# cWB pipeline shared docker image
This repository contains all source files to
to build a cWB pipeline docker image
## Cloning the cWB shared docker image repository
git clone
0. Download all needed precompiled packages (i.e. CERN root, lal, etc.)
git lfs pull -I "archives/*.bz2"
1. Login and pull the starting image, e.g. debian buster
2. from within the cwb_docker git repository directory launch the building process: depending on the ammount of compilation/installation, it might take from a couple of minutes to hours (if you recompile everything).
3. Once the image has been built locally, you can run it with :
docker run -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -it cwb_docker:test
First log in to GitLab’s Container Registry using your GitLab username and password. If you have 2FA enabled you need to use a personal access token:
docker login
You can also use a deploy token for read-only access to the registry images.
Once you log in, you’re free to create, push or pull a container image using the common build, push and pull commands
docker build -t .
docker push
docker pull