Colm Talbot authored
# Conflicts: # examples/open_data_examples/GW150914.py
Colm Talbot authored# Conflicts: # examples/open_data_examples/GW150914.py
Code owners
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.gitlab-ci.yml 2.79 KiB
# This script is an edited version of the example found at
# https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/example-ci-project/blob/python/.gitlab-ci.yml
# Each 0th-indendation level is a job that will be run within GitLab CI
# The only exception are a short list of reserved keywords
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#gitlab-ci-yml
# stages is a reserved keyword that defines job dependencies and
# parallelization. each stage runs in parallel but must complete
# before the next stage begins
- test
- deploy
# test example on python 2
stage: test
image: continuumio/anaconda
- apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install lalsuite enum gwpy
- python setup.py install
# Run tests without finding coverage
- for test in test/*tests.py; do python $test; done
# test example on python 3
stage: test
image: continuumio/anaconda3
- sed -i '/lalsuite/d' requirements.txt
- apt install -y libgl1-mesa-glx
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- pip install 'coverage>=4.5'
- pip install coverage-badge
- python setup.py install
# Run tests and collect coverage data
- coverage --version
- coverage erase
- coverage run --debug=trace --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/conversion_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/calibration_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/detector_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/utils_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/prior_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/sampler_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/waveform_generator_tests.py
- coverage run --include=/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tupak* -a test/likelihood_tests.py
- coverage html
- coverage-badge -o coverage_badge.svg -f
# Run all other tests (no coverage data collected)
- python test/example_tests.py
- python test/noise_realisation_tests.py
# Make the documentation
- pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
- cd docs
- conda install -y make
- make clean
- make html
- htmlcov/
- coverage_badge.svg
- docs/_build/html/