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bilby-mcmc updates

Gregory Ashton requested to merge bilby-mcmc-minor-adjustments into master

A collection of changes fixes to improve bilby-mcmc

  1. Add in Fisher Information Matrix proposals (incorporating !1082 (closed))
  2. Add Fisher module
  3. Reduce verbosity of proposal updates to debug
  4. Correct estimation of nsamples (it was previously unbounded)
  5. Add a try/except to the training step to avoid errors when there are two few samples
  6. Modify gwA
  7. Spell out check_point_delta_t and printdt in output statement
  8. Add equivalent kwargs for commonly misspelled items
  9. Add ignore_index to the pd.concat call when combining samples (e.g. from pt_rejection_sampling) so that the return samples have a standard index
  10. Add a cache of the samples to avoid repeated ACT calculations at the same position
  11. Ensure pt chains continue after convergence
Edited by Gregory Ashton

Merge request reports
