matlab summing part.
		- - Subset of Matlab MATH parts
		- - Matlab logical operations
	- Moved some routines out of into /lib files.
		- Used to help make part connections via busses.
- Bug Fix: Old watchdog ( part was never updated to support real-time EPICS DAQ. This fix
  was also done to branch-2.8, used by PDE at MIT, and Branch-2.9.
- Bug Fix (966): RCG now checks that model part has the same number of in/outs as
  defined in the associated user C code function.
  	- RCG attempts to parse C code file to determine number of inputs/outputs used.
	- Failing that, RCG uses new header file 'userapps/trunk/cds/common/ccodeio.h.
- Bug Fix (903): With requireIOcnt=1 set in parameter block of a model, code will not start unless
  the model required number of ADC and DAC modules exist on the run time computer bus.
- Bug Fix (948): ADC channel lists are incorrect when model contains MUX/DEMUX parts. It was also
  noted that this produced incorrect ADC Monitor MEDM screens, which was also corrected as part
  of this fix.
- Bug Fix (894 and 896): Having to do with coeff files and their archives, along with diffs 
  between what is loaded into the real-time code and exists in a modified foton file. For
  details, see T1500592 in DCC.
- Request (831): Added support in FE code to acquire double precision 64bit floats.
- Bug Fix (887): SDF uninitialized table did not allow accepting present settings.
- Request (833): RCG now produces a text file that lists all ADC connections for that model as
  part of the make, make-install process.
  - make command produces build/modelepics/config/adcListSorted.txt
  - make install-model produces a /opt/rtcds/site/ifo/chans/adc/model_adclist.txt file.
- Request (886): Added RCG version number to GDSTP screens.
- Added multi-page listing capabilities for unconnected EDCU channels. Presently, still a work
  in progress.
- Added a new install script, nort- (No real-time). This was added to properly generate
  the start script for EDCU models, which have no real-time component.
- Added a compile option (DUAL_DAQ_DC) for running with 2 data concentrators. Until I think of
  a better solution, this is 'hardwired' in by setting daq2dc = 1. If it is desired
  to run with a single data concentrator, set this to daq2dc = 0 for now.
- mx_stream modified to provide additional diagnostics when used in a system with 2 DAQ data
- Request (691): DAQ builds now detect EPICS, framecpp installs 
- Request (854): DAQ builds put labels on thread, can set real-time priority, CPU affinity
- Bug Fix (494): Remove test for frame directory count when using GPS-time folders
- Bug Fix (888): Make mx pre-thread inputs non-volatile
- Added sequential startup of ADC modules when sync source = 1PPS.  This had been done in branch
  2.9, but not conveyed into the trunk. This change primarily affects AEI.
- Removed support for startup sync using IRIG-B card. This is old eLIGO, and no one uses it.
Changes for 2.9.7 release
- Bug fix: Modified the DAC timing diagnostic code:
        - DAC error bit in STATEWORD will now latch.
        - 18 bit DAC timing fault now requires two consecutive errors detected before performing
          a DAC kill.
Changes for 2.9.5 release
- Bug fix for True RMS part as per and tested by M. Evans.
Changes for 2.9.4 release
- Changes to account for June 30, 2015 leap second.
   - Modified timing.c and spectracom.c files to add leap second. This code should be redone in
        next major release as it is not well done here.
   - Dataviewer fixed by adding to leap second list in src/dv/Lib/UTC_GPS/leapsecs.txt
   - gds/tconv.c modified.
Changes for 2.9.3 release
- Bug Fix (850) : SDF changes.
- As requested for Guardian, changed to read filter module ramp time values before
  offsets and gains.
Changes for 2.9.2 release
- Bug Fix: IPC errors when using RFM DMA mode.  Modified controller.c to verify that RFM DMA
  was complete before triggering user applications. 
- Added a 1 cycle delay for RFM senders.  This is specifically for use in RFM sender models
  that run too long (>45usec) for transmission to reach end/corner in time. This delay is set on
  a per model basis by adding the line rfm_delay to the Parameter block.
Changes for 2.9.1
- Bug Fix (811): NDS1 Version 12.2: Fix byte-ordering in 'status channels 2' 
- Added individual channel reset to BURT value capability for SDF_TABLE display.
- Bug Fix (810): Code not properly resetting SW1S and SW2S for FMC parts when in local mode.
  Operation of the FMC parts was not affected by this bug, but caused issues with SDF
- Added read file error checking for filter switch settings (somehow, some settings in file >16
  bits. SDF code now truncates to 16bits and reports a read error to SDF table.
- Bug Fix (796): Added paging capability to SDF_TABLE to allow listing of up to 400 items.
  Also cleaned up BURT file reader line parsing to pick up on strings.  Was having problems
  when strings started with a number and a string contained more than one word.
- Bug Fix (803): Modified Makefile.linux to not add SDF EPICS variables to the autoBurt.req file.
- Bug Fix (790): Added difference calc and EPICS records to provide diff between present setpoint
  and BURT request as added feature to SDF. As part of this fix, also:
	- Added FILTER_MODULE_SWSTR EPICS record for each filter module. This is a string 
	  representation of the filter module switch settings. 
        - Changed the way filter switch setting errors are reported.
                        CHANNEL NAME          BURT              PRESENT                 DIFF
                - Old: FILTER_NAME_SW1S   Hex of BURT set   Hex of Present set
                - New: FILTER_NAME        BURT SWSTR         Present SWSTR       Diff String
        - Increased display precision to BURT/PRESENT value fields on DIFF Display.
- Bug Fix (802): Changed SDF reporting records from string type to waveform type to allow >40
  character strings to be reported to SDF MEDM screens.
- Bug Fix (763):  rampMuxMatrix fix to screen size and background color for fractional settings.
- Bug Fix (799): Added a third output, STATE, to the DacKillIop part. This fix was also made in 
  branch-2.8 post release 2.8.8.
- Bug Fix (791): Raise ADC waits to ADC0 23 mu-sec, others 5 mu-sec
- Bug Fix (792): Wait for RT startup to complete in start scripts
- Bug Fix (759): Fix DAQ calculation of science frame 'Fast Chans' on stand-alone
- Bug Fix (743): Increase ADC0 allowable wait to 20 mu-sec
- Bug Fix (751): Modified install script.
Changes for V2.9
- Bug Fix (776): EXC part not operating properly under all selection conditions.
- Bug Fix (756): Added monitoring of the filter module 'Decimation' and 'Hold Output' settings as
  part of the common filter SWSTAT EPICS record. This required changes to:
  -  main.c, and fm10Gen.c to add the two extra bits.
  - In, moved the clr history and status to req diff bit up two to accomodate new
    switch monitors.
  - Modified the filter MEDM files to provide RED indicator next to 'GUARDIAN SET' related display
    icon to indicate when filter switch request != status.
  - Modified FILTALH.adl screen to monitor new bits.
  - Had to modify to NOT pass these bits at control output port.
- Bug Fix (662): Fix Phase part to allow FE DAQ to record user settings.
- Bug Fix (556): Fix WfsPhase part to allow FE DAQ to record user settings.
- Bug Fix (732): AUTOCAL of 18bit DAC modules made the default compile option in This
  change also applied in branch 2.9.
- Bug Fix (505): Added warning bit (bit 10) to STATEWORD to be set if either the Coeff File or
  DAQ config file has changed. This fix also added to branch-2.9.
- Bug Fix (772,773): SDF save issues bug fixes perfomed in src/epics/seq/main.c. Fix also done in
- Bug Fix (729): Errant value if input to TrueRMS = 0. Bug also fixed in branch-2.9.
- Bug Fix (764): Modified RampMuxMatrix part to only check load ramp command at 16Hz after a
  16Hz boundary.  This allows load command to be captured by DAQ before being cleared by the FE
  code. Fix also applied to V2.9.
- Bug Fix (732,765): Correct DAQD output for "status channel 2","status channel 3" to fix 
    formatting, speed-up - incremented protocol from 12.0 to 12.1
    - NOTE: Fix also made in branch-2.9
- Bug Fix (762): DAQ error bit of STATEWORD adjusted to set error at 4MByte/sec, previously 3.5.
- Bug Fix(758): Removed load matrix reset from being placed at the end of code cycle in
  This is already done properly in the matrix part code itself and this added clearing can result
    in the race condition ie sometimes load matrix command ignored.
    - NOTE: Fix also made in branch-2.9 and branch-2.8 at the same time.
Changes for 2.9  - Initial test release
- Modified ADC overflow reporting, same as done for DAC outputs.
- Added capability to define engineering units, for both fast/slow channels, to be passed and to
  and recorded by DAQ system.
- Modified (Filter Module w/Control) such that is requires that all inputs be
  connected or build process will exit with error message.
- Modified DAC overrange reporting (Bug #722).
	- Removed ROLLING_OVERFLOWS compile option, which set EPICS record to report overrange per
	  second or accumulated overrange count.
	- Code now reports DAC overflows as both overrange/sec and accumulated overflows since last
	  overflow reset.
		- IFO:FEC-DCUID_DAC_OVERFLOW_DAC#_CHAN# = Overflows per second.
		- IFO:FEC-DCUID_DAC_OVERFLOW_ACC_DAC#_CHAN# = Accumulated overflow.
- Checking for Coeff and DAQ file changes, based on file CRC checking, has been moved out of the
  model sequencer code and into the model EPICS main.c program.
- As of SVN 3694, marked by this file submission to SVN, the reading of BURT files from the FE code
is supported. This is prodominantly handled by the src/epics/seq/main.c program.
Bug Fix - DacKillTimed and DacKillIOP parts: Parts ignored reset command while in fault mode,
  however, would remember the reset request and would reset as soon as fault cleared. This fix
  was also made to branch-2.8 prior to release V2.8.4.
- Bug #660 - Add daqd thread pid info to log files
- Bug #590 - Implement support for unsigned 32-bit integers for both fast and slow (EPICS) 
channels.  Added new RCG part, updated DAQ code and modified Dataviewer to handle new data type
- Added ADC timing diagnostic ie time between ADC rdy cycles. If errant, reported to stateword ADC
  bit. Current info also reported via /proc/modelname/status file. Note that this only affects IOP
- Modified the DAC FIFO error code. Error must now exist for two consecutive checks before turning
  off all DAC outputs. This affects IOP code only.
- Bug Fix (553) - Errant code produced when not all 16 inputs of Bit2Word part connected. Fix also
  applied to Branch-2.8.
- Bug Fix (621) - ADC part errant code if ADC part named incorrectly. Fix also applied to
  Branch-2.8 (SVN 3645).
- Bug Fix (595) - FMC2 part compiling improperly if not all inputs connected. This bug also fixed
  in Branch-2.8.
- Bug Fix: Model with EXC part fails to compile. Problem was that EXC part was not in
  list of signal sources. Bug also fixed in branch-2.8 (SVN 3621).
- Added support for EPICS longint record type. This is to be used as unsigned int to support
  unsigned int type for EPICS records being stored to DAQ. 
- Modified code for ADC/DAC overflow counters: now writes overflow counter whenever overflow
  detected vs once per second. Note: This change only affects models which have "accum_overflow"
  set in the parameter block. If this is not set, then code still updates counter once per second.
- Added overflow counters to auto-generated ADC monitor MEDM screens. (SVN 3606)
- Bug Fix: During testing, found that DACKILL IOP and TIMED parts would allow reset while
  fault condition at input.
- RCG parts in simLink/lib file updated to Matlab 2012b from various older versions.
- Bug Fix (#523): EPICS binary parts could take on values other than 0 or 1.
- Modified binary I/O read (SVN 3586). Now reads one card every code cycle to support reading
  of information from SUS hardware watchdog via digital line.
- Added warnings for unconnected subsystem part outputs.
- Bug fix: Use of PHASE and EzCa parts produced errors in DAQ .ini file for associated EPICS
        - File modified to move EzCa part variables to end of shared mem header file
        - Phase part writing of EPICS channels fixed in
- Bug fix (#515): In transition from Matlab 2010a to 2012b, some bus selectors were left without OutputSignals
  field in .mdl file, required by RCG to produce proper links. On RCG side, added check for this field
  and exit with error if it does not exist. See bug report on how to fix Matlab side.
- BugFix (#514): modified to align trend frames to multiples of duration. Check that second 
  trends are in whole minutes (blocks are multiple of 60 seconds). Check that minute trends are in 
  whole hours (blocks in multiples of 60 minutes)
- modified to not place extra space at end of line when writing EPICS channel names to
  DAQ .ini files. This did not affect the system, but LHO DAQ .ini file checker scripts had
  issues with it.
- Makefile.linux change: DACKILL PANIC was not being written properly to autoburt files.
- Added new watchdog part to control and monitor SUS hardware watchdog chassis.
Changes for 2.8
- Bug Fix. Turns out EPICS_SYNC record was being produced twice per model and used by two competing
  pieces of code. To fix this, added another EPICS record, EPICS_SYNC_TIME. 
	- IFO:FEC-DCUID_EPICS_SYNC = internal sync from RT code to EPICS sequencer at 8 hz. This
	  channel step from 0 to 14 in increments of 2.
	- IFO:FEC-DCUID_EPICS_SYNC_TIME = Produced by EPICS sequencer, is GPS time of EPICS update
	  at 8 Hz in the form second.msec.
- Changed the update rate of EZCA_WRITE tranmissions to same as EPICS sequencer rate of 8Hz. This
  had previously been throttled down to 2Hz to avoid overload of Beckhoff systems. 
- New Matrix part added (JB). This matrix part has ramping capabilities. See V2.8 release notes.
- Added ability to increase duration of trend frames in DAQ. Implemented with expanded config input
   - start trender <second-blocks> <minute-blocks>. 
   Defaults remain 60 (1 minute for sec, 1 hour for minutes). Max values about 1800.
- Added new subsystem block to CDS_PARTS, RT Links. This is to include parts which can access internal
  runtime parameters already maintained as part of the real-time core software. Initial parts in this
  area are:
	- GPS : Enhancement (Bugzilla 492): Modified old GPS part for a single output: time in GPS seconds. 
	- STATEWORD: Produced to support ODC diagnostics, has three single bit outputs.
	- MODEL_RATE: Outputs the runtime code rate.
- Added new Parameter block compile option: remoteGPS=1.
	- Built specifically for use on PEM at LHO mid stations, where IRIG-B time is not available.
	- Allows IOP module to get startup GPS seconds from another FE via its GPS EPICS record.
- Added new OSEM WD part to CDS_PARTS/WatchDogs: WD2.
	- Original WD part ANDs DC and RMS paths within the part, with a single FAULT output.
	- New WD part removes AND within part and brings DC and RMS fault indicators out as separate outputs. This
	  is to allow user to only use RMS trips, if desired.
- Two new DACKILL parts added: DACKILLIOP and DACKILLTIMED. See V2.8 release notes.
- Bug Fix (#456): Mark DACKILL part settings as RO in autoburt files.
- Bug Fix (#487): modified to produce IPC EPICS error channel names using FEC-DCUID instead of
  model name information. 
- Synchronous acquisition of EPICS channels at 16Hz via DAQ network. 
	- RCG now produces a single DAQ .ini file, which contains all channels ie no longer a separate
	  EDCU .ini file.
	- GDS_TP screens updated to show number of EPICS DAQ channels below fast channel count.
	- As part of this change, performed some variable name cleanup. Previously, certain diagnostics were
	  passed to EPICS as an array (diags[15]). This was broken up into separate variables with more
	  meaningful names in the code. Also, a single variable, named 'diag', was used to pass IPC status
	  information. This was changed to ipc_stat, with EPICS variable changed from DIAG to IPC_STAT. This
	  change is also reflected in the autogenerated GDS_TP screen.
	- INSTALLATION NOTE: To run this code requires:
		- Newest to be copied into site/ifo scripts area. Previously, this DAQ file checking 
		  code would return error if data rates in DAQ files were below 256Hz.
		- Removal of old EDCU file from DAQ master file. Failure to do this will result in DAQ not 
		  start running due to duplicate channel names.
- Filter Module memory change. Previously, RT code used a local copy of filter module EPICS data during execution of filter module code. This required copying of this data to/from EPICS shared memory at 16Hz to communicate to EPICS sequencer. This was changed such that RT code uses EPICS shared memory space directly, same as for other EPICS channels. Calls to move data between EPICS shared memory and local memory in controller.c (calls to subroutines in epicsXfer.c) were removed. Regression testing was performed on LHO DAQ test system on July 29, 2013.
Post 2.7 and trunk bug fixes
- Bug fix (bug 490) - On startup, some models have matrix input values locked to zero. Found to be due to
  improper initialization of local/remote control mask bits. file modified to clear all of EPICS
  memory at startup. This bug fix was also part of release V2.7.2.
- Bug fix (bug 477) - Improper generation of DAC monitor screens when model contains mix of 16bit and 18bit 
  DAC modules. This fix also applied to release V2.7.1.

- Bug fix (bug 481) - Limit of 85 connections to DAQ raised to 170. When limit exceeded, DAQ status checking had 
  errors, resulting in all DAQ data being marked as bad.

- Bug fix (bug 482) - Contec module outputs set errantly on code startup after reboot. This fix also applied to
  RCG release V2.7.1.

Changes for 2.7

- Change to the default slope values for the Fast and the EDCU .ini DAQ channel configuration files.
  	The slope value is set to 3.0518e-04.
- Bug fix to Code was not generating EPICS screens properly when model does not include
  	subsystem name eg H1ASC, H1LSC. 
- Archived filter coeff file names were changed to use the GPS time instead of local time (bug #458).
	This requires working "tconvert" and /proc/gps support using the new Symmetricom driver.
	If either tconvert or /proc/gps is not found, the code would use local time as before.
- frame builder code has a maximum channel limit increased to 524288 (that is .5 * 1024 * 1024).
	Some internal data structures were eliminated, but there are still some old historic
	data structures remaining in the code from the days when the C++ library was not working
	properly in the reentrant code. Changes are planned to clean this up and eliminate more
	redundancy in order to shrink the memory footprint.
- frame builder code has a set of new daqdrc commands to configure and start a second full-res
	frame writer thread, to write frames in the "science" mode. The commands are:
	set science_frame_dir="/frames/science", "M-R-", ".gwf";
	start science-frame-saver;
	sync science-frame-saver;
	These mirror the commands for the main full-res frame writer (commissioning mode).
	Commands are only relevant for the frame writer and not for the DC or the NDS instances.
- frame builder code has new EPICS channels H1:DAQ-FW0_FRAME_SIZE and H1:DAQ-FW0_SCIENCE_FRAME_SIZE
	to show the size (in bytes) of the last frame file written to disk.
- frame builder code has CHAN_SAVED Epics record fixed (bug #454). This record is updated
	only on the frame writers, it is not updated on DC or NDS daqd instances.
- frame builder code has a new daqdrc command added. Command is "enable fckrs;" is intended to
  	be added to the data concentrator's daqdrc in order to enable new EDCU .ini file checking
  	functionality. This is related to the bug #440. If enabled this code will periodically
	check all EDCU .ini files for modification. If any modification is detected then the 
	corresponding DCU status is set to 0x8000 (this is a new value, in addition to the old
	0x4000 0x2000 0x1000 and 0xbad). IMPORTANT: this code requires two things in order to
	run as intended:
	1) daqdrc must start the profiler (must contain "start profiler;" command)
	2) the "master" file must have all EDCU .ini lines listed after all fast DAQ .ini lines
	The code checks one EDCU .ini file per second, so it will take a few seconds to detect a
	particular EDCU .ini file change.
- Makefile.linux modified to exclude some filter module channels from EDCU.ini files,
	as outlined in LIGO-T1300494. This also fixes bugzilla #460.
- controller.c file modified to set DACKILL when DAC timing error detected. This will cause 
  	all DAC outputs to go to zero. To reset, must restart the code. This was done to avoid
	channel hopping of DAC channels.
- Filter module w/control (FMC) part .pm and MEDM screens changed. EPICS channel added for MASK 
	setting and now reflected on new screen template.
- New filter module EPICS channels added as described in LIGO T1300494.
	- and modified to automatically set filter module SWSTAT.HIGH alarm levels to 0x7fff.
	- Makefile.linux changed to exclude this channel in burt, such that burt cannot reset it.
- Bug Fix (461) TRAMP moved to top of burt restore settings for filter modules.
Changes for 2.6.2
- fixed to point to framecpp library in /opt/rtapps instead of /usr/local
- DAQ reload problem fixed ie reloading same file could result in CRC errors. Fix was in daqLib.c
- RCG compiler fix. If multi-output part, such as matrix, placed at top level, with inputs to subsystem
  part, which in turn connected to multiple parts within the subsystem, could result in errant
- Bug fix for ADC/DAC overflow detection. Code would not detect overflow errors on positive rail side as
  alarm limit was set to 32768, but max reading from ADC on positive rail is limited to 32767.
- Redefinition and additons to EPICS STATE_WORD:
        - Bit 0: FE Code running (no change)
        - Bit 1: Timing error (no change to bit location; more items may cause this error. All errors:
                - IRIG-B time offset from second mark greater/less than limits.
                - ADC duotone time offset from second mark greater/less than limits.
                - Time between code cycles (new adc data rdy) greater/less than limits.
                - Code execution time greater than alloted time.
        - Bit 2: ADC (changed for I/O) error. In either of the following cases, realtime code will exit.
                - Data no longer arriving on time from one or more ADC modules.
                - ADC channel hopping detected.
        - Bit 3: DAC module timing error.
        - Bit 4: DAQ error (no change).
        - Bit 5: IPC error: (no change).
        - Bit 6: AWG no running error.
        - Bit 7: DAC Kill error.
        - Bit 8: EXC - one, or more, EXC signals are selected and active ie awg is producing injections.
        - Bit 9: Overflow. One, or more, ADC or DAC channels are being driven beyond their range.
Changes for 2.6.1
- Added IPC receiver diagnostics code, as discussed in CDS meeting 12/12/12. This was also added in branch2.6 for
  inclusion in release V2.6.1.
- Bug fix for Acces I/O 8 and 16 channel relay I/O cards. Also added to branch2.6 for inclusion in release V2.6.1.
Overview of changes for 2.6
- mx_stream and daqd changes to improve OpenMX to MX communication
- Bug Fix: changed front-end filter module to the Epics variable update rate. It used to
  read and write these variables on every front-end cycle. There was a problem with this arrangement
  detected at AEI in Hannover on the AMD hardware. We needed to slow down the rate of the communication,
  which is done through the shared memory, in order to fix a dramatic slow down in the front-end
  running speed, which was seen right after the code upgrade.
- IPC code generation portion of moved to (part of cleanup)
- Bug Fix: Memory size mismatch for TP table between awgtpman and daqLib.
- RCG_HOST environment variable added. This setting will override the hostname in the user model to allow running
  on different machines in test stands ie startup command will now have this computer name to check on startup.
- General cleanup based on compiler warning messages; warning messages turned back on to provide info the build logs.
- Added C99 compile flag to Makefiles. Changed O3 optimization flag to just O after some errors at 40m lab in their
  C code which generated large arrays.
- Increased max IPC channels per net or computer to 256 (previously 64). Added RCG compile time error if this is exceeded.
- Implemented TP upper limit checking ie ensure total DAQ network rate/model <4MByte/sec. This is a coordinated effor
  between daqLib.c and awgtpman ie daqLib passes size to awgtpman, which will reject further requests if >4MByte/sec.
- Added IPC name and sender model name to IPC info tables for additional diagnostics vi dmesg and /proc files.
- Added DAC buffer size info to /proc. EPICS Dac diag info only indicates if DAC buffer data size is incorrect. Diags to /proc
  file indicate if this is an overflow or underflow condition.
- Bug Fix (#400): RCG Makefile now checks for undefined symbols in the kernel object and throws error. 
- Bug fixes for 394, 395, 404, 406, 407, 402, 409
- Added new filter module w/control 2 part. Allows setting of offsets, gains, and ramp times and switching of input, offset, 
  and output switches from within model.
- Changed Dolphin network cache flushing to only occur after last write in list. This takes much less time than fix for 2.5.1,
  where cache flushing occurs after every write. Tested ok with test model sending 200 signals at 32K.
- Check added to verify CPU core is not in use by another model prior to loading new one. Requires a kernel patch (see .patch
- EPICS update rate increase from 4-5Hz to 16Hz, triggered by RT code. New EPICS channel (IFO:FEC-DCUID_EPICS_SYNC) updated (0-15) 
  at 16Hz for use by scripts, if desired.
- Bug fix for models containing both 18bit and 16bit DAC modules. However, it is required that 18bit DAC modules show up on
  the PCIe bus before 16bit modules in the I/O chassis.
Tagged release 2.5.1 from branch 2.5
- Cache flushing added to Dolphin network writes. This cleared IPC errors on receivers.
Tagged Release 2.5, with final set of changes listed below.
- Bug fix for new Contec BIO cards - Code not addressing boards properly if user model skipped cards in I/O chassis.
- Reinstate SQRT part in CDS_PARTS - got lost along the way.
- Channel hopping error detection now results in code exit ie dangerous to keep running if ADC channels are mixed up.
- Remaining bug fixes from test results can be found in the SVN log.
Overview of changes for 2.5 - Branch released 3/19/12 for testing.
- Additional checks in RCG to verify that user has correctly numbered ADC/DAC cards.
- OSEM IOP Watch Dogs:  Added susWatchdogFilters.c in the src/drv directory.  Added the SUS_IOP_WD.mdl and OSEM_WD.mdl models to src/epics/simLink/lib.  The OSEM_WD.mdl is a model which watches a single OSEM input and if the RMS becomes to large, or the DC value is too high or low, sets an output value of 0, indicating to stop running.  The SUS_IOP_WD.mdl chains 6 of the OSEM_WD.mdl parts together for a top stage.  The susWatchdogFilters.c contains hard coded a 100 mHz high pass filter and 10 mHz low pass filter used by the OSEM_WD.mdl model.  These parts are intended to be used in an IOP connected to suspensions, to watch the top stage OSEMs for signs of excessive motion and send a signal to the new cdsDacKill part.
- Guardian Support: A new monitor has been added to src/epics/seq/main.c to monitor
  alarm setpoints to support Guardian scripts. This monitor, once per second:
  - Performs a CRC checksum on all EPICS .HSV and .LSV (High/Low alarm settings)
    and transmits this as an EPICS channel (IFO:FEC-DCU_ID_GRD_ALH_CRC). This is
    intended to be read by the Guardian to verify that the code is monitoring the
    correct state.
  - Checks all EPICS channels .STAT (Alarm status) field. The number of HIGH/LOW
    alarms is sent out via two EPICS channels, one for setpoint (operator input)
    errors ie setpoints outside set limits (IFO:FEC-DCU_ID_GRD_SP_ERR_CNT), and
    another for total readback channels outside limits (IFO:FEC-DCUID_GRD_RB-ERR_CNT).
    There are an additional 10 EPICS channels to report the name of the channel that
    in an alarm state, 10 for reporting setpoint errors (IFO:FEC-DCUID_GRD_SP_STAT(0-9))
    and 10 for reporting readback errors (IFO:FEC-DCUID_GRD_RB_STAT(0-9));
  - New filter module screens, with additional related display button (GUARDIAN SET),
    which calls up a new screen with filter module alarm setpoints for Guardian. 
    Backgrounds for setpoints also changed to black w/alarm color mode to have 
    setpoint alarms display in Red if not within the prescribed range.
- Bug fix: If ADC input connected to Filter Module w/control, signal name and 
  values would not be added to autogenerated ADC monitor screens. 
- Bug fix: Possible for two, or more, user models to write to the same DAC channel. 
  To avoid this, code now registers for DAC channels on startup, and, if DAC 
  channel is already in use by another application, the code exits, with
  error message sent to dmesg, with offending DAC card(s) and channel number(s).
- cdsDacKill part added. This part, along with controller.c changes, allows user
  models to communicate DAC shutdown info directly with code actually writing
  the DAC outputs. This was added to allow user watchdogs to kill DAC outputs
  directly at the source of the DAC output code. Only one (1) of these parts is
  allowed per user model and RCG will kick out error if >1 defined.
- Fixed filter module on/off switching handoff between the Epics buttons
  and the control input. This applies to the filter module with controls
  only. Filter module can be turned on using the control input bit and this
  state is kept even when the bit is cleared in the mask input. Also
  the Epics button will not control a request bit for a filter if 
  it is masked out to be controlled through the control input programmatically.
- Added new frame builder record, e.g. C0:DAQ-FB0_CHANS_SAVED
  to display the total count of saved channels in full frames.
- Added new cdsParameter "no_zero_pad=1" can be used to
  stop zero padding DAC data. This is usefull if sending a flat DC
  signal to a DAC channels is desired.
- Fixed broken "biquad=1" flag handling code.
- New parts for CONTEC6464 binary I/O modules for use in user application
  models - NOTE part for use in IOP is not changed and code is still 
  backward compatible with user models using the original part.
- DAC names no longer matter ie code only check card_num=
- updated to check if DAQ .ini has changed since
  last changed since last file load to front end.
Bug fix for 2.4.2
- I/O bug fix: Incorrect size of ADC/DAC down/up sampling filter history buffers.
  If more than 3 ADC modules defined in user model, ADC downsampling
  history would bleed into DAC upsampling filter history, essentially causing
  a "short" from ADC input to DAC output. Code fix was to use MAX_ADC_MODULES and
  MAX_DAC_MODULES (12), as defined in cdsHardware.h, which has been used for
  sizing all other ADC/DAC related arrays.
Bug fix for 2.4.1
- map.c has fix added for DAC modules with PEX8111 interface chips ie
  all those boards that are native PCIe and not PCM cards (older revs).
- Reinstated DAC DMA as default mode after fix above. Since DAC buffer
  now used as a buffer, of sorts, moved DMA code into DAC write area.
Overview of changes for 2.4

- Changed all remaining floats into doubles in Epics sequencers.
- Improved generated autoburt request file, where all readbacks are
  marked readonly now.
- Added new cdsParameters setting: biquad.
  biquad=1 forces all filter modules as well as ADC/DAC up/down filters and
  DAQ downsampling filters to be calculated using biquad form.
- Until DMA issues with General Standards DAC modules are resolved the IOP code
  has direct DAC write code enabled, DMA is not used to write to the DAC modules.
- DAQ decimation filtering and oversampling filter is done using biquad form IIR filters,
  if cdsParameters block has biquad=1.
- Do not update DAQ configuration file (INI file) during installation,
  move it away into archive and install new file, generated based on DAQ
  chanenls list in the RCG model.
- New DCU Id Epics channel, e.g. L1:SUS-ITMX_DCU_ID
- New FE overall state word Epics channel, named e.g. L1:FEC-28_STATE_WORD,
  where the lower 7 bits are set as follows:
  	FE stopped		-	bit 0
	Code timing problem	-	bit 1
	I/O problem		- 	bit 2
	AWG dead		-	bit 3
	DAQ dead		- 	bit 4
	IPC errors detected	-	bit 5
	A/D or D/A overflowed	-	bit 6
- Source code has ./configure script now, which needs to be executed once
  before cmopilation of RCG models can be done. Build can be done in a 
  directory separate from the source now. RCG source can be made read-only now.
- Do not create backup Makefiles in the FE build directory.
- DAQ upgraded from 2MB/sec to 4MB/sec.
- DAQ channel list in the RCG models support.
- DAQ file check performed at run time.
- Oscillator and filer module spline ramping
- Filter module spline offset ramping
- Spline ramping phase stability improvements
- Mask input for a filter module with control
- New FE code timing/daq/GDS monitor screens
- FE code watchdog in EPICS sequencer (state word bit 0)
- FPU SSE instructions underflows were turned off and floating point
  denorms were forced to zero by setting FZ and DAZ bits in the CPU MXCSR register.
  +-1e-20 limiting code was removed from the filter code.
- NOTE: DAQ INI file checker script src/epics/util/ needs to be installed
  in a location on PATH for a front-end system, before the Epics process is
  restarted. A good location is /opt/rtcds/llo/l1/scripts/
- NOTE: Extra EXC part is broken in this release, will be fixed in the next release.
  It was discovered that this part is not working correctly and needs debugging.
  Filter module excitation works fine as before.
- Added post-build script execution at the end of install step.
- When a brand new model is compiled and started for the first time there is no
  existing burt snapshot for it to restore and it used to be that the operator needed
  to press the BURT button on the GDS screen within 10 seconds in order for the FE kernel
  module start running or else the FE execution failed. This was fixed by writing 1 into
  BURT_RESTORE channel within the generated startup script.
- Linux kernel 3.0.8 (patched with patches/linux-3.0-cs.patch and configured with
  patches/linux-3.0.8-cs.config) was tested at LLO and wwas found working just as well as
  the currently used kernel. mbuf driver (src/drv/mbuf) was modified to
  compile on 3.0.8 kernel.
- New Epics channel added to show the total number of testpoint selected L1:FEC-7_TP_CNT.
- Added DAC Duotone  measurement feature along with the selection switch L1:FEC-7_DACDT_ENABLE.
- The startup script now looks for an optional safe.snap file, e.g.
  and burt restores this file instead of the latest burt snapshot.

Overview of changes from 2.3 
Bug Fixes:
- fixed rogue testpoints shown up at AEI/GEO and LLOLSC

New Feature:
- added flip_signals parameter to make working with buffered and unbuffered
  aa/ai filters easier

Overview of changes from 2.1 to 2.3

Bug Fixes:
- daqLib.c fixed to support up to 256x decimation for DAQ channels. Previous versions only
provided proper decimation to 32x.
- bug fix to provide all filter module switch setting bits at status output.
- bug fix.
- controller.c, map.c and map.h changed to support double buffer for DAC outputs. This fixes a bug where
a race condition could exist between the IOP loading new DAC data into the same buffer and at the same time
as the DAC module was trying to DMA data out of that buffer.
- Set the '-2' awgtpman flag for a 4K system in top level Makefile.
- Fixed biquad filter module operation.
- Change inputFilter part to use extensions of GAIN,POLE, ZERO instead of K,P,Z.
- RMS part to have limits of +/-200000 instead of +/-2000.

New Additions:
- Updated dataviewer with support for 32K and 64K resolution data viewing.
- Various updates to support new longer signal names (Max size, with extensions, 60 chars).

Overview of changes from 2.0 to 2.1
New Branch, which includes:

New Features:
1) RCG provides default code rate in coeff.txt files for use by foton.
2) New IIR filter part based on BiQuad filter algorithm as provided by M. Evans.
3) Ability to include a user-defined library part in an RCG model.
4) Support for connection of buses between multiple layers of the model, not just on save level.
5) Auto-generated EPICS.ini files for each model.
6) Check of 16bit DAC module FIFOs for proper clocking plus new error bit added to GDS_TP screens..
7) Change of _DAQ to _DQ tag on filter modules in DAQ .ini files.

Bug Fixes:
1) Fix to EPICS EZCA part to:
- compile correctly within subsystem parts.
- Use pvPut instead of EZCA for performance reasons (plus EZCA not supported in latest EPICS).
2) Removal of SVN tag from BURT file ie BURT restore would overwrite latest SVN tag).
3) Fix to control model DAC status info on GDS TP screens (false error indicator).
4) Change in CDS_PARTS.mdl bus selector part to set use to "Require input signal names to match signals below", instead of "Inheri
t bus signal names from input ports". This is required to make BUS parts work with new, multi-level BUS parser in RCG.