Hi, @jade.powell does this example fail for you? It runs for me on master. I think we changed from using time_duration to duration for the waveform generator a while back. I believe this was for consistency across the entire code base.
That's weird. My supernova example has time_duration and the sine Gaussian has duration, so either way one of them is wrong. Let me try pulling master again somewhere fresh.
So I did git pull and it says I'm up to date with master. Then I did git stash to get rid of anything I changed. Then I did python setup.py install. Then python sine_gaussian_example.py
16:48 INFO : Running tupak version: 0.2 - (CLEAN) 1c092daa 2018-06-27 14:41:45 +1000
16:48 INFO : Running tupak version: 0.2 - (CLEAN) 1c092daa 2018-06-27 14:41:45 +1000
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sine_gaussian_example.py", line 31, in
TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'duration'
I think I know what's happening here, sometimes older versions don't automatically uninstall themselves. Looking at the trace, the version being loaded is from the end of June.
Thanks I am getting the same results as you now for the sine Gaussian example. So all we need to change is time_duration to duration in supernova_example.py