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Commit 647b7ef9 authored by Jameson Graef Rollins's avatar Jameson Graef Rollins
Browse files

Add ability to load ifo data from YAML and MATLAB .mat files

This adds a Struct() class that mimics a MATLAB struct by storing values as
class attributes, but also includes methods for converting to/from dicts,
yaml, and mat_struct objects.

A convenience function load_ifo() is included to load an ifo definition
either from a .yaml or .mat file or from an included <ifo>.yaml.

An 'aLIGO.yaml' definition is included.
parent cf14fd61
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from ifo import load_ifo
from util import precompIFO
from gwinc import noise_calc
from gwinc import gwinc
import os
import re
import yaml
import scipy
import numpy as np
from import mat_struct
# HACK: fix loading number in scientific notation
# An apparent bug in python-yaml prevents it from regognizing
# scientific notation as a float. The following is a modified version
# of the parser that recognize scientific notation appropriately.
loader = yaml.SafeLoader
|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$''', re.X),
class Struct(object):
"""Matlab struct-like object
This is a simple implementation of a MATLAB struct-like object
that stores values as attributes of a simple class: and allows assigning to
attributes recursively, e.g.:
>>> s = Struct()
>>> s.a = 4
>>> s.b = Struct()
>>> s.b.c = 8
Various classmethods allow creating one of these objects from YAML
file, a nested dict, or a MATLAB struct object.
# FIXME: This would be a way to allow setting nested struct
# attributes, e.g.:
# >>> s = Struct()
# >>> s.a.b.c = 4
# Usage of __getattr__ like this is dangerous and creates
# non-intuitive behavior (i.e. an empty struct is returned with
# accessing attributes that don't exist). Is there a way to
# accomplish this without that adverse side affect?
# def __getattr__(self, name):
# if name not in self.__dict__:
# self.__dict__[name] = Struct()
# return self.__dict__[name]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self.__dict__
def to_dict(self):
"""Return nested dictionary representation of Struct.
d = {}
for k,v in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if isinstance(v, Struct):
d[k] = v.to_dict()
# handle lists of Structs
d[k] = [i.to_dict() for i in v]
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
d[k] = v
return d
def to_yaml(self, path=None):
"""Return YAML representation of Struct as nested dict.
Or write Struct to YAML file if file 'path' argument
y = yaml.dump(self.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False)
if path:
with open(path, 'w') as f:
return y
def __repr__(self):
return self.to_yaml().strip('\n')
def __str__(self):
return '<GWINC Struct: {}>'.format(self.__dict__.keys())
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.__dict__)
def walk(self):
"""Iterate over all leaves in the struct tree.
for k,v in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if type(v) is Struct:
for sk,sv in v.walk():
yield k+'.'+sk, sv
for i,vv in enumerate(v):
for sk,sv in vv.walk():
yield '{}[{}].{}'.format(k,i,sk), sv
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
yield k, v
def from_dict(cls, d):
"""Create Struct from nested dict.
c = cls()
for k,v in d.iteritems():
if type(v) == dict:
c.__dict__[k] = Struct.from_dict(v)
c.__dict__[k] = map(Struct.from_dict, v)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
c.__dict__[k] = v
return c
def from_matstruct(cls, s):
"""Create Struct from mat_struct object.
c = cls()
# FIXME: handle 'ifo' attribute at top level. should we
# ignore this?
s = s['ifo']
for k,v in s.__dict__.iteritems():
if k in ['_fieldnames']:
# skip these fields
# FIXME: manaually converting Stage list to individual
# named elements. what's the right thing to do here?
elif k == 'Stage':
for i,stage in enumerate(v):
name = 'Stage{}'.format(i+1)
struct = Struct.from_matstruct(stage)
c.__dict__[name] = struct
elif type(v) is mat_struct:
c.__dict__[k] = Struct.from_matstruct(v)
# handle lists of Structs
c.__dict__[k] = map(Struct.from_matstruct, v)
c.__dict__[k] = v
return c
def from_file(cls, path):
"""Load Struct from .yaml or GWINC .mat file.
File type will be determined by extension.
(root, ext) = os.path.splitext(path)
with open(path, 'r') as f:
if ext in ['.yaml', '.yml']:
d = yaml.load(f, Loader=loader)
return cls.from_dict(d)
elif ext == '.mat':
s =, squeeze_me=True, struct_as_record=False)
return cls.from_matstruct(s)
raise IOError("Unknown file type: {}".format(ext))
def load_ifo(name_or_path):
"""Load IFO by name or from file.
IFO names will correspond to basename of included .yaml IFO
definition file.
When specifying path may be either .yaml or .mat.
if os.path.exists(name_or_path):
path = name_or_path
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
s = Struct.from_file(path)
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
ifo = load_ifo(sys.argv[1])
# print(ifo.to_yaml())
# GWINC aLIGO interferometer parameters
# parameters for quad pendulum suspension updated 3rd May 2006, NAR
# References:
# LIGO-T000012-00-D
# * Differentiate between silica and sapphire substrate absorption
# * Change ribbon suspension aspect ratio
# * Change pendulum frequency
# References:
# 1. Electro-Optic Handbook, Waynant & Ediger (McGraw-Hill: 1993)
# 2. LIGO/GEO data/experience
# 3. Suspension reference design, LIGO-T000012-00
# 4. Quartz Glass for Optics Data and Properties, Heraeus data sheet,
# numbers for suprasil
# 5. Y.S. Touloukian (ed), Thermophysical Properties of Matter
# (IFI/Plenum,1970)
# 6. Marvin J. Weber (ed) CRC Handbook of laser science and technology,
# Vol 4, Pt 2
# 7. R.S. Krishnan et al.,Thermal Expansion of Crystals, Pergamon Press
# 8. P. Klocek, Handbook of infrared and optical materials, Marcel Decker,
# 1991
# 9. Rai Weiss, electronic log from 5/10/2006
# 10. Wikipedia online encyclopedia, 2006
# 11. D.K. Davies, The Generation and Dissipation of Static Charge on
# dielectrics in a Vacuum, page 29
# 12. Gretarsson & Harry, Gretarsson thesis
# 13. Fejer
# 14. Braginsky
# Temperature of the Vacuum
Temp: 290 # K
Length: 3995 # m
pressure: 4.0e-7 # Pa
mass: 3.35e-27 # kg; Mass of H_2 (ref. 10)
polarizability: 7.8e-31 # m^3
s_cc: 7.024 # Watt^-2
s_cs: 7.321 # Watt^-2
s_ss: 7.631 # Watt^-2
# The hardest part to model is how efficient the TCS system is in
# compensating this loss. Thus as a simple Ansatz we define the
# TCS efficiency TCSeff as the reduction in effective power that produces
# a phase distortion. E.g. TCSeff=0.99 means that the compensated distortion
# of 1 Watt absorbed is eqivalent to the uncompensated distortion of 10mWatt.
# The above formula thus becomes:
# S= s_cc P_coat^2 + 2*s_cs*P_coat*P_subst + s_ss*P_subst^2 * (1-TCSeff)^2
# To avoid iterative calculation we define TCS.SCRloss = S as an input
# and calculate TCSeff as an output.
# TCS.SRCloss is incorporated as an additional loss in the SRC
SRCloss: 0.00
Site: 'LHO' # LHO or LLO (only used for Newtonian noise)
KneeFrequency: 10 # Hz; freq where 'flat' noise rolls off
LowFrequencyLevel: 1e-9 # m/rtHz; seismic noise level below f_knee
Gamma: .8 # abruptness of change at f_knee
Rho: 1.8e3 # kg/m^3; density of the ground nearby
Beta: 0.5 # quiet times beta: 0.35-0.60
# noisy times beta: 0.15-1.4
Omicron: 1 # Feedforward cancellation factor
# 0 for cylindrical suspension
#Type: 'Quad'
Type: 2
# 0: round, 1: ribbons
FiberType: 0
BreakStress: 750e6 # Pa; ref. K. Strain
Temp: 290
theta: 1e-3 # vertical-horizontal x-coupling
Rho : 2200 # Kg/m^3;
C : 772 # J/Kg/K;
K : 1.38 # W/m/kg;
Alpha : 3.9e-7 # 1/K;
dlnEdT: 1.52e-4 # (1/K), dlnE/dT
Phi : 4.1e-10 # from G Harry e-mail to NAR 27April06 dimensionless units
Y : 72e9 # Pa; Youngs Modulus
Dissdepth: 1.5e-2 # from G Harry e-mail to NAR 27April06
Rho: 7800
C: 486
K: 49
Alpha: 12e-6
dlnEdT: -2.5e-4
Phi: 2e-4
Y: 212e9 # measured by MB for one set of wires
Rho: 7800
C: 460
K: 20
Alpha: 11e-6
dlnEdT: 0
Phi: 1e-4
Y: 187e9
# ref ----
# all properties should be for T ~ 20 K
Rho: 2330 # Kg/m^3; density
C: 772 # J/kg/K heat capacity
K: 4980 # W/m/K thermal conductivity
Alpha: 1e-9 # 1/K thermal expansion coeff
# from Gysin, et. al. PRB (2004) E(T): E0 - B*T*exp(-T0/T)
# E0: 167.5e9 Pa T0: 317 K B: 15.8e6 Pa/K
dlnEdT: 2.5e-10 # (1/K) dlnE/dT T=20K
Phi: 2e-9 # Nawrodt (2010) loss angle 1/Q
Y: 150e9 # Pa Youngs Modulus
Dissdepth: 1.5e-3 # 10x smaller surface loss depth (Nawrodt (2010))
# Note stage numbering: mirror is at beginning of stack, not end
# last stage length adjusted for d: 10mm and and d_bend = 4mm
# (since 602mm is the CoM separation, and d_bend is accounted for
# in suspQuad, so including it here would double count)
Mass: 39.6 # kg; current numbers May 2006 NAR
Length: 0.59 # m
Dilution: .nan #
K: .nan # N/m; vertical spring constant
WireRadius: .nan # m
Blade: .nan # blade thickness
NWires: 4
Mass: 39.6
Length: 0.341
Dilution: 106
K: 5200
WireRadius: 310e-6
Blade: 4200e-6
NWires: 4
Mass: 21.8
Length: 0.277
Dilution: 80
K: 3900
WireRadius: 350e-6
Blade: 4600e-6
NWires: 4
Mass: 22.1
Length: 0.416
Dilution: 87
K: 3400
WireRadius: 520e-6
Blade: 4300e-6
NWires: 2
Thickness: 115e-6 # m
Width: 1150e-6 # m
Radius: 205e-6 # m
Blade: 4300e-6
## Optic Material -------------------------------------------------------
MassRadius: 0.17 # m;
MassThickness: 0.200 # m; Peter F 8/11/2005
## Dielectric coating material parameters----------------------------------
## high index material: tantala
Yhighn: 140e9
Sigmahighn: 0.23
CVhighn: 2.1e6 # Crooks et al, Fejer et al
Alphahighn: 3.6e-6 # 3.6e-6 Fejer et al, 5e-6 from Braginsky
Betahighn: 1.4e-5 # dn/dT, value Gretarrson (G070161)
ThermalDiffusivityhighn: 33 # Fejer et al
Phihighn: 2.3e-4
Indexhighn: 2.06539
## low index material: silica
Ylown: 72e9
Sigmalown: 0.17
CVlown: 1.6412e6 # Crooks et al, Fejer et al
Alphalown: 5.1e-7 # Fejer et al
Betalown: 8e-6 # dn/dT, (ref. 14)
ThermalDiffusivitylown: 1.38 # Fejer et al
Philown: 4.0e-5
Indexlown: 1.45
## Substrate Material parameters--------------------------------------------
c2 : 7.6e-12 # Coeff of freq depend. term for bulk mechanical loss, 7.15e-12 for Sup2
MechanicalLossExponent: 0.77 # Exponent for freq dependence of silica loss, 0.822 for Sup2
Alphas: 5.2e-12 # Surface loss limit (ref. 12)
MirrorY: 7.27e10 # N/m^2; Youngs modulus (ref. 4)
MirrorSigma: 0.167 # Kg/m^3; Poisson ratio (ref. 4)
MassDensity: 2.2e3 # Kg/m^3; (ref. 4)
MassAlpha: 3.9e-7 # 1/K; thermal expansion coeff. (ref. 4)
MassCM: 739 # J/Kg/K; specific heat (ref. 4)
MassKappa: 1.38 # J/m/s/K; thermal conductivity (ref. 4)
RefractiveIndex: 1.45 # mevans 25 Apr 2008
## Laser-------------------------------------------------------------------
Wavelength: 1.064e-6 # m
Power: 125 # W
## Optics------------------------------------------------------------------
Type: 'SignalRecycled'
PhotoDetectorEfficiency: 0.95 # photo-detector quantum efficiency
Loss: 37.5e-6 # average per mirror power loss
BSLoss: 0.5e-3 # power loss near beamsplitter
coupling: 1.0 # mismatch btwn arms & SRC modes; used to
#SubstrateAbsorption: 0.5e-4 # 1/m; bulk absorption coef (ref. 2)
SubstrateAbsorption: 0.3e-4 # 1/m; 0.3 ppm/cm for Hereaus
pcrit: 10 # W; tolerable heating power (factor 1 ATC)
dc: 1.5707963 # pi/2 # demod/detection/homodyne phase
BeamRadius: 0.055 # m, 1/e^2 power radius
Transmittance: 0.014
CoatingThicknessLown: 0.308
CoatingThicknessCap: 0.5
CoatingAbsorption: 0.5e-6
SubstrateAbsorption: 0.3e-4 # 1/m, 0.3 ppm/cm for Hereaus
BeamRadius: 0.062 # m, 1/e^2 power radius
Transmittance: 5e-6
CoatingThicknessLown: 0.27
CoatingThicknessCap: 0.5
Transmittance: 0.03
Transmittance: 0.20
CavityLength: 55 # m, ITM to SRM distance
Tunephase: 0.0 # SEC tuning
Curvature: # ROC
ITM: 1970
ETM: 2192
## Squeezer Parameters------------------------------------------------------
# Define the squeezing you want:
# None: ignore the squeezer settings
# Freq Independent: nothing special (no filter cavties)
# Freq Dependent = applies the specified filter cavites
# Optimal = find the best squeeze angle, assuming no output filtering
# OptimalOptimal = optimal squeeze angle, assuming optimal readout phase
Type: 'None'
AmplitudedB: 10 # SQZ amplitude [dB]
InjectionLoss: 0.05 # power loss to sqz
SQZAngle: 0 # SQZ phase [radians]
# Parameters for frequency dependent squeezing
fdetune: -14.5 # detuning [Hz]
L: 100 # cavity length
Ti: 0.12e-3 # input mirror trasmission [Power]
Te: 0 # end mirror trasmission
Lrt: 100e-6 # round-trip loss in the cavity
Rot: 0 # phase rotation after cavity
## Variational Output Parameters--------------------------------------------
# Define the output filter cavity chain
# None = ignore the output filter settings
# Chain = apply filter cavity chain
# Optimal = find the best readout phase
Type: 'None'
fdetune: -30 # detuning [Hz]
L: 4000 # cavity length
Ti: 10e-3 # input mirror trasmission [Power]
Te: 0 # end mirror trasmission
Lrt: 100e-6 # round-trip loss in the cavity
Rot: 0 # phase rotation after cavity
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