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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011Dec23Sep8Jul716May28Mar251031Jan522Dec8724Nov23226Oct52Jun126May2422211917106Apr31Mar29301612124Feb2319119Jan6529Dec161514111017Nov16227Oct21201998629Sep26Aug2517Jul729Jun241626May22212019117427Apr2524222116157228Mar24527Feb261813121187529Jan18Oct30Sep2230Aug281476218Jun11May911Mar722Feb19Dec29Aug282928272423201615141312109Jul727Jun26131May302625232222Mar919Dec157410Nov8714Sep29Aug149move quantum and suspension precomps into noises.quantum and suspensionMerge branch 'BudgetItem-freq' into 'master'Merge branch 'inheritance-unset' into 'master'Merge branch 'remove-sqzOptimalSqueezeAngle' into 'master'Merge branch 'load_budget-bugfix' into 'master'Merge branch 'pytest-enhancements' into 'master'Merge branch 'voyager-fc' into 'master'update Voyager FC input coupler and detuningmodify compare_noise fixture to work with single tracesadd a test that saves references and another that tests against themadd pytest fixture for comparing two sets of tracesadd a pytest marker to specify tests that generate test dataMerge branch 'squeezer-options-bugfix' into 'master'remove vestigial function calculating squeeze anglemake BudgetItem.freq a property; setter recurses and clears precomp cache<unset> removes struct entries with inheritance againfix bug in squeezer type optionsMerge branch 'update-ifo-bugfix' into 'master'fix bug when updating ifo struct in budget runcheck that file types are supported by Struct in load_budgetMerge branch 'no-filter-cavity' into 'master' fix for Freq Independent squeezing option to work againadd more load_budget testsfix bug in load_budgetMerge branch 'inheritance' into 'master' PEP8 spacingadded docstringadded another test for inheritanceResidual gas sub-budgets and updatesminor tweak to readmeminor readme tweakcli: fix bug when calculating rangeminor logging cleanupremove errant precomp_suspension in noises.pyDensity cancellation for underground RayleighAdd underground Rayleigh NN calculationfixed most issuesmore pep8'ingadded a flake8 file and started pep8 fixesMerge branch 'residual-gas' into 'master'