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ToolBox / fedora-toolbox
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
Rachel Langgin / bilby_SSB_test
MIT LicenseRachel Langgin's bilby with SL changes
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Fitting code for transfer functions. This is vectfit with a novel SVD bootstrapping method.
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Scientific Linux spec files
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Bilby version that computes the frequency dependent response factors and phase factor. Also computes quadratic ROQ weights from linear weights.
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Asa Makai Baker / bilby
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Docker / software
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDocker container for IGWN software continuous integration
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Docker / gsisshd
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDocker container for IGWN GSI-enabled SSH daemon
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Report PCI cards installed into CyMAC or front end, including which expansion board and slot is in when using I/O chassis.
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Sean Leavey / Zero
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMoved to https://github.com/SeanDS/zero/.
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IGWN Computing and Software / rucio / IGWN Rucio Guide - old
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalOperator and administrator documentation (WIP)
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Scripts and data for creating custom conda environments based of certain IGWN environments, but with some customized packages.
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Sean Leavey / dcc
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyMoved to https://github.com/SeanDS/dcc/.
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lscsoft / ligo-common
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyArchived 0Updated -
Daniel Williams / Asimov-old-repo
BSD Zero Clause LicenseA bot to supervise PE jobs using gitlab issues.
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Configuration files and scripts for registration and replication actions
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lscsoft / conda
MIT LicenseThe LSCSoft Conda project provides defined and pre-built conda environments including LSCSoft packages. This repository controls the definitions, build, and distribution of those environments.
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Kustomization-based kubernetes deployments for rucio in the International Gravitational Wave Network.
Archived 0Updated