Reviewed tag, updates to v1.16.0 maximum threads (Nthreads) defaults to 1 Segfaults fixed for Akima spline, see review tests here:
Update to BayesLine (includes Akima splines) Includes multithreading (via --Nthreads argument) Reviewed BayesLine version with review tests residing here:
Update of tagged version 7 (last previously released and reviewed version) but now includes updates to pipeline
Updating for compatibility with LALSim 4.0
Adding CBC model Updating the way Bayeswave is distributed
Changes to dataread operation at resume from checkpointing.
Bugfix to v1.0.6 checkpointing Scientifically identical to v1.0.6
O3 production release. See
First BayesLine-reviewed release suitable for online-PE.
Deployment test tag with pipeline updates to handle recent changes to glue/ligo modules. Unreviewed.
converting to git tag (O2_cleaning)
converting to git tag (O2_offline)