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Allow rescaled priors from gracedb

Colm Talbot requested to merge rescale-bns-prior into master

This MR will automatically do the ROQ scaling for events from gracedb.

  • There's a new template for online priors. This takes mass and distance bounds.
  • The prior file is written to the output directory and then used from there.
  • The distance marginalisation lookup table isn't currently working as expected...
  • Low and high-mass events will be scaled.
  • I extended the timeout time for the ping of Google. It was failing for my connection.
  • I added the default distances to utils.
  • Some cleanup of the gracedb module with improved help messages (pointing out the reliance on CIT infrastructure)
  • Fix bugs with bilby version 0.5.2
Edited by Gregory Ashton

Merge request reports
