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Commit 2f179803 authored by Shanika Galaudage's avatar Shanika Galaudage
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Merge branch 'slabspikeificator' into 'master'

Generic Slab and spike priors for bilby

See merge request !857
parents fe308ee3 6b14e6b1
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1 merge request!857Generic Slab and spike priors for bilby
Pipeline #164409 passed
......@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ from .conditional import *
from .dict import *
from .interpolated import *
from .joint import *
from .slabspike import *
......@@ -618,6 +618,7 @@ class TruncatedGaussian(Prior):
/ self.sigma / self.normalisation * self.is_in_prior_range(val)
def cdf(self, val):
val = np.atleast_1d(val)
_cdf = (erf((val - / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma) - erf(
(self.minimum - / 2 ** 0.5 / self.sigma)) / 2 / self.normalisation
_cdf[val > self.maximum] = 1
import numpy as np
from bilby.core.prior.base import Prior
from bilby.core.utils import logger
class SlabSpikePrior(Prior):
def __init__(self, slab, spike_location=None, spike_height=0):
"""'Slab-and-spike' prior, see e.g.
This prior is composed of a `slab`, i.e. any common prior distribution,
and a Dirac spike at a fixed location. This can effectively be used
to emulate sampling in the number of dimensions (similar to reversible-
jump MCMC).
`SymmetricLogUniform` and `FermiDirac` are currently not supported.
slab: Prior
Any instance of a bilby prior class. All general prior attributes
from the slab are copied into the SlabSpikePrior.
Note that this hasn't been tested for conditional priors.
spike_location: float, optional
Location of the Dirac spike. Must be between minimum and maximum
of the slab. Defaults to the minimum of the slab
spike_height: float, optional
Relative weight of the spike compared to the slab. Must be
between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0, i.e. the prior is just the slab.
self.slab = slab
super().__init__(, latex_label=self.slab.latex_label, unit=self.slab.unit,
minimum=self.slab.minimum, maximum=self.slab.maximum,
check_range_nonzero=self.slab.check_range_nonzero, boundary=self.slab.boundary)
self.spike_location = spike_location
self.spike_height = spike_height
self.inverse_cdf_below_spike = self._find_inverse_cdf_fraction_before_spike()
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Disregard the following warning when running tests:\n {}".format(e))
def spike_location(self):
return self._spike_loc
def spike_location(self, spike_loc):
if spike_loc is None:
spike_loc = self.minimum
if not self.minimum <= spike_loc <= self.maximum:
raise ValueError("Spike location {} not within prior domain ".format(spike_loc))
self._spike_loc = spike_loc
def spike_height(self):
return self._spike_height
def spike_height(self, spike_height):
if 0 <= spike_height <= 1:
self._spike_height = spike_height
raise ValueError("Spike height must be between 0 and 1, but is {}".format(spike_height))
def slab_fraction(self):
""" Relative prior weight of the slab. """
return 1 - self.spike_height
def _find_inverse_cdf_fraction_before_spike(self):
return float(self.slab.cdf(self.spike_location)) * self.slab_fraction
def rescale(self, val):
'Rescale' a sample from the unit line element to the prior.
val: Union[float, int, array_like]
A random number between 0 and 1
array_like: Associated prior value with input value.
val = np.atleast_1d(val)
lower_indices = np.where(val < self.inverse_cdf_below_spike)[0]
intermediate_indices = np.where(np.logical_and(
self.inverse_cdf_below_spike <= val,
val <= self.inverse_cdf_below_spike + self.spike_height))[0]
higher_indices = np.where(val > self.inverse_cdf_below_spike + self.spike_height)[0]
res = np.zeros(len(val))
res[lower_indices] = self._contracted_rescale(val[lower_indices])
res[intermediate_indices] = self.spike_location
res[higher_indices] = self._contracted_rescale(val[higher_indices] - self.spike_height)
return res
def _contracted_rescale(self, val):
Contracted version of the rescale function that implements the `rescale` function
on the pure slab part of the prior.
val: Union[float, int, array_like]
A random number between 0 and self.slab_fraction
array_like: Associated prior value with input value.
return self.slab.rescale(val / self.slab_fraction)
def prob(self, val):
"""Return the prior probability of val.
Returns np.inf for the spike location
val: Union[float, int, array_like]
array_like: Prior probability of val
res = self.slab.prob(val) * self.slab_fraction
res = np.atleast_1d(res)
res[np.where(val == self.spike_location)] = np.inf
return res
def ln_prob(self, val):
"""Return the Log prior probability of val.
Returns np.inf for the spike location
val: Union[float, int, array_like]
array_like: Prior probability of val
res = self.slab.ln_prob(val) + np.log(self.slab_fraction)
res = np.atleast_1d(res)
res[np.where(val == self.spike_location)] = np.inf
return res
def cdf(self, val):
""" Return the CDF of the prior.
This calls to the slab CDF and adds a discrete step
at the spike location.
val: Union[float, int, array_like]
array_like: CDF value of val
res = self.slab.cdf(val) * self.slab_fraction
res = np.atleast_1d(res)
indices_above_spike = np.where(val > self.spike_location)[0]
res[indices_above_spike] += self.spike_height
return res
#!/usr/bin/env python
An example of how to use slab-and-spike priors in bilby.
In this example we look at a simple example with the sum
of two Gaussian distributions, and we try to fit with
up to three Gaussians.
import bilby
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
outdir = 'outdir'
label = 'slabspike'
# Here we define our model. We want to inject two Gaussians and recover with up to three.
def gaussian(xs, amplitude, mu, sigma):
return amplitude / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * sigma**2) * np.exp(-0.5 * (xs - mu)**2 / sigma**2)
def triple_gaussian(xs, amplitude_0, amplitude_1, amplitude_2, mu_0, mu_1, mu_2, sigma_0, sigma_1, sigma_2, **kwargs):
return \
gaussian(xs, amplitude_0, mu_0, sigma_0) + \
gaussian(xs, amplitude_1, mu_1, sigma_1) + \
gaussian(xs, amplitude_2, mu_2, sigma_2)
# Let's create our data set. We create 200 points on a grid.
xs = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
dx = xs[1] - xs[0]
# Note for our injection parameters we set the amplitude of the second component to 0.
injection_params = dict(amplitude_0=-3, mu_0=-4, sigma_0=4,
amplitude_1=0, mu_1=0, sigma_1=1,
amplitude_2=4, mu_2=3, sigma_2=3)
# We calculate the injected curve and add some Gaussian noise on the data points
sigma = 0.02
p = bilby.core.prior.Gaussian(mu=0, sigma=sigma)
ys = triple_gaussian(xs=xs, **injection_params) + p.sample(len(xs))
plt.errorbar(xs, ys, yerr=sigma, fmt=".k", capsize=0, label='Injected data')
plt.plot(xs, triple_gaussian(xs=xs, **injection_params), label='True signal')
# Now we want to set up our priors.
priors = bilby.core.prior.PriorDict()
# For the slab-and-spike prior, we first need to define the 'slab' part, which is just a regular bilby prior.
amplitude_slab_0 = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=-10, maximum=10, name='amplitude_0', latex_label='$A_0$')
amplitude_slab_1 = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=-10, maximum=10, name='amplitude_1', latex_label='$A_1$')
amplitude_slab_2 = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=-10, maximum=10, name='amplitude_2', latex_label='$A_2$')
# We do the following to create the slab-and-spike prior. The spike height is somewhat arbitrary and can
# be corrected in post-processing.
priors['amplitude_0'] = bilby.core.prior.SlabSpikePrior(slab=amplitude_slab_0, spike_location=0, spike_height=0.1)
priors['amplitude_1'] = bilby.core.prior.SlabSpikePrior(slab=amplitude_slab_1, spike_location=0, spike_height=0.1)
priors['amplitude_2'] = bilby.core.prior.SlabSpikePrior(slab=amplitude_slab_2, spike_location=0, spike_height=0.1)
# Our problem has a degeneracy in the ordering. In general, this problem is somewhat difficult to resolve properly.
# See e.g. for an implementation.
# We resolve this by not letting the priors overlap in this case.
priors['mu_0'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=-5, maximum=-2, name='mu_0', latex_label='$\mu_0$')
priors['mu_1'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=-2, maximum=2, name='mu_1', latex_label='$\mu_1$')
priors['mu_2'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(minimum=2, maximum=5, name='mu_2', latex_label='$\mu_2$')
priors['sigma_0'] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name='sigma_0', latex_label='$\sigma_0$')
priors['sigma_1'] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name='sigma_1', latex_label='$\sigma_1$')
priors['sigma_2'] = bilby.core.prior.LogUniform(minimum=0.01, maximum=10, name='sigma_2', latex_label='$\sigma_2$')
# Setting up the likelihood and running the samplers works the same as elsewhere.
likelihood = bilby.core.likelihood.GaussianLikelihood(x=xs, y=ys, func=triple_gaussian, sigma=sigma)
result = bilby.run_sampler(likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors, outdir=outdir, label=label,
sampler='dynesty', nlive=400)
# Let's also plot the maximum likelihood fit along with the data.
max_like_params = result.posterior.iloc[-1]
plt.errorbar(xs, ys, yerr=sigma, fmt=".k", capsize=0, label='Injected data')
plt.plot(xs, triple_gaussian(xs=xs, **injection_params), label='True signal')
plt.plot(xs, triple_gaussian(xs=xs, **max_like_params), label='Max likelihood fit')
# Finally, we can check what fraction of amplitude samples are exactly on the spike.
spike_samples_0 = len(np.where(result.posterior['amplitude_0'] == 0.0)[0]) / len(result.posterior)
spike_samples_1 = len(np.where(result.posterior['amplitude_1'] == 0.0)[0]) / len(result.posterior)
spike_samples_2 = len(np.where(result.posterior['amplitude_2'] == 0.0)[0]) / len(result.posterior)
print(f"{spike_samples_0 * 100:.2f}% of amplitude_0 samples are exactly 0.0")
print(f"{spike_samples_1 * 100:.2f}% of amplitude_1 samples are exactly 0.0")
print(f"{spike_samples_2 * 100:.2f}% of amplitude_2 samples are exactly 0.0")
import numpy as np
import unittest
import bilby
from bilby.core.prior.slabspike import SlabSpikePrior
from bilby.core.prior.analytical import Uniform, PowerLaw, LogUniform, TruncatedGaussian, \
Beta, Gaussian, Cosine, Sine, HalfGaussian, LogNormal, Exponential, StudentT, Logistic, \
Cauchy, Gamma, ChiSquared
class TestSlabSpikePrior(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.minimum = 0
self.maximum = 1
self.spike_loc = 0.5
self.spike_height = 0.3
self.slab = bilby.core.prior.Prior(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum)
self.prior = SlabSpikePrior(
slab=self.slab, spike_location=self.spike_loc, spike_height=self.spike_height)
def tearDown(self):
del self.minimum
del self.maximum
del self.spike_loc
del self.spike_height
del self.prior
del self.slab
def test_slab_fraction(self):
expected = 1 - self.spike_height
self.assertEqual(expected, self.prior.slab_fraction)
def test_spike_loc(self):
self.assertEqual(self.spike_loc, self.prior.spike_location)
def test_set_spike_loc_none(self):
self.prior.spike_location = None
self.assertEqual(self.prior.minimum, self.prior.spike_location)
def test_set_spike_loc_outside_domain(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.prior.spike_location = 1.5
def test_set_spike_loc_maximum(self):
self.prior.spike_location = self.maximum
self.assertEqual(self.maximum, self.prior.spike_location)
def test_class_name(self):
expected = "SlabSpikePrior"
self.assertEqual(expected, self.prior.__class__.__name__)
self.assertEqual(expected, self.prior.__class__.__qualname__)
def test_set_spike_height_outside_domain(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
self.prior.spike_height = 1.5
def test_set_spike_height_domain_edge(self):
self.prior.spike_height = 0
self.prior.spike_height = 1
class TestSlabSpikeClasses(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.minimum = 0.4
self.maximum = 2.4
self.spike_loc = 1.5
self.spike_height = 0.3
self.slabs = [
Uniform(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum),
PowerLaw(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum, alpha=2),
LogUniform(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum),
TruncatedGaussian(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum, mu=0, sigma=1),
Beta(minimum=self.minimum, maximum=self.maximum, alpha=1, beta=1),
Gaussian(mu=0, sigma=1),
LogNormal(mu=1, sigma=2),
Logistic(mu=2, scale=1),
Cauchy(alpha=1, beta=2),
Gamma(k=1, theta=1.),
self.slab_spikes = [SlabSpikePrior(slab, spike_height=self.spike_height, spike_location=self.spike_loc)
for slab in self.slabs]
self.test_nodes_finite_support = np.linspace(self.minimum, self.maximum, 1000)
self.test_nodes_infinite_support = np.linspace(-10, 10, 1000)
self.test_nodes = [self.test_nodes_finite_support
if np.isinf(slab.minimum) or np.isinf(slab.maximum)
else self.test_nodes_finite_support for slab in self.slabs]
def tearDown(self):
del self.minimum
del self.maximum
del self.spike_loc
del self.spike_height
del self.slabs
del self.test_nodes_finite_support
del self.test_nodes_infinite_support
def test_prob_on_slab(self):
for slab, slab_spike, test_nodes in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes, self.test_nodes):
expected = slab.prob(test_nodes) * slab_spike.slab_fraction
actual = slab_spike.prob(test_nodes)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_prob_on_spike(self):
for slab_spike in self.slab_spikes:
self.assertEqual(np.inf, slab_spike.prob(self.spike_loc))
def test_ln_prob_on_slab(self):
for slab, slab_spike, test_nodes in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes, self.test_nodes):
expected = slab.ln_prob(test_nodes) + np.log(slab_spike.slab_fraction)
actual = slab_spike.ln_prob(test_nodes)
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected, actual))
def test_ln_prob_on_spike(self):
for slab_spike in self.slab_spikes:
self.assertEqual(np.inf, slab_spike.ln_prob(self.spike_loc))
def test_inverse_cdf_below_spike_with_spike_at_minimum(self):
for slab in self.slabs:
slab_spike = SlabSpikePrior(slab=slab, spike_height=0.4, spike_location=slab.minimum)
self.assertEqual(0, slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike)
def test_inverse_cdf_below_spike_with_spike_at_maximum(self):
for slab in self.slabs:
slab_spike = SlabSpikePrior(slab=slab, spike_height=0.4, spike_location=slab.maximum)
expected = 1 - slab_spike.spike_height
actual = slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_inverse_cdf_below_spike_arbitrary_position(self):
def test_cdf_below_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike, test_nodes in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes, self.test_nodes):
test_nodes = test_nodes[np.where(test_nodes < self.spike_loc)]
expected = slab.cdf(test_nodes) * slab_spike.slab_fraction
actual = slab_spike.cdf(test_nodes)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_cdf_at_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes):
expected = slab.cdf(self.spike_loc) * slab_spike.slab_fraction
actual = slab_spike.cdf(self.spike_loc)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_cdf_above_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike, test_nodes in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes, self.test_nodes):
test_nodes = test_nodes[np.where(test_nodes > self.spike_loc)]
expected = slab.cdf(test_nodes) * slab_spike.slab_fraction + self.spike_height
actual = slab_spike.cdf(test_nodes)
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected, actual))
def test_cdf_at_minimum(self):
for slab_spike in self.slab_spikes:
expected = 0
actual = slab_spike.cdf(slab_spike.minimum)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_cdf_at_maximum(self):
for slab_spike in self.slab_spikes:
expected = 1
actual = slab_spike.cdf(slab_spike.maximum)
self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def test_rescale_no_spike(self):
for slab in self.slabs:
slab_spike = SlabSpikePrior(slab=slab, spike_height=0, spike_location=slab.minimum)
vals = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000)
expected = slab.rescale(vals)
actual = slab_spike.rescale(vals)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_rescale_below_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes):
vals = np.linspace(0, slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike, 1000)
expected = slab.rescale(vals / slab_spike.slab_fraction)
actual = slab_spike.rescale(vals)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_rescale_at_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes):
vals = np.linspace(slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike,
slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike + slab_spike.spike_height, 1000)
expected = np.ones(len(vals)) * slab.rescale(vals[0] / slab_spike.slab_fraction)
actual = slab_spike.rescale(vals)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
def test_rescale_above_spike(self):
for slab, slab_spike in zip(self.slabs, self.slab_spikes):
vals = np.linspace(slab_spike.inverse_cdf_below_spike + self.spike_height, 1, 1000)
expected = np.ones(len(vals)) * slab.rescale(
(vals - self.spike_height) / slab_spike.slab_fraction)
actual = slab_spike.rescale(vals)
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(expected, actual, rtol=1e-5))
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