Reduce imports
Importing bilby
is pretty horribly slow, sometimes taking O(s). This is due to the number of top-level imports we have.
Using len(sys.modules)
as a proxy for the number of packages being imported when bilby
imports shows that we're being pretty bad on imports. The following gives an idea of the number of things imported for a few reference modules.
import sys
import numpy
import lal
import bilby
We're about an order of magnitude above numpy
and lal
. This is probably why it takes so long to import bilby
There are basically two choices we can make to reduce these, one is to not link everything internally, this would be one could not just do
import bilby
Specific modules would be imported individually. Given the amount of linkage between modules, I'm not sure how successful that would be.
The second choice would be to limit the packages that we import at the top level to e.g., just numpy
. Removing matplotlib
, gwpy
, astropy
would help a lot. pandas
and scipy
also contribute quite a bit, but are used very widely. I think tqdm
and dill
are relatively harmless, but we may want to also remove these from the top level. lal
just add one extra module each, I guess because they're SWIG wrappers, but I'd still vote for not importing them at the top level and just doing it inside the function. Built in packages don't really make a difference.
We could also define a decorator something like requires_import
that checks the relevant packages can be imported, although we should check that doesn't hurt performance for things like source models.
For completeness, here's all of the imports in the package
$ grep import bilby/**.py (dev)
bilby/ sys
bilby/ . import core, gw, hyper
bilby/ .core import utils, likelihood, prior, result, sampler
bilby/ .core.sampler import run_sampler
bilby/ .core.likelihood import Likelihood
bilby/core/ . import grid, likelihood, prior, result, sampler, series, utils
bilby/core/ numpy as np
bilby/core/ os
bilby/core/ json
bilby/core/ collections import OrderedDict
bilby/core/ .prior import Prior, PriorDict
bilby/core/ .utils import (logtrapzexp, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir,
bilby/core/ .utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, load_json, move_old_file
bilby/core/ .result import FileMovedError
bilby/core/ import gzip
bilby/core/ copy
bilby/core/ numpy as np
bilby/core/ scipy.special import gammaln, xlogy
bilby/core/ scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
bilby/core/ .utils import infer_parameters_from_function
bilby/core/prior/ .analytical import *
bilby/core/prior/ .base import *
bilby/core/prior/ .conditional import *
bilby/core/prior/ .dict import *
bilby/core/prior/ .interpolated import *
bilby/core/prior/ .joint import *
bilby/core/prior/ .slabspike import *
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.special import erfinv
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.special._ufuncs import xlogy, erf, log1p, stdtrit, gammaln, stdtr, \
bilby/core/prior/ .base import Prior
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import logger
bilby/core/prior/ importlib import import_module
bilby/core/prior/ json
bilby/core/prior/ os
bilby/core/prior/ re
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.stats
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import infer_args_from_method, BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json, logger, \
bilby/core/prior/ kwargs[key] = getattr(import_module(module), name)
bilby/core/prior/ other_cls = getattr(import_module(module), other_cls)
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ .base import Prior, PriorException
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.interpolated import Interped
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.analytical import DeltaFunction, PowerLaw, Uniform, LogUniform, \
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import infer_args_from_method, infer_parameters_from_function
bilby/core/prior/ importlib import import_module
bilby/core/prior/ io import open as ioopen
bilby/core/prior/ json
bilby/core/prior/ os
bilby/core/prior/ matplotlib.cbook import flatten
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.analytical import DeltaFunction
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.base import Prior, Constraint
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.joint import JointPrior
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
bilby/core/prior/ import_module(prior_dict["__module__"]),
bilby/core/prior/ logger.debug("Cannot import prior module {}.{}".format(
bilby/core/prior/ cls = getattr(import_module(module), cls, cls)
bilby/core/prior/ import_module(val.get("__module__", "none")),
bilby/core/prior/ logger.debug("Cannot import prior module {}.{}".format(
bilby/core/prior/ from .conditional import DirichletElement
bilby/core/prior/ import_module(prior_dict["__module__"]),
bilby/core/prior/ logger.debug("Cannot import prior module {}.{}".format(
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/core/prior/ .base import Prior
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import logger
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.stats
bilby/core/prior/ scipy.special import erfinv
bilby/core/prior/ .base import Prior, PriorException
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import logger, infer_args_from_method, get_dict_with_properties
bilby/core/prior/ numpy as np
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.prior.base import Prior
bilby/core/prior/ bilby.core.utils import logger
bilby/core/ inspect
bilby/core/ os
bilby/core/ collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
bilby/core/ copy import copy
bilby/core/ distutils.version import LooseVersion
bilby/core/ importlib import import_module
bilby/core/ itertools import product
bilby/core/ corner
bilby/core/ h5py
bilby/core/ json
bilby/core/ matplotlib
bilby/core/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/core/ matplotlib import lines as mpllines
bilby/core/ numpy as np
bilby/core/ pandas as pd
bilby/core/ scipy.stats
bilby/core/ scipy.special import logsumexp
bilby/core/ . import utils
bilby/core/ .utils import (
bilby/core/ .prior import Prior, PriorDict, DeltaFunction
bilby/core/ import deepdish
bilby/core/ import dill
bilby/core/ cls = getattr(import_module(data['__module__']), data['__name__'])
bilby/core/ import gzip
bilby/core/ import dill
bilby/core/ import dill
bilby/core/ import arviz as az
bilby/core/sampler/ inspect
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ collections import OrderedDict
bilby/core/sampler/ bilby
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import command_line_args, logger, loaded_modules_dict
bilby/core/sampler/ ..prior import PriorDict, DeltaFunction
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import Sampler, SamplingMarginalisedParameterError
bilby/core/sampler/ .cpnest import Cpnest
bilby/core/sampler/ .dynamic_dynesty import DynamicDynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ .dynesty import Dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ .emcee import Emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ .kombine import Kombine
bilby/core/sampler/ .nestle import Nestle
bilby/core/sampler/ .polychord import PyPolyChord
bilby/core/sampler/ .ptemcee import Ptemcee
bilby/core/sampler/ .ptmcmc import PTMCMCSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ .pymc3 import Pymc3
bilby/core/sampler/ .pymultinest import Pymultinest
bilby/core/sampler/ .ultranest import Ultranest
bilby/core/sampler/ .fake_sampler import FakeSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ .dnest4 import DNest4
bilby/core/sampler/ . import proposal
bilby/core/sampler/ from . import IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS
bilby/core/sampler/ from bilby.core.likelihood import ZeroLikelihood
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.dir_util
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ tempfile
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, command_line_args, Counter
bilby/core/sampler/ ..prior import Prior, PriorDict, DeltaFunction, Constraint
bilby/core/sampler/ ..result import Result, read_in_result
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification: bool
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ if not skip_import_verification:
bilby/core/sampler/ self.external_sampler = __import__(external_sampler_name)
bilby/core/sampler/ import emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ array
bilby/core/sampler/ copy
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ .proposal import Sample, JumpProposalCycle
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
bilby/core/sampler/ from cpnest import model as cpmodel, CPNest
bilby/core/sampler/ from cpnest.parameter import LivePoint
bilby/core/sampler/ from cpnest.nest2pos import compute_weights
bilby/core/sampler/ import sys
bilby/core/sampler/ from cpnest.proposal import ProposalCycle
bilby/core/sampler/ import cpnest.proposal
bilby/core/sampler/ import cpnest.proposal
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.dir_util
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ time
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas as pd
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, logger
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ exit_code=77, skip_import_verification=False, temporary_directory=True, **kwargs):
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot, skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import dnest4
bilby/core/sampler/ import dnest4
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ dill as pickle
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import Sampler
bilby/core/sampler/ .dynesty import Dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification: bool
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=False, check_point=True, n_check_point=None, check_point_delta_t=600,
bilby/core/sampler/ plot=plot, skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ dill
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ pickle
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ time
bilby/core/sampler/ import tqdm
bilby/core/sampler/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import (
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import Sampler, NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ ..result import rejection_sample
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy import linalg
bilby/core/sampler/ dynesty.utils import unitcheck
bilby/core/sampler/ warnings
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification: bool
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ plot=plot, skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import multiprocessing
bilby/core/sampler/ import dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ import dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ from ... import __version__ as bilby_version
bilby/core/sampler/ from dynesty import __version__ as dynesty_version
bilby/core/sampler/ from ... import __version__ as bilby_version
bilby/core/sampler/ from dynesty import __version__ as dynesty_version
bilby/core/sampler/ import dynesty.plotting as dyplot
bilby/core/sampler/ from dynesty import plotting as dyplot
bilby/core/sampler/ import dynesty
bilby/core/sampler/ import pandas as pd
bilby/core/sampler/ collections import namedtuple
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil import copyfile
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.version import LooseVersion
bilby/core/sampler/ dill as pickle
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import MCMCSampler, SamplerError
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ import emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification, **kwargs)
bilby/core/sampler/ import emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ from import tqdm
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import Sampler
bilby/core/sampler/ ..result import read_in_result
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=True,
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ .emcee import Emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot, skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import kombine
bilby/core/sampler/ from import tqdm
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ import nestle
bilby/core/sampler/ import nestle
bilby/core/sampler/ import nestle
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ import pypolychord
bilby/core/sampler/ from pypolychord.settings import PolyChordSettings
bilby/core/sampler/ collections import OrderedDict
bilby/core/sampler/ inspect import isclass
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ random
bilby/core/sampler/ ..prior import Uniform
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ copy
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ time
bilby/core/sampler/ dill
bilby/core/sampler/ collections import namedtuple
bilby/core/sampler/ logging
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas as pd
bilby/core/sampler/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/core/sampler/ scipy.signal
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger, check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import SamplerError, MCMCSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ from scipy.optimize import minimize
bilby/core/sampler/ import ptemcee
bilby/core/sampler/ import schwimmbad
bilby/core/sampler/ import emcee
bilby/core/sampler/ glob
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import MCMCSampler, SamplerNotInstalledError
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger
bilby/core/sampler/ use_ratio=False, plot=False, skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ # PTMCMC is imported with Caps so need to overwrite the parent function
bilby/core/sampler/ self.external_sampler = __import__(external_sampler_name)
bilby/core/sampler/ def _import_external_sampler():
bilby/core/sampler/ from PTMCMCSampler import PTMCMCSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ PTMCMCSampler = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ collections import OrderedDict
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.version import StrictVersion
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import derivatives, infer_args_from_method
bilby/core/sampler/ ..prior import DeltaFunction, Sine, Cosine, PowerLaw, MultivariateGaussian
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import MCMCSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ ..likelihood import GaussianLikelihood, PoissonLikelihood, ExponentialLikelihood, \
bilby/core/sampler/ import BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, GravitationalWaveTransient
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=False, **kwargs):
bilby/core/sampler/ _, STEP_METHODS, _ = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification, **kwargs)
bilby/core/sampler/ def _import_external_sampler():
bilby/core/sampler/ import pymc3
bilby/core/sampler/ from pymc3.sampling import STEP_METHODS
bilby/core/sampler/ from pymc3.theanof import floatX
bilby/core/sampler/ def _import_theano():
bilby/core/sampler/ import theano # noqa
bilby/core/sampler/ import theano.tensor as tt
bilby/core/sampler/ from theano.compile.ops import as_op # noqa
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ theano, tt, as_op = self._import_theano()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ theano, tt, as_op = self._import_theano()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ theano, tt, as_op = self._import_theano()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ theano, tt, as_op = self._import_theano()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, _, _ = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ pymc3, STEP_METHODS, floatX = self._import_external_sampler()
bilby/core/sampler/ theano, tt, as_op = self._import_theano()
bilby/core/sampler/ importlib
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.dir_util
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ time
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ sys
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import logger
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ importance_nested_sampling: bool, (False)
bilby/core/sampler/ If true, use importance nested sampling
bilby/core/sampler/ importance_nested_sampling=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import pymultinest
bilby/core/sampler/ pm_run = importlib.import_module("")
bilby/core/sampler/ datetime
bilby/core/sampler/ distutils.dir_util
bilby/core/sampler/ inspect
bilby/core/sampler/ os
bilby/core/sampler/ shutil
bilby/core/sampler/ signal
bilby/core/sampler/ time
bilby/core/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/core/sampler/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/core/sampler/ ..utils import check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, logger
bilby/core/sampler/ .base_sampler import NestedSampler
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=False,
bilby/core/sampler/ skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
bilby/core/sampler/ import ultranest
bilby/core/sampler/ import ultranest.stepsampler
bilby/core/ . import utils
bilby/core/ distutils.spawn import find_executable
bilby/core/ logging
bilby/core/ os
bilby/core/ shutil
bilby/core/ sys
bilby/core/ math import fmod
bilby/core/ argparse
bilby/core/ inspect
bilby/core/ functools
bilby/core/ types
bilby/core/ subprocess
bilby/core/ multiprocessing
bilby/core/ importlib import import_module
bilby/core/ json
bilby/core/ warnings
bilby/core/ numpy as np
bilby/core/ scipy.interpolate import interp2d
bilby/core/ scipy.special import logsumexp
bilby/core/ pandas as pd
bilby/core/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/core/ in both functions and methods; this is important, since the first
bilby/core/ available for any script which includes `import bilby`, but no help command
bilby/core/ # Here we import bilby, which initialses and parses the default command-line args
bilby/core/ >>> import bilby
bilby/core/ # Next, we import argparse and define a new argparse object
bilby/core/ >>> import argparse
bilby/core/ from scipy.interpolate.dfitpack import bispeu
bilby/core/ from .prior import MultivariateGaussianDist, Prior, PriorDict
bilby/core/ from import HealPixMapPriorDist
bilby/core/ from astropy import cosmology as cosmo, units
bilby/core/ logger.debug("Cannot import astropy, cannot write cosmological priors")
bilby/core/ import gzip
bilby/core/ cls = getattr(import_module(dct['__module__']), dct['__name__'])
bilby/core/ cls = getattr(import_module(dct['__module__']), dct['__name__'])
bilby/core/ return getattr(import_module(dct["__module__"]), dct["__name__"], default)
bilby/core/ from astropy import cosmology as cosmo
bilby/core/ logger.debug("Cannot import astropy, cosmological priors may not be "
bilby/core/ from astropy import units
bilby/core/ logger.debug("Cannot import astropy, cosmological priors may not be "
bilby/core/ from matplotlib import rcParams
bilby/core/ from matplotlib import rcParams
bilby/core/ from .prior.dict import PriorDict
bilby/core/ import h5py
bilby/gw/ . import (conversion, cosmology, detector, eos, likelihood, prior,
bilby/gw/ .waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
bilby/gw/ .likelihood import GravitationalWaveTransient
bilby/gw/ .detector import calibration
bilby/gw/ sys
bilby/gw/ multiprocessing
bilby/gw/ import tqdm
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ pandas import DataFrame
bilby/gw/ ..core.likelihood import MarginalizedLikelihoodReconstructionError
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import logger, solar_mass
bilby/gw/ ..core.prior import DeltaFunction
bilby/gw/ .utils import lalsim_SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions
bilby/gw/ .eos.eos import SpectralDecompositionEOS, EOSFamily, IntegrateTOV
bilby/gw/ .cosmology import get_cosmology
bilby/gw/ from astropy import units
bilby/gw/ from astropy.cosmology import z_at_value
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import logger
bilby/gw/ from astropy import cosmology as cosmo
bilby/gw/detector/ ..conversion import convert_to_lal_binary_black_hole_parameters
bilby/gw/detector/ .calibration import *
bilby/gw/detector/ .interferometer import *
bilby/gw/detector/ .networks import *
bilby/gw/detector/ .psd import *
bilby/gw/detector/ .strain_data import *
bilby/gw/detector/ import lal
bilby/gw/detector/ import lalsimulation as lalsim
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ .. import utils as gwutils
bilby/gw/detector/ os
bilby/gw/detector/ sys
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ matplotlib import pyplot as plt
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core import utils
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core.utils import docstring, logger
bilby/gw/detector/ .. import utils as gwutils
bilby/gw/detector/ ..utils import PropertyAccessor
bilby/gw/detector/ .calibration import Recalibrate
bilby/gw/detector/ .geometry import InterferometerGeometry
bilby/gw/detector/ .strain_data import InterferometerStrainData
bilby/gw/detector/ import gwpy
bilby/gw/detector/ import gwpy.signal
bilby/gw/detector/ import deepdish
bilby/gw/detector/ import deepdish
bilby/gw/detector/ import dill
bilby/gw/detector/ import dill
bilby/gw/detector/ os
bilby/gw/detector/ sys
bilby/gw/detector/ warnings
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ math
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core import utils
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core.utils import logger
bilby/gw/detector/ .. import utils as gwutils
bilby/gw/detector/ .interferometer import Interferometer
bilby/gw/detector/ .psd import PowerSpectralDensity
bilby/gw/detector/ .strain_data import InterferometerStrainData
bilby/gw/detector/ import deepdish
bilby/gw/detector/ import deepdish
bilby/gw/detector/ import dill
bilby/gw/detector/ import dill
bilby/gw/detector/ os
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core import utils
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core.utils import logger
bilby/gw/detector/ .strain_data import InterferometerStrainData
bilby/gw/detector/ self.__import_amplitude_spectral_density()
bilby/gw/detector/ self.__import_power_spectral_density()
bilby/gw/detector/ def __import_amplitude_spectral_density(self):
bilby/gw/detector/ def __import_power_spectral_density(self):
bilby/gw/detector/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/detector/ import tukey
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core import utils
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core.series import CoupledTimeAndFrequencySeries
bilby/gw/detector/ ...core.utils import logger
bilby/gw/detector/ .. import utils as gwutils
bilby/gw/detector/ ..utils import PropertyAccessor
bilby/gw/detector/ import gwpy
bilby/gw/detector/ import gwpy.signal
bilby/gw/detector/ import lal
bilby/gw/detector/ import pycbc
bilby/gw/detector/ import pycbc
bilby/gw/eos/ .tov_solver import IntegrateTOV
bilby/gw/eos/ .eos import (SpectralDecompositionEOS,
bilby/gw/eos/ os
bilby/gw/eos/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/eos/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/gw/eos/ scipy.integrate import cumtrapz, quad
bilby/gw/eos/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d, CubicSpline
bilby/gw/eos/ scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
bilby/gw/eos/ .tov_solver import IntegrateTOV
bilby/gw/eos/ ...core import utils
bilby/gw/eos/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/eos/ scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
bilby/gw/ gc
bilby/gw/ os
bilby/gw/ json
bilby/gw/ copy
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ scipy.integrate as integrate
bilby/gw/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/gw/ from scipy.special import logsumexp
bilby/gw/ from scipy.misc import logsumexp
bilby/gw/ scipy.special import i0e
bilby/gw/ ..core.likelihood import Likelihood
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import BilbyJsonEncoder, decode_bilby_json
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import (
bilby/gw/ ..core.prior import Interped, Prior, Uniform
bilby/gw/ .detector import InterferometerList, get_empty_interferometer
bilby/gw/ .prior import BBHPriorDict, CBCPriorDict, Cosmological
bilby/gw/ .source import lal_binary_black_hole
bilby/gw/ .utils import (
bilby/gw/ .waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
bilby/gw/ collections import namedtuple
bilby/gw/ from lal import git_version, __version__
bilby/gw/ from lalsimulation import git_version, __version__
bilby/gw/ os
bilby/gw/ copy
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, interp1d
bilby/gw/ scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
bilby/gw/ scipy.special import hyp2f1
bilby/gw/ scipy.stats import norm
bilby/gw/ ..core.prior import (PriorDict, Uniform, Prior, DeltaFunction, Gaussian,
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import infer_args_from_method, logger
bilby/gw/ .conversion import (
bilby/gw/ .cosmology import get_cosmology
bilby/gw/ from astropy import cosmology as cosmo, units
bilby/gw/ self.hp = self._check_imports()
bilby/gw/ def _check_imports():
bilby/gw/ import healpy
bilby/gw/ json
bilby/gw/ pickle
bilby/gw/ os
bilby/gw/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/gw/ matplotlib import rcParams
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ ..core.result import Result as CoreResult
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import (
bilby/gw/ .utils import plot_spline_pos, spline_angle_xform, asd_from_freq_series
bilby/gw/ .detector import get_empty_interferometer, Interferometer
bilby/gw/ import plotly.graph_objects as go
bilby/gw/ from plotly.offline import plot
bilby/gw/ from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
bilby/gw/ "HTML plotting requested, but plotly cannot be imported, "
bilby/gw/ from astropy.time import Time
bilby/gw/ from ligo.skymap import io, version, plot, postprocess, bayestar, kde
bilby/gw/ import healpy as hp
bilby/gw/sampler/ . import proposal
bilby/gw/sampler/ random
bilby/gw/sampler/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/sampler/ ...core.sampler.proposal import JumpProposal
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ ..core import utils
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import logger
bilby/gw/ .conversion import bilby_to_lalsimulation_spins
bilby/gw/ .utils import (lalsim_GetApproximantFromString,
bilby/gw/ import lal
bilby/gw/ import lalsimulation as lalsim
bilby/gw/ os
bilby/gw/ json
bilby/gw/ math import fmod
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ scipy.interpolate import interp1d
bilby/gw/ matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bilby/gw/ ..core.utils import (ra_dec_to_theta_phi,
bilby/gw/ from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
bilby/gw/ import lal
bilby/gw/ import lalsimulation as lalsim
bilby/gw/ from import GraceDb
bilby/gw/ numpy as np
bilby/gw/ ..core import utils
bilby/gw/ ..core.series import CoupledTimeAndFrequencySeries
bilby/gw/ .utils import PropertyAccessor
bilby/gw/ .conversion import convert_to_lal_binary_black_hole_parameters
bilby/hyper/ . import likelihood, model
bilby/hyper/ logging
bilby/hyper/ numpy as np
bilby/hyper/ ..core.likelihood import Likelihood
bilby/hyper/ .model import Model
bilby/hyper/ ..core.prior import PriorDict
bilby/hyper/ ..core.utils import infer_args_from_function_except_n_args