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DRAFT: Rationalize the ACT running average computation in the custom dynesty sampler.

Gregory Ashton requested to merge will-farr/bilby-nmcmc into master


  • No longer issue a warning when there are repeated likelihood values in the sampler output.

  • Add adapt_tscale: the running average ACT estimate will average over this number of livepoint replacements using an exponentially-decaying weight. Default is 100.

  • Get aggressive with nact = 1 by default now that the ACT computation is stabilized. Each MCMC live point replacement will run for one estimated ACT. This means, on average, two accepted MCMC steps, so a ~10% (= exp(-2)) chance of zero acceptances and a repeated live point.
    This does not bias the sampler (see

  • The ACT estimate is an exponentially-weighted running mean of 2/P_accept - 1 over each live point replacement; 2/P_accept - 1 is the ACT of an ideal rejection sampler with acceptance rate P_accept, so is a lower-bound for the ACT of the MCMC.

Merge request reports
