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Commit 497a7c4b authored by ChiWai Chan's avatar ChiWai Chan
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gstlal_inspiral_cacl_snr &

	-- add method to make simplifed template table
	-- add examples
parent 3b7d2a21
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......@@ -3,64 +3,117 @@
Typical Usages:
--mode 0 (calculate SNR using LLOID method):
1. GW options: also see datasource.GWDataSourceInfo()
2. SVD bank options:
--svd-bank (require)
--bank-id (require)
--row-number (optional, calculate all SNRs if not given)
3. PSD options:
--reference-psd (optional)
--track-psd (default = False. If --reference-psd is not given, this will be set to True)
--psd-fft-length (default = 32s)
4. Output options:
--output-width (default = 32bits)
--instrument (require)
--outdir (require)
--start (default = None)
--end (default = None)
--verbose (default = False)
--complex (defaule = False)
--mode 1 (calculate SNR using Finite Impulse Response):
1. GW options: also see datasource.GWDataSourceInfo()
2. Template options:
--table (require)
--approximant (require)
--sample-rate (default = 2048Hz)
--f-low (default = 10)
--f-high (optional)
--template-psd (require)
3. PSD / Whiten options:
--reference-psd (optional)
--track-psd (default = False. If --reference-psd is not given, this will be set to True)
--psd-fft-length (default = 32s)
4. Output options:
--output-width (default = 32bits)
--instrument (require)
--outdir (require)
--start (default = None)
--end (default = None)
--verbose (default = False)
--complex (default = False)
Re-calculating GraceDb gstlal candidates. This assumes you are login to LIGO-Caltech Computing Cluster and
all data (svd banks, psd ...) are availible on the gracedb and the cluster. You also need obtain certificate
via "ligo-proxy-init" before using this option. Use --save to save the svd banks and psd to disk.
Example 1:
$ ligo-proxy-init chiwai.chan
$ gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr \
--gid G348519 \
--observatory H \
--observatory L \
--type H1_HOFT_C00 \
--type L1_HOFT_C00 \
--track-psd \
--outdir . \
Example 2:
$ echo "1250471617 1250472600" >> l1segs.txt
$ echo "1250472615 1250473617" >> l1segs.txt
$ ligolw_segments --name framesegments --insert-from-segwizard L1=l1segs.txt --output framesegments.xml
$ ligo-proxy-init chiwai.chan
$ gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr \
--gid G347846 \
--observatory L \
--frame-segments-file framesegments.xml \
--frame-segments-name framesegments \
--type L1_HOFT_C00 \
--track-psd \
--outdir . \
Calculate SNR using LLOID method. You should have access to svd banks and reference psd for this option. For
filter particular template in the svd banks, you should know the --sub-bank-id and the --row-number of the template;
Otherwise, if only --sub-bank-id is provided, SNRs for all templates in the sub-bank will be produced. To limit the
output size, use --start and --end to specify the range of SNR in GPS time.
Example: G348519
Downloaded from /home/gstlalcbc/observing/3/online/svd/new-bank/4_bns/mario/
> H1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz
> L1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz
> V1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz
Downloaded from gracedb candidate event G348519
> psd.xml.gz
$ python -m gwdatafind --server "" --observatory L --type L1_HOFT_C00 --gps-start 1251009527 --gps-end 1251011527 --lal-cache -O L1_FRAME
$ python -m gwdatafind --server "" --observatory H --type H1_HOFT_C00 --gps-start 1251009527 --gps-end 1251011527 --lal-cache -O H1_FRAME
$ cat *_FRAME > frame.cache
$ gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr \
--mode 0\
--data-source frames \
--channel-name H1=GDS-CALIB_STRAIN \
--channel-name L1=GDS-CALIB_STRAIN \
--frame-cache frame.cache \
--gps-start-time 1251009527 \
--gps-end-time 1251009527 \
--reference-psd psd.xml.gz \
--track-psd \
--svd-bank H1:H1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz,L1:L1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz,V1:V1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK_258-0-0.xml.gz \
--sub-bank-id 0 \
--row-number 203 \
--instrument H1 \
--instrument L1 \
--outdir outputs \
--start 1251010522 \
--end 1251010532 \
Calculate SNR using Finite Impulse Response. Typically, you won't use this option unless you simply want to calculate SNR for one particular
template and you don't have access to the corresponding svd bank which contains the template. To use this option, You should have a XML file
containing one sngl_inspiral table, the backend of generating template is through cbc_template_fir, see cbc_template_fir to see what parameters
are necessary to generate template. To limit the output size, use --start and --end to specify the range of SNR in GPS time.
Example: G348519
Downloaded from gracedb candidate event G348519
> psd.xml.gz
$ cp /home/ryan.magee/observing/3/psds/190509/cleaned/H1L1V1psd_new.xml.gz .
$ python -m gwdatafind --server "" --observatory L --type L1_HOFT_C00 --gps-start 1251009527 --gps-end 1251011527 --lal-cache -O L1_FRAME
$ python -m gwdatafind --server "" --observatory H --type H1_HOFT_C00 --gps-start 1251009527 --gps-end 1251011527 --lal-cache -O H1_FRAME
$ cat *_FRAME > frame.cache
$ python
>> from gstlal import svd_bank_snr
>> svd_bank_snr.FIR_SNR.make_simplified_sngl_inspiral_table(30.383705, 12.924967, 0, 0, -0.24138632, 0, 0, 0.6948265)
$ gstlal_inspiral_calc_snr \
--mode 1\
--data-source "frames" \
--channel-name H1=GDS-CALIB_STRAIN \
--channel-name L1=GDS-CALIB_STRAIN \
--frame-cache frame.cache \
--gps-start-time 1251009527 \
--gps-end-time 1251011527 \
--reference-psd ./psd.xml.gz \
--track-psd \
--table template.xml.gz \
--approximant SEOBNRv4_ROM \
--sample-rate 2048 \
--template-psd ./H1L1V1psd_new.xml.gz \
--f-low 15 \
--instrument H1 \
--instrument L1 \
--start 1251010522 \
--end 1251010532 \
--outdir ./outputs \
import numpy
from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup, IndentedHelpFormatter
......@@ -123,7 +176,7 @@ def parse_command_line():
group.add_option("--svd-bank", metavar = "filename", help = "A LIGO light-weight xml / xml.gz file containing svd bank information. These can be given as a comma separated list such as H1:file1,H2:file2,L1:file3 to analyze multiple instruments (require)." )
group.add_option("--sub-bank-id", type = "int", help = "Bank id is of the form <int>ID_<int>N where N is the sub bank id. (require).")
group.add_option("--row-number", type = "int", help = "The row number of the template (optional). All the SNRs will be outputed if it is not given.")
group.add_option("--table", metavar = "filename", help = "A LIGO light-weight xml.gz file containing SnglInspiral Table. Expecting one template for each instrument only.")
group.add_option("--table", metavar = "filename", help = "A LIGO light-weight xml.gz file containing SnglInspiral Table. Expecting one template only.")
group.add_option("--approximant", metavar = "name", type = "str", help = "Name of the Waveform model (require).")
group.add_option("--sample-rate", metavar = "Hz", default = 2048, type = "int", help = "Sampling rate of the template and SNR for mode 1")
group.add_option("--f-low", metavar = "Hz", default = 10, type = "float", help = "The minimum frequency of GW signal")
......@@ -139,20 +192,20 @@ def parse_command_line():
group = OptionGroup(parser, "GraceDb Event Options", "Produce SNR time series for gstlal gracedb event.")
group.add_option("--gid", metavar = "gracedb event id", type = "str", help = "The gracedb event id.")
group.add_option("--observatory", metavar = "OBS", type = "str", action = "append", help = "See gwdatafind.")
group.add_option("--type", metavar = "frame type", type = "str", action = "append", help = "See gwdatafind.")
group.add_option("--time-span", metavar = "seconds", type = "int", default = 1000, help = "The time span around the event's trigger time (default = 1000).")
group.add_option("--observatory", metavar = "OBS", type = "str", action = "append", help = "Name of the observatory (H,L,V ...), also see gwdatafind.")
group.add_option("--type", metavar = "frame type", type = "str", action = "append", help = "Name of the observatory (H,L,V ...), also see gwdatafind.")
group.add_option("--time-span", metavar = "seconds", type = "int", default = 1000, help = "The time span around the event's trigger time, must be larger or equal to 1000s (default = 1000).")
group = OptionGroup(parser, "Output Control Options", "Control SNR output")
group.add_option("--outdir", metavar = "directory", default = ".", type = "str", help = "Output directory for SNR(s) (default = .).")
group.add_option("--save", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Save frame cache / svd bank / psd (default = True).")
group.add_option("--save", action = "store_true", default = False, help = "Save frame cache / svd bank / psd (default = False).")
group.add_option("--mode", metavar = "method", type = "int", default = 0, help = "The method (0 = LLOID / 1 = FIR) that is used to calculate SNR (default = 0).")
group.add_option("--complex", action = "store_true", help = "Choose whether to output the complex snr or not.")
group.add_option("--start", metavar = "seconds", type = "float", help = "Start SNR time series at GPS time '--start' (require).")
group.add_option("--end", metavar = "seconds", type = "float", help = "End SNR time series at GPS time '--end' (require).")
group.add_option("--output-width", metavar = "bits", type = "int", default = 32, help = "The size of the output data, can only be 32 or 64 bits (default = 32 bits).")
group.add_option("--instrument", metavar = "name", type = "str", action = "append", help = "The detector from which the --reference-psd and --frame-cache are loaded (require).")
group.add_option("--instrument", metavar = "name", type = "str", action = "append", help = "The instrument(s) to be analyzed(require).")
parser.add_option("--verbose", action = "store_true", help = "Be verbsoe.")
......@@ -290,6 +290,31 @@ class FIR_SNR(SNR_Pipeline):
return template, row[0].end
def write_simplified_sngl_inspiral_table(m1, m2, s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z, outdir = ".", filename = "template.xml.gz"):
xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
root = xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW())
table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable)
rows = table.RowType()
for slot in rows.__slots__:
rows.__setattr__(slot, None)
rows.mass1 = m1
rows.mass2 = m2
rows.spin1x = s1x
rows.spin1y = s1y
rows.spin1z = s1z
rows.spin2x = s2x
rows.spin2y = s2y
rows.spin2z = s2z
ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, os.path.join(outdir, filename), gz = filename.endswith("gz"))
def __call__(self, COMPLEX = False):
return self.get_snr_series(COMPLEX)
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