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DOC: Updates to contribution guide

Merged Rhiannon Udall requested to merge rhiannon.udall/bilby:update-contributing into master
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+ 71
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  • c3af1884
    Adds `# Unit Testing` to, with details on how to write unit tests effectively.
    Also modifies the section on writing commit messages to reflect adoption of scipy development
    standard format.
+ 71
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ have some familiarity with python and git.
1. [Code of conduct](#code-of-conduct)
2. [Code style](#code-style)
3. [Code relevance](#code-relevance)
4. [Merge requests](#merge-requests)
5. [Typical workflow](#typical-workflow)
6. [Hints and tips](#hints-and-tips)
7. [Code overview](#code-overview)
3. [Automated Code Checking](#automated-code-checking)
4. [Unit Testing](#unit-testing)
5. [Code relevance](#code-relevance)
6. [Merge requests](#merge-requests)
7. [Typical workflow](#typical-workflow)
8. [Hints and tips](#hints-and-tips)
9. [Code overview](#code-overview)
## Code of Conduct
@@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ def my_new_function(x, y, print=False):
3. Avoid inline comments unless necessary. Ideally, the code should make it obvious what is going on, if not the docstring, only in subtle cases use comments
4. Name variables sensibly. Avoid using single-letter variables, it is better to name something `power_spectral_density_array` than `psda`.
5. Don't repeat yourself. If code is repeated in multiple places, wrap it up into a function.
6. Add tests. The C.I. is there to do the work of "checking" the code, both now and into the future. Use it.
## Automated code checking
@@ -76,6 +78,50 @@ If you experience any issues with pre-commit, please ask for support on the
usual help channels.
## Unit Testing
Unit tests are an important part of code development, helping to minimize the number of undetected bugs which may be present in a merge request. They also greatly expedite the review of code, and can even help during the initial development if used properly. Accordingly, bilby requires unit testing for any changes with machine readable inputs and outputs (i.e. pretty much everything except plotting).
Unit testing is integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, and uses the builtin unittest package. Tests should be written into the `test/` directory which corresponds to their location within the package, such that, for example, a change to `bilby/gw/` should go into `test/gw/`. To run a signle test locally, one may simply do `pytest /path/to/test TestClass.test_name`, whereas to run all the tests in a given test file one may omit the class and function.
For an example of what a test looks like, consider this test for the fft utils in bilby:
class TestFFT(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.sampling_frequency = 10
def tearDown(self):
del self.sampling_frequency
def test_nfft_sine_function(self):
injected_frequency = 2.7324
duration = 100
times = utils.create_time_series(self.sampling_frequency, duration)
time_domain_strain = np.sin(2 * np.pi * times * injected_frequency + 0.4)
frequency_domain_strain, frequencies = bilby.core.utils.nfft(
time_domain_strain, self.sampling_frequency
frequency_at_peak = frequencies[np.argmax(np.abs(frequency_domain_strain))]
self.assertAlmostEqual(injected_frequency, frequency_at_peak, places=1)
def test_nfft_infft(self):
time_domain_strain = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10)
frequency_domain_strain, _ = bilby.core.utils.nfft(
time_domain_strain, self.sampling_frequency
new_time_domain_strain = bilby.core.utils.infft(
frequency_domain_strain, self.sampling_frequency
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(time_domain_strain, new_time_domain_strain))
`setUp` and `tearDown` handle construction and deconstruction of the test, such that each of the other test functions may be run independently, in any order. The other two functions each make an intuitive test of the functionality of and fft/ifft function: that the fft of a sine wave should be a delta function, and that an ifft should be an inverse of an fft.
For more information on how to write effective tests, see [this guide](, and many others.
## Code relevance
The bilby code base is intended to be highly modular and flexible. We encourage
@@ -155,7+201,7 @@
replacing the SSH url to that of your fork. This will create a directory
`/bilby` containing a local copy of the code. From this directory, you can run
$ pip install -e .
@@ -202,7+248,7 @@
### Step d) Hack away
1. Develop the changes you would like to introduce, using `git add` to add files with changes. Ideally commit small units of change often, rather than creating one large commit at the end, this will simplify review and make modifying any changes easier.
2. Commit the changes using `git commit`. This will prompt you for a commit message. Commit messages should be clear, identifying which code was changed, and why. Common practice (see e.g. [this blog]( is to use a short summary line (<50 characters), followed by a blank line, then more information in longer lines.
3. Push your changes to the remote copy of your fork on
2. Commit the changes using `git commit`. This will prompt you for a commit message. Commit messages should be clear, identifying which code was changed, and why. Bilby is adopting the use of scipy commit format, specified [here]( Commit messages take a standard format of `ACRONYM: Summary message` followed by a more detailed description. For example, and enhancement would look like:
ENH: Add my awesome new feature
This is a very cool change that makes parameter estimation run 10x faster by changing a single line.
Similarly a bugfix:
BUG: Fix type error in
Correct a typo at L1 of /bilby/ which returned a dictionary instead of a string.
For more discussion of best practices, see e.g. [this blog](
4. Push your changes to the remote copy of your fork on
git push origin my-new-feature