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Improve residual gas scattering calculations

Merged Kevin Kuns requested to merge kevin.kuns/pygwinc:superGas into master
+ 29
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, log, pi
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from .. import const
from .. import Struct
@@ -60,10 +62,15 @@ def ResidualGasScattering_constructor(species_name):
def calc(self):
cavity = arm_cavity(self.ifo)
Larm_m = self.ifo.Infrastructure.Length
species = self.ifo.Infrastructure.ResidualGas[species_name]
# position along the beamtube starting from vertex corner
tube_pos = np.linspace(0, Larm_m, 100)
# pressure profile is constant by default
pressure_Pa = species.BeamtubePressure * np.ones_like(tube_pos)
n = residual_gas_scattering_arm(
self.freq, self.ifo, cavity, species)
dhdl_sqr, sinc_sqr = dhdl(self.freq, self.ifo.Infrastructure.Length)
self.freq, self.ifo, cavity, species, pressure_Pa, tube_pos)
dhdl_sqr, sinc_sqr = dhdl(self.freq, Larm_m)
return n * 2 / sinc_sqr
return GasScatteringSpecies
@@ -134,16 +141,16 @@ class ResidualGas(nb.Budget):
def residual_gas_scattering_arm(f, ifo, cavity, species):
"""Residual gas noise strain spectrum due to scattering from one arm
Noise caused by the passage of residual gas molecules through the
laser beams in one arm cavity due to scattering.
def residual_gas_scattering_arm(
f, ifo, cavity, species, pressure_Pa, tube_pos):
"""Residual gas scattering from one arm using measured beamtube pressures
:f: frequency array in Hz
:ifo: gwinc IFO structure
:cavity: arm cavity structure
:species: molecular species structure
:pressure_Pa: beamtube pressure profile in Pa
:tubepos_m: vector of positions where pressure is given in m
:returns: arm strain noise power spectrum at :f:
@@ -151,37 +158,26 @@ def residual_gas_scattering_arm(f, ifo, cavity, species):
E. Zucker, and Stanley E. Whitcomb in their paper Optical
Pathlength Noise in Sensitive Interferometers Due to Residual Gas.
Added to Bench by Zhigang Pan, Summer 2006
Cleaned up by PF, Apr 07
Eliminated numerical integration and substituted first order
expansion of exp, to speed it up.
L = ifo.Infrastructure.Length
# beam profile
ww_m = cavity.w0 * np.sqrt(1 + ((tube_pos - cavity.zBeam_ITM)/cavity.zr)**2)
kT = ifo.Infrastructure.Temp * const.kB
P = species.BeamtubePressure
M = species.mass
alpha = species.polarizability
rho = P / (kT) # number density of Gas
v0 = sqrt(2*kT / M) # mean speed of Gas
waist = cavity.w0 # Gaussian beam waist size
zr = cavity.zr # Rayleigh range
z1 = -cavity.zBeam_ITM # location of ITM relative to the waist
z2 = cavity.zBeam_ETM # location of ETM relative to the waist
# The exponential of Eq. 1 of P940008 is expanded to first order; this
# can be integrated analytically
zint = log(z2 + sqrt(z2**2 + zr**2)) - log(z1 + sqrt(z1**2 + zr**2))
zint = zint * zr/waist
zint = zint - 2*pi*L*f/v0
# optical path length for one arm
zint = zint*((4*rho*(2*pi*alpha)**2)/v0)
# eliminate any negative values due to first order approx.
zint[zint < 0] = 0
return zint
v0 = np.sqrt(2*kT / M) # most probable speed of Gas
alpha = species.polarizability
# put the integrand into a (numfreq, numpressure) array for faster
# integration with trapz
integrand = np.exp(np.einsum('i,j->ij', -2*np.pi*f, ww_m/v0))
integrand *= np.einsum('i,j->ij', np.ones_like(f), pressure_Pa / ww_m)
zint = trapz(integrand, tube_pos, axis=1)
noise = 4 * (2*np.pi*alpha)**2 / (v0 * kT) * zint
return noise
def residual_gas_damping_test_mass(f, ifo, species, sustf, squeezed_film):