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Add finished run of compare samplers

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%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Compare samplers
In this notebook, we'll compare the different samplers implemented in `tupak`. As of this version, we don't compare the outputs, only how to run them and the timings for their default setup.
## Setup
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import tupak
time_duration = 1.
sampling_frequency = 4096.
injection_parameters = dict(mass_1=36., mass_2=29., a_1=0, a_2=0, tilt_1=0, tilt_2=0, phi_12=0, phi_jl=0,
luminosity_distance=100., iota=0.4, phase=1.3, waveform_approximant='IMRPhenomPv2',
reference_frequency=50., ra=1.375, dec=-1.2108, geocent_time=1126259642.413,
waveform_generator = tupak.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator(
hf_signal = waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain()
H1 = tupak.detector.get_empty_interferometer('H1')
H1.set_data(sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=time_duration,
H1.inject_signal(waveform_polarizations=hf_signal, parameters=injection_parameters)
IFOs = [H1]
likelihood = tupak.likelihood.GravitationalWaveTransient(IFOs, waveform_generator)
%% Output
11:28 INFO : Running tupak version: (UNCLEAN) 5a8eda6 2018-05-17 19:56:51 -0500
11:28 INFO : Setting H1 data using noise realization from providedpower_spectal_density
11:28 INFO : Injection found with optimal SNR = 223.94 and matched filter SNR = 224.47 in H1
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## Prior
For this test, we will simply search of the sky position, setting the other parameters to their simulated values.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
priors = tupak.prior.parse_floats_to_fixed_priors(injection_parameters)
priors['ra'] = tupak.prior.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi, 'ra')
priors['dec'] = tupak.prior.Uniform(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 'dec')
%% Output
11:28 INFO : Expected parameter waveform_approximant to be a float or int but was <type 'str'> instead. Will not be converted.
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## PyMultinest
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
result = tupak.sampler.run_sampler(
likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='pymultinest', label='pymultinest',
npoints=200, verbose=False, resume=False)
fig = result.plot_corner(save=False)
%% Output
11:28 INFO : waveform_approximant cannot be converted to delta function prior.
11:28 INFO : Writing priors to outdir/prior.txt
11:28 INFO : Search parameters:
11:28 INFO : ra ~ Uniform(support=6.28318530718, minimum=0, name=ra, maximum=6.28318530718, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{RA}$)
11:28 INFO : dec ~ Uniform(support=3.14159265359, minimum=-1.57079632679, name=dec, maximum=1.57079632679, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{DEC}$)
11:28 INFO : psi = 2.659
11:28 INFO : a_2 = 0
11:28 INFO : a_1 = 0
11:28 INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.41
11:28 INFO : reference_frequency = 50.0
11:28 INFO : phi_jl = 0
11:28 INFO : phase = 1.3
11:28 INFO : mass_2 = 29.0
11:28 INFO : mass_1 = 36.0
11:28 INFO : phi_12 = 0
11:28 INFO : luminosity_distance = 100.0
11:28 INFO : tilt_2 = 0
11:28 INFO : iota = 0.4
11:28 INFO : tilt_1 = 0
11:28 WARNING : Cannot sample from waveform_approximant, 'str' object has no attribute 'sample'
11:28 INFO : Using sampler Pymultinest with kwargs {'importance_nested_sampling': False, 'verbose': False, 'resume': False, 'sampling_efficiency': 'parameter', 'outputfiles_basename': 'outdir/pymultinest_pymultinest/', 'n_live_points': 200}
11:29 INFO : Renaming existing file outdir/pymultinest_result.h5 to outdir/pymultinest_result.h5.old
11:29 INFO : Saving result to outdir/pymultinest_result.h5
11:29 WARNING : Parameter $\mathrm{DEC}$ in chain pymultinest is not constrained
analysing data from outdir/pymultinest_pymultinest/.txt
nsamples: 218
noise_logz: -27253.938
logz: -1954.211 +/- 0.256
log_bayes_factor: 25299.727 +/- 0.256
CPU times: user 15.8 s, sys: 1.41 s, total: 17.2 s
Wall time: 16.9 s
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# dynesty
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
result = tupak.sampler.run_sampler(
likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', label='dynesty',
bound='multi', sample='rwalk', npoints=200, walks=1, verbose=False,
fig = result.plot_corner(save=False)
%% Output
11:29 INFO : waveform_approximant cannot be converted to delta function prior.
11:29 INFO : Writing priors to outdir/prior.txt
11:29 INFO : Search parameters:
11:29 INFO : ra ~ Uniform(support=6.28318530718, minimum=0, name=ra, maximum=6.28318530718, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{RA}$)
11:29 INFO : dec ~ Uniform(support=3.14159265359, minimum=-1.57079632679, name=dec, maximum=1.57079632679, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{DEC}$)
11:29 INFO : psi = 2.659
11:29 INFO : a_2 = 0
11:29 INFO : a_1 = 0
11:29 INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.41
11:29 INFO : reference_frequency = 50.0
11:29 INFO : phi_jl = 0
11:29 INFO : phase = 1.3
11:29 INFO : mass_2 = 29.0
11:29 INFO : mass_1 = 36.0
11:29 INFO : phi_12 = 0
11:29 INFO : luminosity_distance = 100.0
11:29 INFO : tilt_2 = 0
11:29 INFO : iota = 0.4
11:29 INFO : tilt_1 = 0
11:29 WARNING : Cannot sample from waveform_approximant, 'str' object has no attribute 'sample'
11:29 INFO : Using sampler Dynesty with kwargs {'dlogz': 0.1, 'verbose': False, 'bound': 'multi', 'sample': 'rwalk', 'nlive': 200, 'walks': 1, 'update_interval': 100}
/home/user1/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dynesty/ UserWarning: Random walk proposals appear to be extremely inefficient. Adjusting the scale-factor accordingly.
warnings.warn("Random walk proposals appear to be "
11:30 INFO : Renaming existing file outdir/dynesty_result.h5 to outdir/dynesty_result.h5.old
11:30 INFO : Saving result to outdir/dynesty_result.h5
11:30 WARNING : Parameter $\mathrm{RA}$ in chain dynesty is not constrained
11:30 WARNING : Parameter $\mathrm{DEC}$ in chain dynesty is not constrained
nsamples: 3529
noise_logz: -27253.938
logz: -1954.279 +/- 0.257
log_bayes_factor: 25299.660 +/- 0.257
CPU times: user 50 s, sys: 8.41 s, total: 58.5 s
Wall time: 47.3 s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# Dynamic Nested Sampling (Dynesty)
See [the dynesty docs]( Essentially, this methods improves the posterior estimation over that of standard nested sampling.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
result = tupak.sampler.run_sampler(
likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', label='dynesty_dynamic',
bound='multi', nlive=250, sample='unif', verbose=True,
update_interval=100, dynamic=True)
fig = result.plot_corner(save=False)
%% Output
11:30 INFO : waveform_approximant cannot be converted to delta function prior.
11:30 INFO : Writing priors to outdir/prior.txt
11:30 INFO : Search parameters:
11:30 INFO : ra ~ Uniform(support=6.28318530718, minimum=0, name=ra, maximum=6.28318530718, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{RA}$)
11:30 INFO : dec ~ Uniform(support=3.14159265359, minimum=-1.57079632679, name=dec, maximum=1.57079632679, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{DEC}$)
11:30 INFO : psi = 2.659
11:30 INFO : a_2 = 0
11:30 INFO : a_1 = 0
11:30 INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.41
11:30 INFO : reference_frequency = 50.0
11:30 INFO : phi_jl = 0
11:30 INFO : phase = 1.3
11:30 INFO : mass_2 = 29.0
11:30 INFO : mass_1 = 36.0
11:30 INFO : phi_12 = 0
11:30 INFO : luminosity_distance = 100.0
11:30 INFO : tilt_2 = 0
11:30 INFO : iota = 0.4
11:30 INFO : tilt_1 = 0
11:30 WARNING : Cannot sample from waveform_approximant, 'str' object has no attribute 'sample'
11:30 INFO : Using sampler Dynesty with kwargs {'dlogz': 0.1, 'verbose': True, 'dynamic': True, 'bound': 'multi', 'sample': 'unif', 'nlive': 250, 'walks': 10, 'update_interval': 100}
iter: 1196 | batch: 0 | bound: 121 | nc: 9262 | ncall: 15825 | eff(%): 7.510 | loglstar: -inf < 25294.719 < inf | logz: 25280.580 +/- 0.361 | dlogz: 21.245 > 0.010
iter: 18333 | batch: 44 | bound: 974 | nc: 3 | ncall: 106747 | eff(%): 17.174 | loglstar: 25310.772 < 25313.915 < 25313.453 | logz: 25299.482 +/- 0.212 | stop: 0.971
11:46 INFO : Renaming existing file outdir/dynesty_dynamic_result.h5 to outdir/dynesty_dynamic_result.h5.old
11:46 INFO : Saving result to outdir/dynesty_dynamic_result.h5
nsamples: 18333
noise_logz: -27253.938
logz: -1954.457 +/- 0.212
log_bayes_factor: 25299.481 +/- 0.212
CPU times: user 17min 36s, sys: 2min 22s, total: 19min 59s
Wall time: 16min 46s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# ptemcee
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
result = tupak.sampler.run_sampler(
likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='ptemcee', label='ptemcee',
nwalkers=100, nsteps=200, nburn=100, ntemps=2,
fig = result.plot_corner(save=False)
%% Output
11:46 INFO : waveform_approximant cannot be converted to delta function prior.
11:46 INFO : Writing priors to outdir/prior.txt
11:46 INFO : Search parameters:
11:46 INFO : ra ~ Uniform(support=6.28318530718, minimum=0, name=ra, maximum=6.28318530718, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{RA}$)
11:46 INFO : dec ~ Uniform(support=3.14159265359, minimum=-1.57079632679, name=dec, maximum=1.57079632679, _Prior__latex_label=$\mathrm{DEC}$)
11:46 INFO : psi = 2.659
11:46 INFO : a_2 = 0
11:46 INFO : a_1 = 0
11:46 INFO : geocent_time = 1126259642.41
11:46 INFO : reference_frequency = 50.0
11:46 INFO : phi_jl = 0
11:46 INFO : phase = 1.3
11:46 INFO : mass_2 = 29.0
11:46 INFO : mass_1 = 36.0
11:46 INFO : phi_12 = 0
11:46 INFO : luminosity_distance = 100.0
11:46 INFO : tilt_2 = 0
11:46 INFO : iota = 0.4
11:46 INFO : tilt_1 = 0
11:46 WARNING : Cannot sample from waveform_approximant, 'str' object has no attribute 'sample'
11:46 INFO : Using sampler Ptemcee with kwargs {'tqdm': 'tqdm_notebook', 'nwalkers': 100, 'nburn': 100, 'ntemps': 2, 'nsteps': 200}
/home/user1/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tupak/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
zip(self.__search_parameter_keys, theta)])
11:48 INFO : Saving walkers plot to filename
11:48 INFO : Max autocorr time = 54.1336863627
11:48 INFO : Tswap frac = [0.0262 0.0262]
11:48 INFO : Renaming existing file outdir/ptemcee_result.h5 to outdir/ptemcee_result.h5.old
11:48 INFO : Saving result to outdir/ptemcee_result.h5
11:48 WARNING : Parameter $\mathrm{DEC}$ in chain ptemcee is not constrained
nsamples: 10000
noise_logz: -27253.938
logz: nan +/- nan
log_bayes_factor: nan +/- nan
CPU times: user 1min 26s, sys: 1.01 s, total: 1min 27s
Wall time: 1min 26s
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