"10:31 bilby INFO : No power spectral density provided, using aLIGO,zero detuning, high power.\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : Injected signal in H1:\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : optimal SNR = 120.28\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : matched filter SNR = 120.60-0.46j\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : mass_1 = 36.0\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : mass_2 = 29.0\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : a_1 = 0.4\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : a_2 = 0.3\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : tilt_1 = 0.5\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : tilt_2 = 1.0\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : phi_12 = 1.7\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : phi_jl = 0.3\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : luminosity_distance = 200.0\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : theta_jn = 0.4\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : phase = 1.3\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : ra = 1.375\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : dec = -1.2108\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.413\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : psi = 2.659\n",
"10:31 bilby WARNING : The waveform_generator start_time is not equal to that of the provided interferometers. Overwriting the waveform_generator.\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : Running for label 'example', output will be saved to 'visualising_the_results'\n",
"10:31 bilby INFO : Using LAL version Branch: None;Tag: lalsuite-v6.60;Id: 413788d4afeff8b759d8d75abe589ae4a846120c;;Builder: Unknown User <>;Repository status: CLEAN: All modifications committed\n",
"/Users/virginiademilio/anaconda3/envs/bilby_source/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:3334: UserWarning: To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.\n",
" warn(\"To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.\", stacklevel=1)\n"
"source": [
"import bilby\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
@@ -34,6 +164,7 @@
"outdir = 'visualising_the_results' # directory in which to store output\n",
"label = 'example' # identifier to apply to output files\n",
"# specify injection parameters\n",
"injection_parameters = dict(\n",
"mass_1=36., # source frame (non-redshifted) primary mass (solar masses)\n",
"mass_2=29., # source frame (non-redshifted) secondary mass (solar masses)\n",
@@ -44,22 +175,25 @@
"phi_12=1.7, # azimuthal angle between primary and secondary spin (radians)\n",
"phi_jl=0.3, # azimuthal angle between total angular momentum and orbital angular momentum (radians)\n",
"luminosity_distance=200., # luminosity distance to source (Mpc)\n",
"iota=0.4, # inclination angle between line of sight and orbital angular momentum (radians)\n",
"theta_jn=0.4, # inclination angle between line of sight and orbital angular momentum (radians)\n",
In this tutorial, we demonstrate the plotting tools built-in to `bilby` and how to extend them. First, we run a simple injection study and return the `result` object.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
time_duration=4.# time duration (seconds)
sampling_frequency=2048.# sampling frequency (Hz)
outdir='visualising_the_results'# directory in which to store output
label='example'# identifier to apply to output files
# specify injection parameters
mass_1=36.,# source frame (non-redshifted) primary mass (solar masses)
mass_2=29.,# source frame (non-redshifted) secondary mass (solar masses)
a_1=0.4,# primary dimensionless spin magnitude
a_2=0.3,# secondary dimensionless spin magnitude
tilt_1=0.5,# polar angle between primary spin and the orbital angular momentum (radians)
tilt_2=1.0,# polar angle between secondary spin and the orbital angular momentum
phi_12=1.7,# azimuthal angle between primary and secondary spin (radians)
phi_jl=0.3,# azimuthal angle between total angular momentum and orbital angular momentum (radians)
luminosity_distance=200.,# luminosity distance to source (Mpc)
iota=0.4,# inclination angle between line of sight and orbital angular momentum (radians)
theta_jn=0.4,# inclination angle between line of sight and orbital angular momentum (radians)
phase=1.3,# phase (radians)
waveform_approximant='IMRPhenomPv2',# waveform approximant name
reference_frequency=50.,# gravitational waveform reference frequency (Hz)
ra=1.375,# source right ascension (radians)
dec=-1.2108,# source declination (radians)
geocent_time=1126259642.413,# reference time at geocentre (time of coalescence or peak amplitude) (GPS seconds)
psi=2.659# gravitational wave polarisation angle
# specify waveform arguments
waveform_approximant='IMRPhenomPv2',# waveform approximant name
reference_frequency=50.,# gravitational waveform reference frequency (Hz)
10:31 bilby INFO : No power spectral density provided, using aLIGO,zero detuning, high power.
10:31 bilby INFO : Injected signal in H1:
10:31 bilby INFO : optimal SNR = 120.28
10:31 bilby INFO : matched filter SNR = 120.60-0.46j
10:31 bilby INFO : mass_1 = 36.0
10:31 bilby INFO : mass_2 = 29.0
10:31 bilby INFO : a_1 = 0.4
10:31 bilby INFO : a_2 = 0.3
10:31 bilby INFO : tilt_1 = 0.5
10:31 bilby INFO : tilt_2 = 1.0
10:31 bilby INFO : phi_12 = 1.7
10:31 bilby INFO : phi_jl = 0.3
10:31 bilby INFO : luminosity_distance = 200.0
10:31 bilby INFO : theta_jn = 0.4
10:31 bilby INFO : phase = 1.3
10:31 bilby INFO : ra = 1.375
10:31 bilby INFO : dec = -1.2108
10:31 bilby INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.413
10:31 bilby INFO : psi = 2.659
10:31 bilby WARNING : The waveform_generator start_time is not equal to that of the provided interferometers. Overwriting the waveform_generator.
10:31 bilby INFO : Running for label 'example', output will be saved to 'visualising_the_results'
10:31 bilby INFO : Using LAL version Branch: None;Tag: lalsuite-v6.60;Id: 413788d4afeff8b759d8d75abe589ae4a846120c;;Builder: Unknown User <>;Repository status: CLEAN: All modifications committed
File "/Users/virginiademilio/Documents/Bilby/bilby/bilby/gw/source.py", line 71, in lal_binary_black_hole
phi_jl=phi_jl, **waveform_kwargs)
File "/Users/virginiademilio/Documents/Bilby/bilby/bilby/gw/source.py", line 272, in _base_lal_cbc_fd_waveform
waveform_dictionary, approximant)
File "/Users/virginiademilio/Documents/Bilby/bilby/bilby/gw/utils.py", line 798, in lalsim_SimInspiralChooseFDWaveform
waveform_dictionary, approximant)
File "/Users/virginiademilio/Documents/Bilby/bilby/bilby/core/sampler/dynesty.py", line 385, in write_current_state_and_exit
SystemExit: 130
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.
SystemExit: 130
/Users/virginiademilio/anaconda3/envs/bilby_source/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py:3334: UserWarning: To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.
warn("To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.", stacklevel=1)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
In running this code, we already made the first plot! In the function `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`, the ASD, detector data, and signal are plotted together. This figure is saved under `visualsing_the_results/H1_frequency_domain_data.png`. Note that `visualising_the_result` is our `outdir` where all the output of the run is stored. Let's take a quick look at that directory now:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Corner plots
Now lets make some corner plots. You can easily generate a corner plot using `result.plot_corner()` like this:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
In a notebook, this figure will display. But by default the file is also saved to `visualising_the_result/example_corner.png`. If you change the label to something more descriptive then the `example` here will of course be replaced.
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You may also want to plot a subset of the parameters, or perhaps add the `injection_paramters` as lines to check if you recovered them correctly. All this can be done through `plot_corner`. Under the hood, `plot_corner` uses
[chain consumer](https://samreay.github.io/ChainConsumer/index.html), and all the keyword arguments passed to `plot_corner` are passed through to [the `plot` function of chain consumer](https://samreay.github.io/ChainConsumer/chain_api.html#chainconsumer.plotter.Plotter.plot).
### Adding injection parameters to the plot
In the previous plot, you'll notice `bilby` added the injection parameters to the plot by default. You can switch this off by setting `truth=None` when you call `plot_corner`. Or to add different injection parameters to the plot, just pass this as a keyword argument for `truth`. In this example, we just add a line for the luminosity distance by passing a dictionary of the value we want to display.
Notice here, we also passed in a keyword argument `filename=`, this overwrites the default filename and instead saves the file as `visualising_the_results/subset.png`. Useful if you want to create lots of different plots. Let's check what the outdir looks like now
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Alternative
If you would prefer to do the plotting yourself, you can get hold of the samples and the ordering as follows and then plot with a different module. Here is an example using the [`corner`](http://corner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) package
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Other plots
We also include some other types of plots which may be useful. Again, these are built on chain consumer so you may find it useful to check the [documentation](https://samreay.github.io/ChainConsumer/chain_api.html#plotter-class) to see how these plots can be extended. Below, we show just one example of these.
#### Distribution plots
These plots just show the 1D histograms for each parameter