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Restored glue/, for ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb

Robert Bruntz requested to merge restore_LDBDWClient into master

In running the DQSegDB test suite (/home/detchar/dqsegdb/ on the CIT cluster) on the modified files in MR 84, the ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb client tool was found to be broken, since glue/ was missing, having been deleted in MR 74.

This MR restores glue/ (having done so with git checkout 7c93764~1 -- glue/, where the commit 7c937646 was found with git log -- glue/

(Subsequent tests, with glue/ having been manually added to the site packages dir (/root/venv_p3_glue_from_repo/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/glue/), were successful - e.g., /home/robert.bruntz/git_work/dqsegdb_2021.11.30/dqsegdb/bin/ligolw_segments_from_cats_dqsegdb --separate-categories --individual-results --segment-url --veto-file /home/detchar/dqsegdb/H1L1V1-S6_CBC_HIGHMASS_D_OFFLINE-961545543-0.xml -s 931035615 -e 940000000 -o /tmp/cats_short_test_output).

Merge request reports