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from __future__ import division

import json
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import numpy as np

from ..core.result import Result as CoreResult
from ..core.utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
from .utils import (plot_spline_pos,

class CompactBinaryCoalesenceResult(CoreResult):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(CompactBinaryCoalesenceResult, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def __get_from_nested_meta_data(self, *keys):
        dictionary = self.meta_data
            item = None
            for k in keys:
                item = dictionary[k]
                dictionary = item
            return item
        except KeyError:
            raise AttributeError(
                "No information stored for {}".format('/'.join(keys)))

    def sampling_frequency(self):
        """ Sampling frequency in Hertz"""
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'sampling_frequency')

    def duration(self):
        """ Duration in seconds """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'duration')

    def start_time(self):
        """ Start time in seconds """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'start_time')

    def time_marginalization(self):
        """ Boolean for if the likelihood used time marginalization """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'time_marginalization')

    def phase_marginalization(self):
        """ Boolean for if the likelihood used phase marginalization """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'phase_marginalization')

    def distance_marginalization(self):
        """ Boolean for if the likelihood used distance marginalization """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'distance_marginalization')

    def waveform_approximant(self):
        """ String of the waveform approximant """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'waveform_arguments', 'waveform_approximant')

    def reference_frequency(self):
        """ Float of the reference frequency """
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'waveform_arguments', 'reference_frequency')

    def frequency_domain_source_model(self):
        """ The frequency domain source model (function)"""
        return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
            'likelihood', 'frequency_domain_source_model')

    def detector_injection_properties(self, detector):
        """ Returns a dictionary of the injection properties for each detector

        The injection properties include the parameters injected, and
        information about the signal to noise ratio (SNR) given the noise

        detector: str [H1, L1, V1]
            Detector name

        injection_properties: dict
            A dictionary of the injection properties

            return self.__get_from_nested_meta_data(
                'likelihood', 'interferometers', detector)
        except AttributeError:
  "No injection for detector {}".format(detector))
            return None

    def plot_calibration_posterior(self, level=.9):
        """ Plots the calibration amplitude and phase uncertainty.
        Adapted from the LALInference version in bayespputils

        level: float,  percentage for confidence levels

        saves a plot to outdir+label+calibration.png

        fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 15), dpi=500)
        posterior = self.posterior

        font_size = 32
        outdir = self.outdir

        parameters = posterior.keys()
        ifos = np.unique([param.split('_')[1] for param in parameters if 'recalib_' in param])
        if ifos.size == 0:
  "No calibration parameters found. Aborting calibration plot.")

        for ifo in ifos:
            if ifo == 'H1':
                color = 'r'
            elif ifo == 'L1':
                color = 'g'
            elif ifo == 'V1':
                color = 'm'
                color = 'c'

            # Assume spline control frequencies are constant
            freq_params = np.sort([param for param in parameters if
                                   'recalib_{0}_frequency_'.format(ifo) in param])

            logfreqs = np.log([posterior[param].iloc[0] for param in freq_params])

            # Amplitude calibration model
            amp_params = np.sort([param for param in parameters if
                                  'recalib_{0}_amplitude_'.format(ifo) in param])
            if len(amp_params) > 0:
                amplitude = 100 * np.column_stack([posterior[param] for param in amp_params])
                plot_spline_pos(logfreqs, amplitude, color=color, level=level,
                                label="{0} (mean, {1}%)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)))

            # Phase calibration model
            phase_params = np.sort([param for param in parameters if
                                    'recalib_{0}_phase_'.format(ifo) in param])
            if len(phase_params) > 0:
                phase = np.column_stack([posterior[param] for param in phase_params])
                plot_spline_pos(logfreqs, phase, color=color, level=level,
                                label="{0} (mean, {1}%)".format(ifo.upper(), int(level * 100)),

        ax1.tick_params(labelsize=.75 * font_size)
        ax2.tick_params(labelsize=.75 * font_size)
        plt.legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': .75 * font_size}, framealpha=0.1)

        ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=font_size)
        ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude (%)', fontsize=font_size)
        ax2.set_ylabel('Phase (deg)', fontsize=font_size)

        filename = os.path.join(outdir, self.label + '_calibration.png')
        fig.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')

    def plot_skymap(
            self, maxpts=None, trials=5, jobs=1, enable_multiresolution=True,
            objid=None, instruments=None, geo=False, dpi=600,
            transparent=False, colorbar=False, contour=[50, 90],
            annotate=True, cmap='cylon'):
        """ Generate a fits file and sky map from a result

        Code adapted from ligo.skymap.tool.ligo_skymap_from_samples and

        maxpts: int
            Number of samples to use, if None all samples are used
        trials: int
            Number of trials at each clustering number
        jobs: int
            Number of multiple threads
        enable_multiresolution: bool
            Generate a multiresolution HEALPix map (default: True)
        objid: st
            Event ID to store in FITS header
        instruments: str
            Name of detectors
        geo: bool
            Plot in geographic coordinates (lat, lon) instead of RA, Dec
        dpi: int
            Resolution of figure in fots per inch
        transparent: bool
            Save image with transparent background
        colorbar: bool
            Show colorbar
        contour: list
            List of contour levels to use
        annotate: bool
            Annotate image with details
        cmap: str
            Name of the colormap to use

        from ligo.skymap import io
        from ligo.skymap.bayestar import rasterize
        from ligo.skymap import version
        from astropy.time import Time
        import numpy as np
        import os
        import pickle
        from ligo.skymap.kde import Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE, Clustered2DSkyKDE
        import healpy as hp
        from import fits
        from ligo.skymap import plot
        from ligo.skymap import postprocess

        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(self.outdir)'Reading samples for skymap')
        data = self.posterior

        if maxpts is not None and maxpts < len(data):
  'Taking random subsample of chain')
            data = data.sample(maxpts)

            pts = data[['ra', 'dec', 'luminosity_distance']].values
            cls = Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE
            distance = True
        except KeyError:
            logger.warning("The results file does not contain luminosity_distance")
            pts = data[['ra', 'dec']].values
            cls = Clustered2DSkyKDE
            distance = False'Initialising skymap class')
        skypost = cls(pts, trials=trials, multiprocess=jobs)

        obj_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, '{}_skypost.obj'.format(self.label))'Pickling skymap to {}'.format(obj_filename))
        with open(obj_filename, 'wb') as out:
            pickle.dump(skypost, out)'Making skymap')
        hpmap = skypost.as_healpix()
        if not enable_multiresolution:
            hpmap = rasterize(hpmap)

        hpmap.meta['creator'] = "bilby"
        hpmap.meta['origin'] = 'LIGO/Virgo'
        hpmap.meta['gps_creation_time'] =
        hpmap.meta['history'] = ""
        if objid is not None:
            hpmap.meta['objid'] = objid
        if instruments:
            hpmap.meta['instruments'] = instruments
        if distance:
            hpmap.meta['distmean'] = np.mean(data['luminosity_distance'])
            hpmap.meta['diststd'] = np.std(data['luminosity_distance'])

            time = data['geocent_time']
            hpmap.meta['gps_time'] = time.mean()
        except KeyError:
            logger.warning('Cannot determine the event time from geocent_time')

        fits_filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "{}_skymap.fits".format(self.label))'Saving skymap fits-file to {}'.format(fits_filename))
        io.write_sky_map(fits_filename, hpmap, nest=True)

        skymap, metadata = fits.read_sky_map(fits_filename, nest=None)
        nside = hp.npix2nside(len(skymap))

        # Convert sky map from probability to probability per square degree.
        deg2perpix = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True)
        probperdeg2 = skymap / deg2perpix

        if geo:
            obstime = Time(metadata['gps_time'], format='gps').utc.isot
            ax = plt.axes(projection='geo degrees mollweide', obstime=obstime)
            ax = plt.axes(projection='astro hours mollweide')

        # Plot sky map.
        vmax = probperdeg2.max()
        img = ax.imshow_hpx(
            (probperdeg2, 'ICRS'), nested=metadata['nest'], vmin=0., vmax=vmax,

        # Add colorbar.
        if colorbar:
            cb = plot.colorbar(img)
            cb.set_label(r'prob. per deg$^2$')

        if contour is not None:
            cls = 100 * postprocess.find_greedy_credible_levels(skymap)
            cs = ax.contour_hpx(
                (cls, 'ICRS'), nested=metadata['nest'],
                colors='k', linewidths=0.5, levels=contour)
            fmt = r'%g\%%' if rcParams['text.usetex'] else '%g%%'
            plt.clabel(cs, fmt=fmt, fontsize=6, inline=True)

        # Add continents.
        if geo:
            geojson_filename = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(plot.__file__), 'ne_simplified_coastline.json')
            with open(geojson_filename, 'r') as geojson_file:
                geoms = json.load(geojson_file)['geometries']
            verts = [coord for geom in geoms
                     for coord in zip(*geom['coordinates'])]
            plt.plot(*verts, color='0.5', linewidth=0.5,

        # Add a white outline to all text to make it stand out from the background.

        if annotate:
            text = []
                objid = metadata['objid']
            except KeyError:
                text.append('event ID: {}'.format(objid))
            if contour:
                pp = np.round(contour).astype(int)
                ii = np.round(np.searchsorted(np.sort(cls), contour) *
                for i, p in zip(ii, pp):
                        u'{:d}% area: {:d} deg$^2$'.format(p, i, grouping=True))
            ax.text(1, 1, '\n'.join(text), transform=ax.transAxes, ha='right')

        filename = os.path.join(self.outdir, "{}_skymap.png".format(self.label))"Generating 2D projected skymap to {}".format(filename))
        plt.savefig(filename, dpi=500)

CBCResult = CompactBinaryCoalesenceResult