group.add_option("--sample-rate",metavar="Hz",default=2048,type="int",help="Sampling rate of the template and SNR for mode 1")
group.add_option("--f-low",metavar="Hz",default=10,type="float",help="The minimum frequency of GW signal")
group.add_option("--f-high",metavar="Hz",type="float",help="The maximum frequency of GW signal")
group.add_option("--template-psd",metavar="filename",help="The psd for whitening template (require).")
group=OptionGroup(parser,"Data Quality Options","Adjust data quality handling")
group.add_option("--ht-gate-threshold",metavar="sigma",type="float",default=float("inf"),help="Set the threshold on whitened h(t) to excise glitches in units of standard deviation (optional)")
group.add_option("--veto-segments-file",metavar="filename",help="Set the name of the LIGO light-weight XML file from which to load vetoes (optional).")
group.add_option("--veto-segments-name",metavar="name",default="vetoes",help="Set the name of the LIGO light-weight XML file from which to load vetoes (default = 'veto') (optional).")
# FIXME: implement it if needed
#group = OptionGroup(parser, "Data Quality Options", "Adjust data quality handling")
#group.add_option("--ht-gate-threshold", metavar= "sigma", type = "float", default = float("inf"), help = "Set the threshold on whitened h(t) to excise glitches in units of standard deviation (optional)")
#group.add_option("--veto-segments-file", metavar = "filename", help = "Set the name of the LIGO light-weight XML file from which to load vetoes (optional).")
#group.add_option("--veto-segments-name", metavar = "name", default = "vetoes", help = "Set the name of the LIGO light-weight XML file from which to load vetoes (default = 'veto') (optional).")
group=OptionGroup(parser,"Output Control Options","Control SNR output")
group.add_option("--outdir",metavar="directory",type="str",help="Output directory for SNR(s) (requires).")