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from __future__ import division
from numpy import pi, sqrt, sin, cos, tan, real, imag, zeros
import numpy as np
from . import const
from .struct import Struct
# supported fiber geometries
def generate_symbolic_tfs(stages=4):
import sympy as sp
# construct quad pendulum equation of motion matrix
ksyms = sp.numbered_symbols('k')
msyms = sp.numbered_symbols('m')
w = sp.symbols('w')
k = [next(ksyms) for n in range(stages)]
m = [next(msyms) for n in range(stages)]
A = sp.zeros(stages)
for n in range(stages-1):
# mass and restoring forces (diagonal elements)
A[n, n] = k[n] + k[n+1] - m[n] * w**2
# couplings to stages above and below
A[n, n+1] = -k[n+1]
A[n+1, n] = -k[n+1]
# mass and restoring force of bottom stage
A[-1, -1] = k[-1] - m[-1] * w**2
# want TM equations of motion, so index 4
b = sp.zeros(stages, 1)
b[-1] = 1
# solve linear system
xsyms = sp.numbered_symbols('x')
x = [next(xsyms) for n in range(stages)]
ans = sp.linsolve((A, b), x)
return ans
def tst_force_to_tst_displ(k, m, f):
"""transfer function for quad pendulum
k0, k1, k2, k3 = k
m0, m1, m2, m3 = m
w = 2*pi*f
X3 = (k2**2*(k0 + k1 - m0*w**2) + (k1**2 - (k0 + k1 - m0*w**2)*(k1 + k2 - m1*w**2))*(k2 + k3 - m2*w**2))/(-k3**2*(k1**2 - (k0 + k1 - m0*w**2)*(k1 + k2 - m1*w**2)) + (k3 - m3*w**2)*(k2**2*(k0 + k1 - m0*w**2) - (-k1**2 + (k0 + k1 - m0*w**2)*(k1 + k2 - m1*w**2))*(k2 + k3 - m2*w**2)))
return X3
def top_displ_to_tst_displ(k, m, f):
"""transfer function for quad pendulum
k0, k1, k2, k3 = k
m0, m1, m2, m3 = m
w = 2*pi*f
X0 = k1*k2*k3/(k3**2*(k1**2 - (k0 + k1 - m0*w**2)*(k1 + k2 - m1*w**2)) - (k3 - m3*w**2)*(k2**2*(k0 + k1 - m0*w**2) + (k1**2 - (k0 + k1 - m0*w**2)*(k1 + k2 - m1*w**2))*(k2 + k3 - m2*w**2)))
return X0 * k0
def suspQuad(f, sus, material='Silica'):
"""Suspension for quadruple pendulum
`f` is frequency vector, `sus` is suspension model. `material`
specifies material used for test mass suspension stage. steel
used for all other stages. Violin modes are included.
sus.FiberType should be: 0=round, 1=ribbons.
hForce, vForce = transfer functions from the force on the TM to TM
motion these should have the correct losses for the mechanical
system such that the thermal noise is:
dxdF = force on TM along beam line to position of TM along beam line
= hForce + theta^2 * vForce
= admittance / (i * w)
where theta = sus.VHCoupling.theta.
Since this is just suspension thermal noise, the TM internal modes
and coating properties should not be included.
hTable, vTable = TFs from support motion to TM motion
Ah = horizontal equations of motion
Av = vertical equations of motion
Adapted from code by Morag Casey (Matlab) and Geppo Cagnoli
(Maple). Modification for the different temperatures between the
stages by K.Arai.
g = const.g
# bottom stage fiber Type
FiberType = sus.FiberType
assert FiberType in FIBER_TYPES
# Parameter Assignment
def scarray():
return np.zeros(len(sus.Stage))
ds_w = scarray()
dil0 = scarray()
mass = scarray()
length = scarray()
kv0 = scarray()
r_w = scarray()
t_b = scarray()
N_w = scarray()
Temp = scarray()
# wire material properties
alpha_w = scarray()
beta_w = scarray()
rho_w = scarray()
C_w = scarray()
K_w = scarray()
Y_w = scarray()
phi_w = scarray()
# blade material properties
alpha_b = scarray()
beta_b = scarray()
rho_b = scarray()
C_b = scarray()
K_b = scarray()
Y_b = scarray()
phi_b = scarray()
# NOTE: reverse suspension list so that the last stage in the list
# is the test mass
last_stage = len(sus.Stage) - 1
for n, stage in enumerate(reversed(sus.Stage)):
# main suspension parameters
mass[n] = stage.Mass
length[n] = stage.Length
dil0[n] = stage.Dilution
kv0[n] = stage.K
if np.isnan(stage.WireRadius):
if 'FiberRadius' in stage:
r_w[n] = stage.FiberRadius
elif FiberType == 'Ribbon':
r_w[n] = sus.Ribbon.Width
r_w[n] = sus.Fiber.Radius
r_w[n] = stage.WireRadius
# blade thickness
t_b[n] = stage.Blade
# number of support wires
N_w[n] = stage.NWires
if 'Temp' in stage:
Temp[n] = stage.Temp
Temp[n] = sus.Temp
# support wire material parameters
if 'WireMaterial' in stage:
WireMaterial = stage.WireMaterial
elif n == last_stage:
WireMaterial = material
WireMaterial = 'C70Steel'
wireMat = sus[WireMaterial]
alpha_w[n] = wireMat.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_w[n] = wireMat.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho_w[n] = wireMat.Rho # mass density
C_w[n] = wireMat.C # heat capacity
K_w[n] = wireMat.K # W/(m kg)
Y_w[n] = wireMat.Y # Young's modulus
phi_w[n] = wireMat.Phi # loss angle
# surface loss dissipation depth
if 'Dissdepth' in wireMat:
ds_w[n] = wireMat.Dissdepth
# otherwise ignore surface effects
ds_w[n] = 0
# support blade material parameters
if 'BladeMaterial' in stage:
BladeMaterial = stage.BladeMaterial
BladeMaterial = 'MaragingSteel'
bladeMat = sus[BladeMaterial]
alpha_b[n] = bladeMat.Alpha # coeff. thermal expansion
beta_b[n] = bladeMat.dlnEdT # temp. dependence Youngs modulus
rho_b[n] = bladeMat.Rho # mass density
C_b[n] = bladeMat.C # heat capacity
K_b[n] = bladeMat.K # W/(m kg)
Y_b[n] = bladeMat.Y # Young's modulus
phi_b[n] = bladeMat.Phi # loss angle
# weight support by lower stages
Mg = g * np.flipud(np.cumsum(np.flipud(mass)))
# Correction for the pendulum restoring force
kh0 = Mg / length # N/m, horiz. spring constant, stage n
# Thermoelastic Calculations for wires and blades
# wire geometry
tension = Mg / N_w # Tension
xsect = pi * r_w**2 # cross-sectional area
xII = r_w**4 * pi / 4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_h = 4 / r_w # surface to volume ratio, horizontal
mu_v = 2 / r_w # surface to volume ratio, vertical (wire)
# horizontal TE time constant, wires
# The constant 7.37e-2 is 1/(4*q0^2) from eq 12, C. Zener 10.1103/PhysRev.53.90 (1938)
tau_h = 7.37e-2 * 4 * (rho_w * C_w * xsect) / (pi * K_w)
# vertical TE time constant, blades
tau_v = (rho_b * C_b * t_b**2) / (K_b * pi**2)
# vertical delta, blades
delta_v = Y_b * alpha_b**2 * Temp / (rho_b * C_b)
# deal with ribbon geometry for last stage
if FiberType == 'Ribbon':
W = sus.Ribbon.Width
t = sus.Ribbon.Thickness
xsect[-1] = W * t # cross-sectional area
xII[-1] = (W * t**3)/12 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_v[-1] = 2 * (W + t) / (W * t)
mu_h[-1] = mu_v[-1] * (3 * N_w[-1] * W + t) / (N_w[-1] * W + t)
tau_h[-1] = (rho_w[-1] * C_w[-1] * t**2) / (K_w[-1] * pi**2)
# horizontal delta, wires
delta_h = (alpha_w - tension * beta_w / (xsect * Y_w))**2 * Y_w * Temp / (rho_w * C_w)
# deal with tapered geometry for last stage
if FiberType == 'Tapered':
r_end = sus.Fiber.EndRadius
# recompute these for
xsectEnd = pi * r_end**2 # cross-sectional area (for delta_h)
xII[-1] = pi * r_end**4 / 4 # x-sectional moment of inertia
mu_h[-1] = 4 / r_end # surface to volume ratio, horizontal
# use this xsect for thermo-elastic noise
delta_h[-1] = (alpha_w[-1] - tension[-1] * beta_w[-1] / (xsectEnd * Y_w[-1]))**2 * Y_w[-1] * Temp[-1] / (rho_w[-1] * C_w[-1])
# bending length, and dilution factors
d_bend = sqrt(Y_w * xII / tension)
dil = length / d_bend
# dil(~isnan(dil0)) = dil0(~isnan(dil0))
dil = np.where(~np.isnan(dil0), dil0, dil)
# Loss Calculations for wires and blades
# these calculations use the frequency vector
w = 2 * pi * f
phih = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
kh = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
phiv = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
kv = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
for n, stage in enumerate(sus.Stage):
# horizontal loss factor, wires
phih[n, :] = phi_w[n] * (1 + mu_h[n] * ds_w[n]) + delta_h[n] * tau_h[n] * w / (1 + w**2 * tau_h[n]**2)
# complex spring constant, horizontal
kh[n, :] = kh0[n] * (1 + 1j * phih[n, :] / dil[n])
# vertical loss factor, blades
phiv[n, :] = phi_b[n] + delta_v[n] * tau_v[n] * w / (1 + w**2 * tau_v[n]**2)
# complex spring constant, vertical
kv[n, :] = kv0[n] * (1 + 1j * phiv[n, :])
# last suspension stage
# Equations from "GG" (maybe?)
# Suspensions thermal noise in the LIGO gravitational wave detector
# Gabriela Gonzalez, Class. Quantum Grav. 17 (2000) 4409?4435
# Note:
# I in GG = xII
# rho in GG = rho_w * xsect
# delta in GG = d_bend
### Vertical (bounce) ###
# loss factor, last stage suspension, vertical (no blades)
phiv[-1, :] = phi_w[-1] * (1 + mu_v[-1] * ds_w[-1])
# vertical Young's modulus
Y_v = Y_w[-1] * (1 + 1j * phiv[-1, :])
# vertical spring constant, last stage
k_z = sqrt(rho_w[-1] / Y_v) * w
kv4 = N_w[-1] * xsect[-1] * Y_v * k_z / (tan(k_z * length[-1]))
# deal with tapered geometry for last stage
if FiberType == 'Tapered' and 'EndLength' in sus.Fiber:
l_end = 2 * sus.Fiber.EndLength
l_mid = length[-1] - l_end
kv_mid = N_w[-1] * xsect[-1] * Y_v * k_z / (tan(k_z * l_mid))
kv_end = N_w[-1] * xsectEnd * Y_v * k_z / (tan(k_z * l_end))
kv4 = kv_mid * kv_end / (kv_mid + kv_end)
if np.isnan(kv0[-1]):
kv[-1, :] = kv4 # no blades
kv[-1, :] = kv[-1, :] * kv4 / (kv[-1, :] + kv4) # with blades
### Horizontal (pendulum and violins) ###
# horizontal Young's modulus
Y_h = Y_w[-1] * (1 + 1j * phih[-1, :])
# simplification factors for later calculations
ten4 = tension[-1] # T in GG
k4 = sqrt(rho_w[-1] * xsect[-1] / ten4) * w # k in GG
d_bend4 = sqrt(Y_h * xII[-1] / ten4) # complex d_bend(4)
dk4 = k4 * d_bend4
# simp3a is inherited from the previous version of this suspension
# thermal noise calculation (part of simp3).
# I'm not sure where this comes from, but it differs from
# 1 by less than 1e-6 for frequencies below 100Hz (and less than
# 1e-3 up to 10kHz). What's more, the units appear to be wrong.
# (Missing factor of rho * length?)
# [mevans June 2015]
# simp3a = sqrt(1 + d_bend4 .* xsect(4) .* w.^2 / ten4)
simp3a = 1
coskl = simp3a * cos(k4 * length[-1])
sinkl = sin(k4 * length[-1])
# numerator, horiz spring constant, last stage
# numerator of K_xx in eq 9 of GG
# = T k (cos(k L) + k delta sin(k L))
# for w -> 0, this reduces to N_w * T * k
kh4num = N_w[-1] * ten4 * k4 * simp3a * (simp3a**2 + dk4**2) * (coskl + dk4 * sinkl)
# denominator, horiz spring constant, last stage
# D after equation 8 in GG
# D = sin(k L) - 2 k delta cos(k L)
# for w -> 0, this reduces to k (L - 2 delta)
kh4den = ((simp3a**2 - dk4**2) * sinkl - 2 * dk4 * coskl)
# horizontal spring constant, last stage
# K_xx in eq 9 of GG
kh[-1, :] = kh4num / kh4den
# Equations of motion for the system
# Calculate TFs turning on the loss of each stage one by one
hForce = Struct()
vForce = Struct()
hForce.singlylossy = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
vForce.singlylossy = np.zeros([len(sus.Stage), len(w)], dtype=complex)
for n in range(len(mass)):
# horizontal
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used.
k = real(kh) + 1j*imag([kh[0,:]*(n==0),
# calculate TFs
hForce.singlylossy[n,:] = tst_force_to_tst_displ(k, mass, f)
# vertical
# only the imaginary part of the specified stage is used
k = real(kv) + 1j*imag([kv[0,:]*(n==0),
# calculate TFs
vForce.singlylossy[n,:] = tst_force_to_tst_displ(k, mass, f)
# calculate horizontal TFs with all losses on
hForce.fullylossy = tst_force_to_tst_displ(kh, mass, f)
hTable = top_displ_to_tst_displ(kh, mass, f)
# calculate vertical TFs with all losses on
vForce.fullylossy = tst_force_to_tst_displ(kv, mass, f)
vTable = top_displ_to_tst_displ(kv, mass, f)
return hForce, vForce, hTable, vTable
def suspBQuad(f, sus):
"""Wrapper of suspQuad to use Silicon for final stage
FIXME: material should be specified in sus.Stage
return suspQuad(f, sus, material='Silicon')