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Adding an ACT estimate for the walks

Gregory Ashton requested to merge add-act-estimated-walks into master
  • Improvements to the bilby implemented rwalk method

    • rwalk a new implementation which calculates an ACT to better estimate the number of steps needed
  • The rwalk sample method now defaults to bilby.core.sample.dynesty.sample_rwalk_bilby_with_act which adds the maxmcmc, nact. These control the maximum number of walks, the number of ACT required before accepting a point.

  • Uses the CPNest method to calculate the ACT

  • Adds a guide to the documentation on using dynesty

  • Updates the default vol_dec to 8 and enlarge to 1.5 which was found to improve boundary behaviour Note: during development, I experimented with adding a Jacobian and adaptive walks. I found in practise these didn't help sampling so I've removed them for simplicity.

  • Updates the walks to default to 100. This is now the minimum number of steps.

Edited by Gregory Ashton

Merge request reports
