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  • leo-singer/ligo-skymap-acceptance-tests-public
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  • Leo P. Singer's avatar
    Use same projection for baseline and new volume plots · 112cf0a4
    Leo P. Singer authored
    The script ligo-skymap-plot-volume automatically chooses a
    projection that is aligned with the principal axes of the 3D pdf.
    This projection is a cosmetic choice. Small differences in the
    projection can result in large image differencdes. Align both the
    baseline and the new volumetric plot to the baseline pdf.
  • Leo P. Singer's avatar
    Merge branch 'align-to-baseline' into 'main' · b8456aee
    Leo P. Singer authored
    Use same projection for baseline and new volume plots
    See merge request !3
  • Leo P. Singer's avatar
    Calculate JL divergence for historical sky maps · 9dba4c61
    Leo P. Singer authored
    Calculate the Jenson-Shannon divergence between baseline and new
    sky maps for historical events.
    The Jenson-Shannon divergence is the symmetrized Kullback-Leibler
    (KL) divergence computed using base 2 logarithms and divided by 2.
    It is symmetric and has a value between 0 (for identical
    distributions) and 1.
    In this patch, we compute the divergence, but it is not yet added
    to the MkDocs output.
import argparse
import json
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
from astropy.table import join
from import read_sky_map
from ligo.skymap.healpix_tree import HEALPIX_MACHINE_ORDER, HEALPIX_MACHINE_NSIDE
from ligo.skymap.moc import uniq2nest
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
HPX = HEALPix(nside=HEALPIX_MACHINE_NSIDE, order='nested')
def plog2p(p):
"""Calculate p * log2(p), but return 0 if p is 0."""
result = np.empty_like(p)
zero = p == 0
result[zero] = 0
p_nonzero = p[~zero]
result[~zero] = p_nonzero * np.log2(p_nonzero)
return result
def js_divergence(p, q, dx):
"""Calculate the Jenson-Shannon divergence.
This is the symmetrized Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence computed using
base 2 logarithms and divided by 2. It is symmetric and has a value between
0 (for identical distributions) and 1."""
integrand = plog2p(p) + plog2p(q) - 2 * plog2p(0.5 * (p + q))
return 0.5 * (integrand * dx).sum()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('skymaps', nargs=2)
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load sky map, convert from UNIQ indexing to NESTED indexing at machine order
tables = []
for arg in args.skymaps:
table = read_sky_map(arg, moc=True)
order, ipix = uniq2nest(table.columns.pop('UNIQ'))
ipix <<= 2 * (HEALPIX_MACHINE_ORDER - order)
table['NESTED'] = ipix
# Resample both sky maps to a common grid
table = join(
*tables, keys='NESTED', join_type='outer', metadata_conflicts='silent')
for colname, column in table.columns.items():
if colname != 'NESTED':
for slice in
if slice.start > 0:
column[slice] = column[slice.start - 1]
# Calculate area per pixel
table['AREA'] = np.diff(table['NESTED'], append=HPX.npix) * HPX.pixel_area
# Calculate JS divergence for 2D sky map
divergence_2d = js_divergence(
# Calculate JS divergence for 3D sky map
max_r = 6 * max(table.meta['distmean'] for table in tables)
n_r = 1000
d_r = max_r / n_r
r = d_r * np.arange(1, n_r)
p = norm(loc=table['DISTMU_1'], scale=table['DISTSIGMA_1']).pdf(r[:, np.newaxis]) * table['PROBDENSITY_1'] * table['DISTNORM_1']
q = norm(loc=table['DISTMU_2'], scale=table['DISTSIGMA_2']).pdf(r[:, np.newaxis]) * table['PROBDENSITY_2'] * table['DISTNORM_2']
# Calculate volume of each voxel, defined as the region within the
# HEALPix pixel and contained within the two centric spherical shells
# with radii (r - d_r / 2) and (r + d_r / 2).
dV = (np.square(r[:, np.newaxis]) + np.square(d_r) / 12) * d_r * table['AREA']
divergence_3d = js_divergence(p, q, dV)
# Done
print(json.dumps({'2d': divergence_2d, '3d': divergence_3d}))
...@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ mv output/*.fits output/bayestar.fits ...@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ mv output/*.fits output/bayestar.fits
ligo-skymap-plot baseline/bayestar.fits.gz -o baseline/bayestar.png ligo-skymap-plot baseline/bayestar.fits.gz -o baseline/bayestar.png
ligo-skymap-plot output/bayestar.fits -o output/bayestar.png ligo-skymap-plot output/bayestar.fits -o output/bayestar.png
ligo-skymap-plot-volume baseline/bayestar.fits.gz -o baseline/bayestar.volume.png ligo-skymap-plot-volume baseline/bayestar.fits.gz -o baseline/bayestar.volume.png
ligo-skymap-plot-volume output/bayestar.fits -o output/bayestar.volume.png ligo-skymap-plot-volume output/bayestar.fits -o output/bayestar.volume.png --align-to baseline/bayestar.fits.gz
python -c 'from import compare_images; print(compare_images("baseline/bayestar.png", "output/bayestar.png", 0))' python -c 'from import compare_images; print(compare_images("baseline/bayestar.png", "output/bayestar.png", 0))'
python -c 'from import compare_images; print(compare_images("baseline/bayestar.volume.png", "output/bayestar.volume.png", 0))' python -c 'from import compare_images; print(compare_images("baseline/bayestar.volume.png", "output/bayestar.volume.png", 0))'
python ../htcondor/ baseline/bayestar.fits.gz output/bayestar.fits > output/divergence.json
fitsheader output/bayestar.fits > output/bayestar.txt fitsheader output/bayestar.fits > output/bayestar.txt