servo:~/ligo/src/pygwinc 0$ python -m gwinc -husage: gwinc [-h][--flo FLO] [--fhi FHI] [--npoints NPOINTS] [--title TITLE][--matlab][--fom FOM] [--dump | --save SAVE | --interactive][IFO]Plot GWINC noise budget for specified IFOIf the inspiral_range package is installed, various figures of meritcan be calculated for the resultant spectrum with the --fom argument,e.g.: gwinc --fom range:m1=20,m2=20 ...See documentation for inspiral_range package for details.positional arguments: IFO IFO name or description file path (.yaml or .mat)optional arguments:-h, --help show this help message and exit--flo FLO, -fl FLO lower frequency bound in Hz [5]--fhi FHI, --fh FHI upper frequency bound in Hz [6000]--npoints NPOINTS, -n NPOINTS number of frequency points [3000]--title TITLE, -t TITLE plot title--matlab, -m use MATLAB gwinc engine to calculate noises--fom FOM calculate inspiral range for resultant spectrum('func:param=val,param=val')--dump, -d print IFO parameters to stdout and exit--save SAVE, -s SAVE save figure to file--interactive, -i open interactive shell when plottingservo:~/ligo/src/pygwinc 0$