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Updating priors

Colm Talbot requested to merge updating-priors into master

Make core.prior completely independent of all gw.prior, continuing from

  • Remove the GW specific default latex labels from core, this method can be overwritten in gw.
  • Move the binary_black_holes.prior from core to gw?
  • Have an empty PriorSet.test_redundancy which just does nothing which can be overwritten by whichever prior set you like, this will naturally be done by defining a subclass of PriorSet in gw/
  • Make create_default_prior require the second argument.
  • Move everything currently in core/prior_files to gw/prior_files (or something similar). We'd also need to fix the file to see this, but its all gw-specific.
Edited by Colm Talbot

Merge request reports
