ENH: add `get_expected_outputs` to sampler classes
Add get_expected_outputs
to all sampler classes. This would simplify the logic in bilby_pipe
: https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/bilby_pipe/-/blob/master/bilby_pipe/job_creation/nodes/analysis_node.py#L101 and also allow samplers implemented via plugins to work with bilby_pipe
This initial versions just returns two lists, one with files and another with directories, but we could consider alternatives.
Whilst making this change, I also add a name
attribute to the samplers. By default, this just matched external_name
but it can be changed in cases where they shouldn't, e.g. dynamic_dynesty
. I based the names of the list of samplers names in the __init__.py
Closes #730 (closed)