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Bilby-MCMC unable to handle calibration parameters when using the ensemble sampler
We get a "RuntimeError: Invalid argument" in the analysis when we try to use calibration-model=CubicSpline
with spline-calibration-envelope-dict=[our list], spline-calibration-nodes=10, spline-calibration-amplitude-uncertainty-dict=None and spline-calibration-phase-uncertainty-dict=None.
Seems it starts after this XAL Error:
XLAL Error - XLALSimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions: chi1,2=0 must be between 0 and 1, values -0.0533 -- 0.5992 passed.
XLAL Error - XLALSimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions (../../../lalsuite/lalsimulation/lib/LALSimInspiral.c:5896): Invalid argument
We found that this issue was related with using nensemble>1 and calibration-model=CubicSpline. Meanwhile we do not find the bug you can not use both at the same time.
Gregory Ashtonchanged title from Bilby-MCMC unable to handle calibration parameters to Bilby-MCMC unable to handle calibration parameters when using the ensemble sampler
changed title from Bilby-MCMC unable to handle calibration parameters to Bilby-MCMC unable to handle calibration parameters when using the ensemble sampler