- Apr 25, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
This allows for saving budgets in multiple formats simultaneously, without having to recalculate noises. This will speed up some operations in the CI.
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
This changes the test to look for the upstream master in the user current config and use that as the test reference by default. This seems like a more sensible default in general, and it's easy enough to fall back to HEAD if need be ('-g HEAD'). This also fixes some things from the last commit: * fixes the MR CI pipeline * adds better command line documentation to the test * fixes command help * fixes bug in test cache pruing
- Apr 22, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
The assumption should really be that the HEAD of the repo is the current noise reference. There is therefore no need to store a special reference hash for the tests. This simplifies things quite a bit, in particular by not requiring submitters to update a reference. This commit drops the reference and modifies the test to just compare the current code against HEAD by default. The option to compare against an arbitrary ref is preserved. The CI is updated for these simplifications. The "test" job is now simple generation of the budgets. The merge request approval job is renamed 'review:noise_change_approval`, and it's logic remains mostly the same: it compares the current budgets against the head of the MR target branch, and requires the same MR approval to pass. The overall MR approval process therefor doesn't change.
- Apr 21, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
This adds a CI special job that runs only on merge requests that update the test git ref, indicating that a noise has been changed. The MR will show present a report of the changed noises, and will block on MR approval. Once approval has been given, the check_approval job can be re-run, which should now pass, allow the MR to proceed. If the noises change but the reference has not been updated, then the CI pipeline will fail as usual.
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
- Apr 17, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
- Apr 16, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Some cleanup and updates on the CI, including: * creating a common docker image for all jobs * expose test failure report to merge requests
- Feb 14, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
also: * add h5 output tests * use debian sphinx packages instead of pip
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
implement as __main__ for `gwinc.ifo` also add to CI. closes #48
- Feb 08, 2020
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Drop specific comparison to MATGWINC output and move to comparisons to cached hdf5 traces. Comparisons to all cached IFO traces will be done by default. A PDF report of all discrepancies for all IFOs will be generated if requested. inspiral ranges will be calculated if the inspiral_range package is available. This adds trace caches (in git-lfs) for all currently supported IFOs, effectively snap-shotting the current state of the repo. gitlab CI also updated to use new tests
- Aug 07, 2019
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
This patch provides a new nb sub-module that defines classes for managing and calculating noise budgets. It provides the following overridable classes: nb.Calibration A noise calibration nb.Noise A noise source nb.Budget A budget of noises The Budget class includes a calc_trace() method that will return a traces dictionary that includes data and trace plot styling for every noise term in the budget recursively. The existing included interferometers are updated to define their budgets using this new interface, and the plot_noises function is updated to accept the new traces dictionary. An HDF5_SCHEMA describes how trace dictionaries are encoded into HDF5 files. The new io module includes functions for writing traces to HDF5 files, and for reading traces stored in this format. The command line interface is updated to handle this new structure.
- Aug 24, 2018
- Aug 23, 2018
Christopher Wipf authored
Christopher Wipf authored
With this tweak, most noises agree within 1 ppb. Exceptions are seismic and substrate TE (which still have open bugs in matgwinc). Arguments added to gwinc.test for setting a tolerance level, and a list of noises to skip in the comparison. The CI pipeline will now fail when tests fail.
- Aug 14, 2018
Christopher Wipf authored
- May 26, 2018
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
and move to python3
- May 23, 2018
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
- Mar 23, 2018
Jameson Graef Rollins authored
Error is: jobs:test:cache:key config cannot contain the "/" character
- Dec 20, 2017
Christopher Wipf authored
- Dec 05, 2017
Christopher Wipf authored
Christopher Wipf authored
Christopher Wipf authored
- Dec 04, 2017
Christopher Wipf authored
Christopher Wipf authored
addresses #2