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Bilby cython geometry

Colm Talbot requested to merge bilby-cython-geometry into master

Closes #576 (closed)

This is similar to !1053 (merged) with the difference being that the cython code is included in the bilby source.

As you can see, this involves some changes to how the setup runs. This now requires cython to install from source, but shouldn't require users to have cython installed to use the package. Many users will have it as some samplers require it and it is available in igwn.

Additionally, there are some differences to how installing locally works. If the packages is installed as pip install . things will no longer work as expected if running in the base directory of the repository, pip install -e . will work in that case though.

I haven't tested that the packaging will work as expected so I will manually check that if we go with this option before we upload to pypi.

Merge request reports
