parser.add_option("--df",metavar="N",default=40,help="set the degrees of freedom for the background chisq prior: default 40. You can also use template bandwidth to set this by setting it to 'bandwidth'")
parser.add_option("--svd-file",metavar="filename",help="The SVD file to read the template ids from")
parser.add_option("--mass-model-file",metavar="filename",help="The mass model file to read from (hdf5 format)")
parser.add_option("--dtdphi-file",metavar="filename",help="dtdphi snr ratio pdfs to read from (hdf5 format). Default passed by gstlal_inspiral_pipe, but not when run as a standalone program.")
parser.add_option("--psd-xml",type="string",help="Specify a PSD to use for computing template bandwidth. Required if df is bandwidth")
@@ -122,7 +123,6 @@ def parse_command_line():
# NOTE the 4000 is tuned by looking at real data distributions