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- Fixed FieldDetector not conjugating lower sideband
- Fixed DegreeOfFreedom using custom AC_IN and AC_OUT not filling the matrix correctly
- Variable element removed, now calls model.add_parameter instead. this means some code using `var.value.value` will no longer work.
- Added extra factorisation step when refactor returns a singular matrix with KLU, a warning will show when this happens.
- Model.display_signal_blockdiagram now takes nodes name list and only show paths with those nodes in for cleaner diagrams
- Model.path can take a symbolic=True keyword argument now for calculating symbolic path lengths
- phase_level deprecated and replaced with model.phase_config method
- unparing unsupported KatScript values will result in a __FIX_ME__ token
- Parameters now support boolean checks
- Python 3.11 wheels now built
- SetLockGains now just optimises gains and not demodulation phases
- OptimiseRFReadoutDemodPhaseDC now accepts Readout detector outputs `REFL9_I` or `REFL9_Q` for example, to optimise for either quadrature. Readout names supported and will default to `_I` with a warning
- Fixed Hello-Vinet function `substrate_thermal_expansion_depth` #567