9/2/2018: 'here’s a sensitivity for an aLIGO-like detector with a few non-crazy (but still possibly tough) modifications: 5% SRM, 15dB free-independent squeezing, 250W input power. With this sensitivity, we can increase the surface loss of the test-masses by a factor of 50 to help tame parametric instabilities, but I think PI may remain the single biggest challenge'
### High-frequency detector (NEMO)
Generated by Rob Ward. Consistent with designs for the NEMO detector used in [this paper](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/publications-of-the-astronomical-society-of-australia/article/multimessenger-astronomy-with-a-khzband-gravitationalwave-observatory/14FE69AFC2795358FA424623F90DC134).