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Commit 454f1032 authored by Prathamesh Joshi's avatar Prathamesh Joshi
Browse files

Online new extinction model

parent 75027197
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1 merge request!564Online new extinction
Pipeline #581605 passed with warnings
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import shutil
import itertools
from gstlal import inspiral
from gstlal import events
from gstlal.datafind import DataCache, DataType
from collections import deque
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
......@@ -74,17 +75,15 @@ from gstlal import far
def parse_command_line():
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("--output", metavar = "filename", help = "")
parser.add_option("--output-path", metavar = "path", help = "Set the path where the output PDFs are stored. Optional")
parser.add_option("--registry", metavar = "filename", action = "append", help = "")
parser.add_option("-j", "--num-cores", metavar = "cores", default = 4, type = "int", help = "Number of cores to use when constructing ranking statistic histograms (default = 4 cores).")
parser.add_option("--output-kafka-server", metavar = "addr", help = "Set the server address and port number for output data. Optional, e.g.,")
parser.add_option("--tag", metavar = "string", default = "test", help = "Sets the name of the tag used. Default = 'test'")
parser.add_option("--ifo", metavar = "ifo", action = "append", help = "ifos with which to create output filenames if they don't already exist")
parser.add_option("--verbose", action = "store_true", help = "Be verbose.")
options, filenames = parser.parse_args()
if options.output is None:
raise ValueError("must set --output.")
if options.registry is None:
raise ValueError("must provide at least one registry file.")
......@@ -92,19 +91,28 @@ def parse_command_line():
def calc_rank_pdfs(url, samples, num_cores, verbose = False):
load Ranking Stat PDF from a url
create a Ranking Stat PDF from a url
rankingstat = far.marginalize_pdf_urls([ url ], "RankingStat", verbose = verbose)
except (URLError, HTTPError) as e:
logging.warning(f'Caught error while running calc rank pdfs: {e}.')
return 0, None
lr_rankingstat = rankingstat.copy()
rankingstatpdf = far.RankingStatPDF(lr_rankingstat, signal_noise_pdfs = None, nsamples = samples, nthreads = num_cores, verbose = verbose)
tries = 0
failed = 1
while tries < 3:
rankingstat = far.marginalize_pdf_urls([ url ], "RankingStat", verbose = verbose)
failed = 0
except (URLError, HTTPError) as e:
logging.warning(f'Caught error while running calc rank pdfs: {e}.')
tries += 1
if not failed:
lr_rankingstat = rankingstat.copy()
rankingstatpdf = far.RankingStatPDF(lr_rankingstat, signal_noise_pdfs = None, nsamples = samples, nthreads = num_cores, verbose = verbose)
return 1, rankingstatpdf
return 1, rankingstatpdf
return 0, None
def url_from_registry(registry, path):
......@@ -128,7 +136,6 @@ def main():
logging.basicConfig(format = '%(asctime)s | marginalize_likelihoods: %(levelname)s : %(message)s')
output = options.output
registries = options.registry
failed = deque(maxlen = len(registries))
......@@ -137,6 +144,30 @@ def main():
# get 10 million samples
ranking_stat_samples = int(10000000 / len(registries))
# set up the output paths
marg_pdf = DataCache.find(DataType.DIST_STAT_PDFS, root = options.output_path)
pdfs = DataCache.find(DataType.DIST_STAT_PDFS, svd_bins = "*", root = options.output_path)
if len(marg_pdf) == 1 and len(pdfs) == len(registries):
files_exist = True
elif len(marg_pdf) == 0 and len(pdfs) == 0:
files_exist = False
elif len(marg_pdf) == 1 and len(pdfs) != len(registries):
raise ValueError(f"Number of registry files provided ({len(registries)}) does not match number of DIST_STAT_PDF files found ({len(pdfs)})")
raise ValueError("Could not find marg DIST_STAT_PDF file")
svd_bins = [reg[:4] for reg in registries]
if files_exist:
assert set(pdfs.groupby('svd_bin').keys()) == set(svd_bins), "svd bins of registry files are not the same as svd bins of found PDFs"
marg_pdf = DataCache.generate(DataType.DIST_STAT_PDFS, options.ifo, root = options.output_path)
pdfs = DataCache.generate(DataType.DIST_STAT_PDFS, options.ifo, svd_bins = svd_bins, root = options.output_path)
pdfs = pdfs.groupby('svd_bin')
# paths to data objects on each job's web management interface
......@@ -185,45 +216,53 @@ def main():"Querying registry {reg}...")
url = url_from_registry(reg, likelihood_path)
# load ranking stat pdf and marginalize as we go
status, pdf = calc_rank_pdfs(url, ranking_stat_samples, options.num_cores, verbose = options.verbose)
if status:
if data:
data += pdf
data = pdf
svd_bin = reg[:4]
# load the old ranking stat pdf for this bin:
old_pdf = far.parse_likelihood_control_doc(ligolw_utils.load_url(pdfs[svd_bin][0], verbose = options.verbose, contenthandler = far.RankingStat.LIGOLWContentHandler)) if files_exist else None
# create the new ranking stat pdf and marginalize as we go
new_pdf_status, pdf = calc_rank_pdfs(url, ranking_stat_samples, options.num_cores, verbose = options.verbose)
add_to_data = 0
if new_pdf_status and old_pdf:
pdf += old_pdf
add_to_data = 1
elif new_pdf_status and not old_pdf:
add_to_data = 1
elif not new_pdf_status and old_pdf:
pdf = old_pdf
add_to_data = 1
if add_to_data:
# make sure the zerolag in the pdf is empty
pdf.zero_lag_lr_lnpdf.count.array[:] = 0.
if new_pdf_status:
# save the new PDF + old PDF (if it exists) to disk before extinction
xmldoc = lw.ligolw.Document()
process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, sys.argv[0], paramdict = {})
far.gen_likelihood_control_doc(xmldoc, None, pdf)
ligolw_utils.write_url(xmldoc, pdfs[svd_bin].files[0], verbose = options.verbose, trap_signals = None)
# get the zerolag pdf for this bin and use it to perform bin-specific extinction
zerolag_counts_url = url_from_registry(reg, zerolag_counts_path)
pdf += far.RankingStatPDF.from_xml(ligolw_utils.load_url(zerolag_counts_url, verbose = options.verbose, contenthandler = far.RankingStat.LIGOLWContentHandler), u"gstlal_inspiral_likelihood")
if data:
data += pdf.new_with_extinction()
data = pdf.new_with_extinction()
# while looping through registries
# send heartbeat messages
if kafka_processor:
# retry registries that we failed to process the first time
# give each registry a maximum of 3 retries, and remove from
# the deque upon success
retry = 1
while retry <= 3 and failed:
for reg in list(failed):
url = url_from_registry(reg, likelihood_path)
# load ranking stat pdf and marginalize as we go
status, pdf = calc_rank_pdfs(url, ranking_stat_samples, options.num_cores, verbose = options.verbose)
if status:"completed {reg} on retry: {retry}")
if data:
data += pdf
data = pdf
else:"failed to complete {reg} on retry: {retry}")
if kafka_processor:
retry += 1
# if we fail to complete more than 1% of the bins,
# this is a serious problem and we should just quit
......@@ -254,35 +293,6 @@ def main():
if kafka_processor:
# NOTE comment this to unmix in previous samples
if os.path.isfile(options.output):
prev_output, prevoutput_path = tempfile.mkstemp(".xml.gz", dir=os.getenv("_CONDOR_SCRATCH_DIR", tempfile.gettempdir()))'Copying {options.output} to {prevoutput_path}')
shutil.copy(options.output, prevoutput_path)
_, zlpdf = far.parse_likelihood_control_doc(ligolw_utils.load_url(prevoutput_path, verbose = options.verbose, contenthandler = far.RankingStat.LIGOLWContentHandler))
# Zero it out
zlpdf.zero_lag_lr_lnpdf.count.array[:] = 0.
# write out the file to disk
xmldoc = lw.ligolw.Document()
process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, sys.argv[0], paramdict = {})
far.gen_likelihood_control_doc(xmldoc, None, zlpdf)
ligolw_utils.write_url(xmldoc, prevoutput_path, verbose = options.verbose, trap_signals = None)
# add previous output to marginalized data
data += far.RankingStatPDF.from_xml(xmldoc, u"gstlal_inspiral_likelihood")
if kafka_processor:
prevoutput_path="""Previous output: {prevoutput_path}")
# apply density estimation and normalize the PDF
......@@ -293,9 +303,13 @@ def main():
far.gen_likelihood_control_doc(xmldoc, None, data)
ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, options.output, verbose = options.verbose)
ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, marg_pdf.files[0], verbose = options.verbose)"Done marginalizing likelihoods.")
# we just created the bin-specific and marg DIST_STAT_PDFs,
# so the files definitely exist for the next iteration of the loop
files_exist = True
if kafka_processor:
......@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ import math
import multiprocessing
import numpy
import random
import scipy
from scipy import interpolate
import sys
import time
......@@ -712,75 +713,47 @@ WHERE
return self
def new_with_extinction(self):
def new_with_extinction(self, verbose = False):
self = self.copy()
# the probability that an event survives clustering is the
# probability that no event with a higher value of the
# ranking statistic is within +/- dt of the event in
# question. .noise_lr_lnpdf.count contains an accurate
# model of the counts of pre-clustered events in each
# ranking statistic bin, but we know the events are not
# independent and so the total number of them cannot be
# used to form a Poisson rate for the purpose of computing
# the probability we desire. it has been found,
# empirically, that if the CCDF of pre-clustered background
# event counts is raised to some power and the clustering
# survival probability computed from that as though it were
# the CCDF of a Poisson process with some effective mean
# event rate, the result is a very good model for the
# post-clustering distribution of ranking statistics. we
# have two unknown parameters: the power to which to raise
# the pre-clustered ranking statistic's CCDF, and the mean
# event rate to assume. we solve for these parameters by
# fitting to the observed zero-lag ranking statistic
# histogram
x = self.noise_lr_lnpdf.bins[0].centres()
assert (x == self.zero_lag_lr_lnpdf.bins[0].centres()).all()
# some candidates are rejected by the ranking statistic,
# causing there to be a spike in the zero-lag density at ln
# L = -inf. if enough candidates get rejected this spike
# becomes the mode of the PDF which messes up the mask
# constructed below for the fit. we zero the first 40 bins
# here to prevent that from happening (assume density
# estimation kernel = 4 bins wide, with 10 sigma impulse
# length)
zl_counts = self.zero_lag_lr_lnpdf.array.copy()
zl_counts[:40] = 0.
if not zl_counts.any():
raise ValueError("zero-lag counts are all zero")
# get the noise counts
noise_counts = self.noise_lr_lnpdf.array.copy()
# get the zerolag counts.
# we model the tail of the distribution - top 0.1 - 1% - where
# clustering only effects the result at a < 1% level.
if zl_counts.sum() < 100 * 100:
tail_zl_counts = zl_counts.sum() * 0.99
tail_zl_counts = zl_counts.sum() - 100
onepercent = zl_counts.cumsum().searchsorted(tail_zl_counts)
# normalize the counts
noise_counts /= noise_counts.sum()
zl_counts /= zl_counts.sum()
# compute survival probability
norm = zl_counts[onepercent] / noise_counts[onepercent]
zl_counts[onepercent:] = 0
noise_counts[onepercent:] = 0
survival_probability = zl_counts / noise_counts
survival_probability[onepercent:] = norm
survival_probability[numpy.isnan(survival_probability)] = 0.0
# apply to background counts and signal counts
self.noise_lr_lnpdf.array *= survival_probability
#FIXME: Add comprehensive explanation about the extinction model
lrs = self.noise_lr_lnpdf.centres()[0]
bg = self.noise_lr_lnpdf.array
fg = self.zero_lag_lr_lnpdf.array
# zero out the beginning bins of each because they are notoriously bad and should just be ignored
bg[:10] = 0.
fg[:10] = 0.
# fitting is done between ix_min and ix_max
fg_ccdf = numpy.cumsum(fg[::-1])[::-1]
ix_min = (fg_ccdf < fg_ccdf[0] / 2.).argmax()
ix_max = (fg_ccdf < fg_ccdf[0] / 100.).argmax()
bgtotal = bg[ix_min: ix_max + 1].sum()
bg_ccdf = numpy.cumsum(bg[::-1])[::-1] / bgtotal
# define a function for the extincted bg for scipy.optimize.curve_fit to call
def bg_ccdf_extinct_func(idx, c, A):
return numpy.log(A * bgtotal / c) + numpy.log1p(-numpy.exp(-1 * bg_ccdf[idx] * c))
# find the best fit c for extinction
c = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(bg_ccdf_extinct_func, range(ix_min, ix_max + 1), numpy.log(fg_ccdf[ix_min: ix_max + 1]), bounds = [0, numpy.inf], sigma = numpy.sqrt(1 / (bg_ccdf[ix_min: ix_max + 1] * bgtotal)))#, maxfev = 5000)
if verbose:
print(f"Best value of c is {c[0][0]}, A is {c[0][1]} with covariance {c[1]}", file = sys.stderr)
# calculate the extincted PDF
bg_pdf_extinct = c[0][1] * bg * numpy.exp(-1 * bg_ccdf * c[0][0])
self.noise_lr_lnpdf.array = bg_pdf_extinct
self.signal_lr_lnpdf.array *= survival_probability
# never allow PDFs that have had the extinction model
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