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installation.txt 6.63 KiB

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Conda

      .. code-block:: console

          $ conda install -c conda-forge bilby

      Supported python versions: 3.6+.

   .. tab:: Pip

      .. code-block:: console

          $ pip install bilby

      Supported python versions: 3.6+.

This will install all requirements for running :code:`bilby` for general
inference problems, including our default sampler `dynesty
<>`_. Other samplers will need to be
installed via pip or the appropriate means.

To install the requirements for running :code:`` for gravitational
wave inference, please additionally run the following commands.

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Conda

      .. code-block:: console

          $ conda install -c conda-forge gwpy python-lalsimulation

   .. tab:: Pip

      .. code-block:: console

          $ pip install gwpy lalsuite

Install bilby from source

:code:`bilby` is developed and tested with Python 3.6+. In the
following, we assume you have a working python installation, `python pip
and `git <>`_. See :ref:`installing-python` for our
advise on installing anaconda python.

Clone the repository, install the requirements, and then install the software:

.. code-block:: console

   $ git clone
   $ cd bilby/
   $ pip install -r requirements.txt
   $ pip install .

Once you have run these steps, you have :code:`bilby` installed. You can now
try to run the examples.

.. note::
   If you do not have a git.ligo account, and recieve an error message:
   .. code-block:: console Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic).
      fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

   Then you need to use the HTTPS URL, e.g., replace the first line above with

   .. code-block:: console

      $ git clone

.. note::
   You may be use to using :code:`$ python install` to install software
   from source. While it is possible to do this, current recommentations from
   the python community (see, e.g. `this site <>`_
   are to use :code:`pip`. For development install, the :code:`-e` flag can be

Installing optional requirements

The `requirements.txt
<>`_ is a
minimal set of requirements for using :code:`bilby`. Additionally, we provide:

1. The file `optional_requirements.txt
which you should install if you plan to use :code:`bilby` for
gravitational-wave data analysis.

2. By default, we only require the default sampler dynesty_ be installed. For
instructions on installing other samplers, see :ref:`Installing samplers`.

.. _installing-python:

Installing python

Most computers/clusters have a system installed python version. You may choose
to use this, but here we describe an alternative. In particular, how to install
the `anaconda distribution python package
<>`_. Firstly, download the install
file, you can do this from the link above, or run the command

.. code-block:: console

   $ wget

this will download an installer for python 3.6, for other versions check
the `anaconda page <>`_.
Then, `run the command

.. code-block:: console

   $ bash

and follow the prompts on the install screen.  After this process, you should
have a directory :code:`~/anaconda3` in your home directory. This contains your
python installation. In particular, if you run the command

.. code-block:: console

   $ which python

The output here (with a suitable replacement of the path) indicates that you
are using the anaconda install of python. If instead, the output says something
like :code;`/usr/bin/python`, then this is not the anaconda installation, but
instead the system python.

If you are finding that you have run the above steps, but :code:`python` is
not pointing to your anaconda install, make sure that (a) you have appended a
line like this to your :code:`.bashrc` file

.. code-block:: console

   export PATH="${HOME}/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

and (b) that you have restarted bash for this line to take effect (i.e., run
:code:`$ bash`).

.. note::

    Using your own installation of python has several advantages: its generally
    easier to debug, avoids conflicts with other packages, and if you end up
    with a broken installation you can just delete the directory and start

Installing lalsuite

For many gravitational-wave related examples you'll need access to the
`lalsuite <>`_ tool set. These should be
installed by default in the requirements. However, if you have problems with
your installation, you can first try to install the simple way:

.. code-block:: console

   $ pip install lalsuite.

If this doesn't work, or you prefer to, you can also install from source.

First, head to to check you have an
account and SSH keys set up. Then,

.. code-block:: console

   $ git lfs install # you may need to install git-lfs first
   $ git clone
   $ cd lalsuite
   $ ./00boot
   $ ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/lalsuite-install --disable-all-lal --enable-swig  --enable-lalsimulation
   $ make; make install

Warning: in the configure line here, we have disabled everything except
lalsimulation. If you need other modules, see `./configure --help`.

Common problems: multiple bilby versions

Occasionally, it is possible to end up with multiple bilby installations.
To diagnose this, run the following

.. code-block:: console

   $ python -c 'import bilby; print(bilby.__file__)'

Here we can see it's installed under `site-packages` within anaconda. Your
installation path may differ. If you believe you have multiple installs, you
can verify this by running :code:`ls` in that directory. Then, you
can purge your installation of bilby by running

.. code-block:: console

   $ rm -r /home/user1/anaconda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bilby*

Replacing the path with the output of the previous command.