Create tag/plot for analog board saturations
Checks set of analog board monitors for voltages exceeding +/-9.5 V around the time of lockloss, and creates a tag/plot if it does. Similar to the BRS plot, this one (by commissioner suggestion) does not show up on the website if there is no tag. Channels names have been verified at LLO, they should also have a 10V limit on their boards.
BOARD_SAT tag: Screen_Shot_2019-08-30_at_4.46.38_PM
Collapsed board saturation section: Screen_Shot_2019-08-30_at_4.47.16_PM
Open board saturation section: Screen_Shot_2019-08-30_at_4.47.28_PM
Board saturation png:
Closes #59 (closed)
Edited by Yannick Lecoeuche