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Tutorial to demonstrate running parameter estimation on a reduced parameter space for an injected signal.
This example estimates the masses using a uniform prior in both component masses and distance using a uniform in
comoving volume prior on luminosity distance between luminosity distances of 100Mpc and 5Gpc, the cosmology is WMAP7.
Tutorial to demonstrate running parameter estimation with calibration
uncertainties included.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import numpy as np
import tupak
# Set the duration and sampling frequency of the data segment that we're going to inject the signal into
# Set the duration and sampling frequency of the data segment
# that we're going to create and inject the signal into.
duration = 4.
sampling_frequency = 2048.
@@ -24,68 +22,64 @@ tupak.core.utils.setup_logger(outdir=outdir, label=label)
# Set up a random seed for result reproducibility. This is optional!
# We are going to inject a binary black hole waveform. We first establish a dictionary of parameters that
# includes all of the different waveform parameters, including masses of the two black holes (mass_1, mass_2),
# We are going to inject a binary black hole waveform. We first establish a
# dictionary of parameters that includes all of the different waveform
# parameters, including masses of the two black holes (mass_1, mass_2),
# spins of both black holes (a, tilt, phi), etc.
injection_parameters = dict(mass_1=36., mass_2=29., a_1=0.4, a_2=0.3, tilt_1=0.5, tilt_2=1.0, phi_12=1.7, phi_jl=0.3,
luminosity_distance=2000., iota=0.4, psi=2.659, phase=1.3, geocent_time=1126259642.413,
ra=1.375, dec=-1.2108)
injection_parameters = dict(
mass_1=36., mass_2=29., a_1=0.4, a_2=0.3, tilt_1=0.5, tilt_2=1.0,
phi_12=1.7, phi_jl=0.3, luminosity_distance=2000., iota=0.4, psi=2.659,
phase=1.3, geocent_time=1126259642.413, ra=1.375, dec=-1.2108)
# Fixed arguments passed into the source model
waveform_arguments = dict(waveform_approximant='IMRPhenomPv2',
# Create the waveform_generator using a LAL BinaryBlackHole source function
waveform_generator = tupak.WaveformGenerator(duration=duration,
hf_signal = waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain()
# Set up interferometers. In this case we'll use three interferometers (LIGO-Hanford (H1), LIGO-Livingston (L1),
# and Virgo (V1)). These default to their design sensitivity
ifos =['H1', 'L1', 'V1'])
waveform_generator =
duration=duration, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,,
# Set up interferometers. In this case we'll use three interferometers
# (LIGO-Hanford (H1), LIGO-Livingston (L1), and Virgo (V1)).
# These default to their design sensitivity
ifos =['H1', 'L1', 'V1'])
for ifo in ifos:
injection_parameters.update({'recalib_{}_amplitude_{}'.format(, ii): 0.1 for ii in range(5)})
injection_parameters.update({'recalib_{}_phase_{}'.format(, ii): 0.01 for ii in range(5)})
'recalib_{}_amplitude_{}'.format(, ii): 0.1 for ii in range(5)})
'recalib_{}_phase_{}'.format(, ii): 0.01 for ii in range(5)})
ifo.calibration_model =
prefix='recalib_{}_'.format(, minimum_frequency=ifo.minimum_frequency,
maximum_frequency=ifo.maximum_frequency, n_points=5)
ifos.set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_densities(sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration)
ifos.inject_signal(parameters=injection_parameters, waveform_generator=waveform_generator)
# IFOs = [
# name, injection_polarizations=hf_signal, injection_parameters=injection_parameters, duration=duration,
# sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, outdir=outdir) for name in ['H1', 'L1']]
sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration)
# Set up prior, which is a dictionary
# By default we will sample all terms in the signal models. However, this will take a long time for the calculation,
# so for this example we will set almost all of the priors to be equall to their injected values. This implies the
# prior is a delta function at the true, injected value. In reality, the sampler implementation is smart enough to
# not sample any parameter that has a delta-function prior.
# The above list does *not* include mass_1, mass_2, iota and luminosity_distance, which means those are the parameters
# that will be included in the sampler. If we do nothing, then the default priors get used.
priors =
priors['geocent_time'] = tupak.core.prior.Uniform(
minimum=injection_parameters['geocent_time'] - 1, maximum=injection_parameters['geocent_time'] + 1,
name='geocent_time', latex_label='$t_c$')
for key in ['a_1', 'a_2', 'tilt_1', 'tilt_2', 'phi_12', 'phi_jl', 'psi', 'ra', 'dec', 'geocent_time', 'phase',
'iota', 'luminosity_distance', 'mass_1', 'mass_2']:
priors[key] = injection_parameters[key]
# Here we fix the injected cbc parameters and most of the calibration parameters
# to the injected values.
# We allow a subset of the calibration parameters to vary.
priors = injection_parameters.copy()
for key in injection_parameters:
if 'recalib' in key:
priors[key] = injection_parameters[key]
for name in ['recalib_H1_amplitude_0', 'recalib_H1_amplitude_1', 'recalib_H1_amplitude_2']:
priors[name] = tupak.prior.Gaussian(mu=0, sigma=0.2, name=name, latex_label='H1 $A_{}$'.format(name[-1]))
for name in ['recalib_H1_amplitude_0', 'recalib_H1_amplitude_1']:
priors[name] = tupak.prior.Gaussian(
mu=0, sigma=0.2, name=name, latex_label='H1 $A_{}$'.format(name[-1]))
# Initialise the likelihood by passing in the interferometer data (IFOs) and the waveoform generator
likelihood = tupak.GravitationalWaveTransient(interferometers=ifos, waveform_generator=waveform_generator,
time_marginalization=False, phase_marginalization=False,
distance_marginalization=False, prior=priors)
# Initialise the likelihood by passing in the interferometer data (IFOs) and
# the waveform generator
likelihood =
interferometers=ifos, waveform_generator=waveform_generator)
# Run sampler. In this case we're going to use the `dynesty` sampler
result = tupak.run_sampler(likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', npoints=1000,
injection_parameters=injection_parameters, outdir=outdir, label=label)
result = tupak.run_sampler(
likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', npoints=1000,
injection_parameters=injection_parameters, outdir=outdir, label=label)
# make some plots of the outputs