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simplify and cleanup add_detectors function in ALIGOFactory

Kevin Kuns requested to merge kevin.kuns/finesse-ligo:ALIGOFactory-detectors into ddb

This simplifies the addition of detectors in add_detectors and add_ASC_readouts. It also fixes a few places where amplitude detectors were probing the wrong arm and where WFS72 readouts were actually detecting 36 MHz instead of 72 MHz.

It also adds a unit test to check that models created by factories with different options successfully make and lock. There are several option combinations tested which can be easily extended as well as tested one at a time. For example, to continuously check that the ASC model and the QUAD model are working without running the other ones all the time, do

ptw -- tests/test_factory --tb short -s -k "lock[lho1] and lock[lho5]"

Merge request reports