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emfollow / gwcelery
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 UnportedA simple and reliable package for annotating and orchestrating LIGO/Virgo alerts, built from widely used open source components.
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IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0GraceDB server code.
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Daniel Williams / Asimov-old-repo
BSD Zero Clause LicenseA bot to supervise PE jobs using gitlab issues.
Archived 4Updated -
Asimov / Asimov
BSD Zero Clause LicenseThe science automation assistant. Asimov provides tools to organise and automate data analysis.
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finesse / pykat
Affero General Public License v1.0Updated -
IGWN Computing and Software / GWDataFind / GWDataFind Server
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThe server library for the GWDataFind service.
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The IGWN Conda Distribution | https://computing.docs.ligo.org/conda/
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Docker / publisher
Apache License 2.0Docker Container containing LaTeX for publishing papers.
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IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN Pool Exorciser
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlySecond generation utility to exercise and test IGWN pool infrastructure, services and resource availability
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KAGRA / Templates / Python Project Template
MIT LicensePython oriented template repository providing support for Python project. Ready to compile including tests, examples, script and modern Doxygen documentations (GitLab Pages)
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BayesWave / igwn-wave-compare
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterScripts and libraries to do burst v/s CBC waveform reconstruction related studies.
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Tokens are created on demand by the SciTokens to access LVK h(t) aggregated data.