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Add support for inference of method arguments

Daniel Williams requested to merge daniel-williams/bilby:master into master

This MR closes #409 (closed).

  • A new test has been added to ensure that method arguments are inferred correctly, complementing the same functionality for functions
  • A new function is provided, utils._infer_args_from_function_except_n_args to allow an arbitrary number of arguments to be ignored.
  • utils.infer_parameters_from_function has been updated to infer if a passed argument is a function or a method (or will raise a ValueError if it is neither.

The behaviour of utils.infer_parameters_from_function may not be considered optimal, as it will fail in the case that an object with a __call__() method is passed as an argument. If you're keen for this form to be supported I can add an additional case for it.

Edited by Daniel Williams

Merge request reports
