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  • 45-gstdebug-1-envvironment-variable-in-procmgt-executable-field
  • 64-remove-dpush-summary-script-crontab-entry
  • main default protected
  • systemd-procmgt
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.013Nov8Oct3Sep25Jul18Jun14121013May23Apr22219319Mar11126Oct1023Aug28Jul262315Jun149123May2219181716151412109876225Apr192019181714121165431Mar302928252423222119171094228Feb27963127Janmore updates to cal_update_restart scriptmainmainfix arg checking in cal_update_restarttweak to cal_update_restart script to allow update without restartfix cal_update_restart script to copy not move cal GDS filter fileMerge branch '71-calibration-channels' into 'main'change dqmod copy_channels list for calibration pipeline 1.5.7Add X-DQmod_O4[T].json files, change ProcLists, Makefile to use these files.Merge branch 'sensemon2-patch' into 'main'Change channel name to _CLEANfix sensemon2 trend file specificationMerge branch 'sensemon2-config' into 'main'Fix L/H and partition mixupsremove unused minor-stride elements, fix bbh psd name.Add sensmon2 process to ProcList filesmake sensemon2 configurationsmove new cal_update_restart script into placefixes to new cal_update_restart scriptcal_update_restart2 cleanup, updates and fixesnew version of calibration update script to handle git versioned reports in the archiveMerge branch '70-dvTest-O4b-channels' into 'main'Copy dvTest_O3_* to dvTest_O4. Remove obsolete LHO channelsMerge branch 'v1-omega-config' into 'main'vi-omega config updates for new dmt disk configMerge branch 'config-O4b' into 'main'redirect noisy monitor outputs to filesUse library: branch 'fix-move_xml' into 'main'move_xml: create /gds/ target directoryMerge branch 'revert-move_xml' into 'main'move_xml: remove copy to segdb serverMerge branch 'fix-condense-scripts' into 'main'Merge branch 'dmt-virgo-lowlatency' into 'main'Merge branch 'catch-cron-output' into 'main'Correct virgo stream endpointroute only stdout to /var/tmp files. stderr still goes to mail.route all cron process output to /var/tmp/<name>.out, let stderr go to mailreplace @SHELL@ with /bin/shMerge branch '67-gds-test-zfs' into 'main'fix test /gds directory for h1dmt3update calcontrol-ssh-bridge script