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WIP: quantum updates for more granular sub-budgets, mode mismatch, and RMS noises

Closed Lee McCuller requested to merge lee-mcculler/pygwinc:superQ into master
7 unresolved threads

Overhauled the quantum code to decompose the quantum noise into smaller elements. Useful more for comissioning budgets perhaps than design.

Also added some quantum noise degradations due to length RMS noises in filter cavity and SRC.

Finally, the quantum code now has mode mismatch. Still working on the interface to make it usable.

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245 if np.iscomplexobj(total):
246 import warnings
247 warnings.warn("Trace {} is returning complex trace".format(
241 248
242 249 return self._make_trace(psd=total)
243 250
251 def yield_trace(self, calibration=1, calc=True, _precomp=None):
252 """Calculate noise and return BudgetTrace object
254 `calibration` should either be a scalar or a len(self.freq)
255 array that will be multiplied to the output PSD of the budget
256 and all sub noises.
258 If `calc` is False, the noise will not be calculated and the
259 trace PSD will be None. This is useful for just getting the
260 trace style info.
  • Lee McCuller added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • 375 QuantumRelASSqz,
    376 QuantumRelASMisrotation,
    377 ]
    379 noises_forward = [
    380 (QuantumXi, QuantumXiAsqzCal),
    381 (QuantumLoss, QuantumDisplacementInvCal),
    382 ]
    384 calibrations = [
    385 QuantumASPortInvCal,
    386 ]
    389 class QuantumRelGamma(nb.Budget):
    390 """Quantum Vacuum
  • 635 468 ]
    636 469
    637 470
    471 #########################
    472 # quantum
    473 #########################
    474 Quantum = quantum.Quantum
    • I don't think this definition is used anymore now that all of the quantum2 functions are explicitly imported in the ifo init files. I'm in favor of just getting rid of the old quantum and replacing it with quantum2. I am also a fan of the refactoring here where the precomps, nb.Noise, and nb.Budget definitions are moved to (and for precomp_suspension) and wonder if we should do this for the other noises in the future.

      I think the organization and grouping of these noises into sub-budgets in is pretty good and logical. However, there are a lot of sub-budgets and calibrations to follow. I think I understand them all now but it would be helpful for those not scrutinizing the code if the doc strings describe what the noise or calibration is along with the units.

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  • 11 color='#ad03de',
    12 )
    14 noises = [
    15 QuantumVacuumAS,
    16 QuantumVacuumArm,
    17 QuantumVacuumSEC,
    18 QuantumVacuumReadout,
    19 ]
    4 from gwinc.noise.quantum2 import (
    5 Quantum,
    6 QuantumRelShotNoise,
    7 QuantumRelGamma,
    8 )
    21 9
    • Since aLIGO doesn't have a filter cavity I suggest defining the Quantum budget for aLIGO explicitly here and removing the superfluous traces instead of importing it directly from quantum2.

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  • Kevin Kuns mentioned in issue #94 (closed)

    mentioned in issue #94 (closed)

  • mentioned in commit 7dc75f96

  • Lee McCuller added 5 commits

    added 5 commits

    • 80a85acf - fixed docstrings
    • 77f6d2d4 - Merge branch 'nb_forwarding' into superQ
    • 0a7c10dc - added ability to freeze structs
    • aea92e70 - fixed logic in assignment_policy
    • af9ed46a - some adjustments

    Compare with previous version

  • Kevin Kuns mentioned in issue #96

    mentioned in issue #96

  • Lee McCuller added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

    Compare with previous version

  • Kevin Kuns mentioned in merge request !135 (merged)

    mentioned in merge request !135 (merged)

  • 846 phaseARM = ilib.diag(np.exp(-pi2j * F_Hz * L_ARM_m / const.c)) @ ilib.Mrotation(-ARM_detune_rad, ARM_gouyRT_rad)
    847 #arm round-trip as of the endmirror
    848 rtARM = r_ETM @ phaseARM @ ilib.diag(rITM) @ phaseARM
    849 reflArm = MM_ARM_SRC @ (ilib.diag(rITM) - (tITM * r_ETM @ phaseARM @ np.linalg.inv(ilib.Id - rtARM) @ phaseARM * tITM)) @ np.linalg.inv(MM_ARM_SRC)
    850 transARM = MM_ARM_SRC @ (tITM * phaseARM) @ np.linalg.inv(ilib.Id - rtARM)
    852 if SEC_lengthRMS_m != 0:
    853 #I don't like that this requires a copy of the code, but can't do it without yet
    854 ASshiftSEC = Hmats['AS']
    855 delta_SEC_L = 1e-13
    856 phaseSRC = ilib.diag(np.exp(-pi2j * F_Hz * L_SRM_m / const.c)) @ ilib.Mrotation(-SRM_detune_rad + 2*np.pi * delta_SEC_L / lambda_, SRC_gouyRT_rad)
    857 rtSRC = rSRM * (reflArm @ phaseSRC @ phaseSRC) * (1 - Loss_SRC)**0.5
    858 reflAA_SECshift = MM_SQZ_OMC @ MM_SQZ_SRC @ mlib.promote(1, ilib.diag(rSRM) - (tSRM**2 * (1 - Loss_SRC)**0.5 * (phaseSRC @ ilib.Minv(ilib.Id - rtSRC) @ reflArm @ phaseSRC))) @ mlib.Minv(MM_SQZ_SRC)
    859 ASshiftSEC = olib.promote(1, reflAA_SECshift) @ ASshiftSEC
    861 phaseSRC = ilib.diag(np.exp(-pi2j * F_Hz * L_SRM_m / const.c)) @ ilib.Mrotation(-SRM_detune_rad, SRC_gouyRT_rad)
    • It looks like SRM_detune_rad is the one-way SRC detuning which is specified by ifo.Optics.SRM.Tunephase in the yaml files. However, ifo.Optics.SRM.Tunephase is the round-trip SRC detuning as currently used. See here.

      I personally prefer using the one-way detuning.

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  • Kevin Kuns mentioned in issue #99

    mentioned in issue #99

  • 712 dLOtheta_IFO = (Dptheta_IFO - theta_IFO) / delta_LO_rad
    713 dLOsqXi_IFO = (Dntheta_IFO + Dptheta_IFO - 2*theta_IFO) / delta_LO_rad**2
    714 #not clear the dXi_IFO is needed or calculated
    715 ASbudget['lossMM'] = SQZ_Vsq - etaGamma_IFO
    717 Xi_accum = Xi_IFO
    719 def XiUpdate(fullXi, subXi):
    720 subXi = subXi - 2 * fullXi * subXi
    721 fullXi = fullXi + subXi
    722 return fullXi, subXi
    724 Xi_accum, Xi_SQZphase_noise = XiUpdate(Xi_accum, SQZ_angle_RMS**2)
    725 Xi_accum, Xi_LOphase_noise = XiUpdate(Xi_accum, ((dLOtheta_IFO + 1) * LO_angle_RMS)**2)
    727 ASbudget['SQZ'] = lambda : Vnorm_sq(LOa @ Hmats['AS'] @ olib.Mrotation(-SQZ_angle_rad) @ olib.SQZ(sqzV, asqzV))
  • 140 #ax.loglog(traces.freq, psd_full)
    141 #fig.tight_layout()
    142 #fig.savefig(tpath_join('test.pdf'))
    143 R = inspiral_range.range(traces.freq, psd_full, **RANGE_PARAMS_NS)
    144 pprint('Range:', R)
    145 outNS[()] = R
    146 R = inspiral_range.range(traces.freq, psd_full, **RANGE_PARAMS_BH)
    147 pprint('Range:', R)
    148 outBH[()] = R
    149 contourNS = it.operands[2]
    150 pprint(contourNS)
    151 contourBH = it.operands[3]
    152 pprint(contourBH)
    154 import h5py
    155 with h5py.File(tpath_join('contour.h5'), 'w') as hdf5:
  • Lee McCuller added 1 commit

    added 1 commit

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  • closed

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