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WIP: Improve emcee

Colm Talbot requested to merge improve-emcee into master

This branch has ballooned a little as I was working on it but I think the set of features is:

  • apply a minimum ln likelihood when drawing points from the prior (default leaves behaviour unchanged)
  • add npool and map properties to the base_sampler
  • support multiprocessing for emcee
  • add new diagnostic plots, similar to the plots for ptemcee, also a plot showing how the mean and variance of the log posterior over the ensemble evolve
  • calculate the burn_in using the mean and variance of the log posterior (see !842 (merged))
  • use some more of the emcee moves
  • port some of these changes also into kombine and ptemcee
  • add periodic boundaries into ptemcee

This should probably be broken down into pieces.

cc @gregory.ashton @bruce.edelman for ptemcee and kombine.

Merge request reports
