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Pickle dump entire sampler in dynesty

Colm Talbot requested to merge improve-dynesty-checkpointing into master

We've noticed some pretty horrendous issues with restarting after a checkpoint recently.

I think that this is due to not saving all of the relevant state information.

This MR ensures the whole sampler will be saved.

I also took the liberty of adding two more plots.

  • One is the run plot which dynesty produces, e.g., image
  • The other is a little less pretty but shows the bound idx, number of likelihood calls and sampling scale as a function of the nested sampling iteration, e.g.,


The above plot shows the issue we had, the large spike followed by a higher nc steady state is when the run was interrupted and reloaded from the resume file (note that I stopped this run before it completely converged).

This is what that plot looks like with no interruption


This is what the plot looks like with the new checkpointing


Edited by Colm Talbot

Merge request reports