MAINT: fixes for numpy>=2
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All threads resolved!
Numpy is preparing to release version 2 which makes a number of backwards incompatible changes. This MR fixes the small number of issues we had following the migration guide.
(o4-pe-review) [colm.talbot@ldas-pcdev2:~/modules/o4-pe-review/bilby] [master $=] [Mon May 13, 08:23:14]
$ ruff bilby --select NPY201
warning: `ruff <path>` is deprecated. Use `ruff check <path>` instead.
bilby/core/utils/ NPY201 [*] `np.float_` will be removed in NumPy 2.0. Use `numpy.float64` instead.
bilby/core/utils/ NPY201 [*] `np.complex_` will be removed in NumPy 2.0. Use `numpy.complex128` instead.
bilby/gw/ NPY201 [*] `np.row_stack` will be removed in NumPy 2.0. Use `numpy.vstack` instead.
Found 3 errors.
[*] 3 fixable with the `--fix` option.
(o4-pe-review) [colm.talbot@ldas-pcdev2:~/modules/o4-pe-review/bilby] [master $=] [Mon May 13, 08:23:27]
$ ruff bilby --select NPY201 --fix
warning: `ruff <path>` is deprecated. Use `ruff check <path>` instead.
Found 3 errors (3 fixed, 0 remaining).
Merge request reports
added <10 lines Infrastructure labels
- Resolved by Michael Williams
@colm.talbot did you check the
changed milestone to %2.3.0
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