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Commit e7af6f76 authored by Daichi Tsuna's avatar Daichi Tsuna
Browse files

string triggergen: added background lr estimation

parent a8995c80
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......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils
import lal
from lal import series
from lal import LIGOTimeGPS
from lalburst import CoincBurstTable
from lalburst import stringutils
import lalsimulation
......@@ -50,8 +52,9 @@ def parse_command_line():
parser.add_option("--sample-rate", metavar = "rate", type = "float", help = "Desired sample rate (Hz).")
parser.add_option("--frame-cache", metavar = "filename", help = "Frame cache file to load as input data.")
parser.add_option("--reference-psd", metavar = "filename", help = "Reference psd files as input to obtain the template and SNR. Can be given for multiple detectors, but must be in one file. If None, the PSD will be measured on the fly, but there will be some burn-in time where the data will not be analyzed until the PSD converges.")
parser.add_option("--output", metavar = "filename", help = "Name of output xml file.")
parser.add_option("--reference-psd", metavar = "filename", help = "Reference psd files as input to obtain the template and SNR. Can be given for multiple detectors, but must be in one file. If not given, the PSD will be measured on the fly, which can prevent loss of sensitivity for not using the most recent PSD. However, there will be some burn-in time where the data will not be analyzed until the PSD converges.")
parser.add_option("--output", metavar = "filename", help = "Name of output xml file to record candidate events.")
parser.add_option("--rankingstat-output", metavar = "filename", help = "Name of output xml file to record rankingstat objects.")
parser.add_option("--segments-file", metavar = "filename", help = "Set the name of the LIGO Light-Weight XML file with segment lists that are science mode, for the trigger generator to enable gating. See also --segments-name.")
parser.add_option("--segments-name", metavar = "name", help = "Set the name of the segment lists to retrieve from the segments file. See also --segments-file.")
parser.add_option("--vetoes-file", metavar = "filename", help = "Set the name of the LIGO Light-Weight XML file with segment lists that are vetoed, for the trigger generator to enable gating. See also --vetoes-name.")
......@@ -65,12 +68,12 @@ def parse_command_line():
parser.add_option("--threshold", metavar = "snr_threshold", type = "float", help = "SNR threshold.")
parser.add_option("--cluster-events", metavar = "cluster_events", type = "float", help = "Cluster events with input timescale (in seconds).")
parser.add_option("--user-tag", metavar = "user_tag", type = "string", help = "User tag set in the search summary and process tables")
parser.add_option("--deltat", metavar = "deltat", type = "float", default = 0.008, help = "Maximum time difference in seconds for coincidence, excluding the light-travel time between the detectors. Default: 0.008")
parser.add_option("--delta-t", metavar = "delta_t", type = "float", default = 0.008, help = "Maximum time difference in seconds for coincidence, excluding the light-travel time between the detectors. Default: 0.008")
parser.add_option("--verbose", action = "store_true", help = "Be verbose.")
options, filenames = parser.parse_args()
required_options = ["sample_rate", "frame_cache", "output", "time_slide_file", "channel", "template_bank", "gps_start_time", "gps_end_time", "threshold", "cluster_events"]
required_options = ["sample_rate", "frame_cache", "output", "rankingstat_output", "time_slide_file", "channel", "template_bank", "gps_start_time", "gps_end_time", "threshold", "cluster_events"]
missing_options = [option for option in required_options if getattr(options, option) is None]
if missing_options:
raise ValueError("missing required options %s" % ", ".join(sorted("--%s" % option.replace("_", "-") for option in missing_options)))
......@@ -96,22 +99,24 @@ options, filenames = parse_command_line()
class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
def __init__(self, mainloop, pipeline, xmldoc, template_banks, sngl_burst, analyzed_seglistdict, reference_psds, whitens, firbanks, triggergens):
def __init__(self, mainloop, pipeline, rankingstat, xmldoc, template_banks, sngl_burst, reference_psds, whitens, firbanks, triggergens):
simplehandler.Handler.__init__(self, mainloop, pipeline)
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.rankingstat = rankingstat
self.template_bank = template_banks
self.sngl_burst = sngl_burst
self.analyzed_seglistdict = analyzed_seglistdict
self.whitens = whitens
self.firbank = firbanks
self.triggergen = triggergens
# template normalization. use central_freq to uniquely identify templates
self.sigma = dict((row.central_freq, 0.0) for row in template_banks[template_banks.keys()[0]])
# horizon distance
self.horizon_distance = None
# for PSD
self.update_psd = dict.fromkeys(triggergens, 0)
self.reference_psd = reference_psds
# create a StreamBurca instance, initialized with the XML document and the coincidence parameters
self.streamburca = streamburca.StreamBurca(xmldoc, process.process_id, options.deltat, min_instruments = 2, verbose = options.verbose)
self.streamburca = streamburca.StreamBurca(xmldoc, process.process_id, options.delta_t, min_instruments = 2, verbose = options.verbose)
def appsink_new_buffer(self, elem):
......@@ -125,39 +130,39 @@ class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
for event in events:
event.process_id = process.process_id
event.event_id = self.sngl_burst.get_next_id()
event.amplitude = event.snr / self.sigma[event.central_freq]
# get ifo from the appsink name property
instrument = elem.get_property("name")
# extract segment. move the segment's upper
# boundary to include all triggers.
buf_timestamp = LIGOTimeGPS(0, buf.pts)
if buf.mini_object.flags & Gst.BufferFlags.GAP:
buf_seg = None
# sanity check that gap buffers are empty
assert not events
# the horizon distance is zero at this timestamp
#self.record_horizon_distance(instrument, float(buf_timestamp), 0.0)
buf_seg = {instrument: segments.segmentlist([segments.segment(buf_timestamp, max(buf_timestamp + LIGOTimeGPS(0, buf.duration), max(event.peak for event in events if event.ifo == instrument) if events else 0.0))])}
# obtain union of this segment and the previously added segments
self.analyzed_seglistdict |= buf_seg
# the horizon distance is non-zero at this timestamp
#self.record_horizon_distance(instrument, float(timestamp), self.horizon_distance)
# update trigger rate and livetime
buf_seg = segments.segment(buf_timestamp, max(buf_timestamp + LIGOTimeGPS(0, buf.duration), max(event.peak for event in events if event.ifo == instrument) if events else 0.0))
self.rankingstat.denominator.triggerrates[instrument].add_ratebin(buf_seg, len(events))
# put info of each event in the sngl burst table
if options.verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, "at", buf_timestamp, "got", len(events), "in", set([event.ifo for event in events])
for event in events:
event.process_id = process.process_id
event.event_id = self.sngl_burst.get_next_id()
event.amplitude = event.snr / self.sigma[event.central_freq]
# push the single detector triggers into the StreamBurca instance
# the push method returns True if the coincidence engine has new results. in that case, call the pull() method to run the coincidence engine.
if events:
if self.streamburca.push(instrument, events, buf_timestamp):
self.streamburca.pull(self.rankingstat, self.rankingstat.denominator.triggerrates.segmentlistdict())
def flush(self):
with self.lock:
# dump segmentlistdict to segment table
with ligolw_segments.LigolwSegments(xmldoc, process) as llwsegment:
llwsegment.insert_from_segmentlistdict(self.analyzed_seglistdict, name = u"StringSearch", comment="triggergen")
# leftover triggers
self.streamburca.pull(flush = True)
self.streamburca.pull(self.rankingstat, self.rankingstat.denominator.triggerrates.segmentlistdict(), flush = True)
def update_templates(self, instrument, psd):
template_t = [None] * len(self.template_bank[instrument])
......@@ -239,6 +244,7 @@ class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
timestamp = psd.epoch
psd = self.reference_psd[instrument]
timestamp = psd.epoch
deltaf = self.whitens[instrument].get_property("delta-f")
psd_interp = reference_psd.interpolate_psd(psd, deltaf)
self.whitens[instrument].set_property("psd-mode", 1)
......@@ -246,10 +252,11 @@ class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
stability = float(message.src.get_property("n-samples")) / message.src.get_property("average-samples")
# the logic should be neater here, but this is hoped to be temporary until we wipe out everything when finishing transition to offline way
# the logic should be neater here, but this is hoped to be temporary
# until we wipe out everything when finishing transition to offline way
if stability > 0.3 or self.reference_psd is not None:
if self.update_psd[instrument] != 0:
# do nothing, just decrease the counter
# don't update the PSD, just decrease the counter
self.update_psd[instrument] -= 1
# PSD counter reached zero
......@@ -262,6 +269,23 @@ class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
self.update_psd[instrument] = -1
self.update_templates(instrument, psd)
# record horizon distance for this timestamp.
# If the signal is h(f) = A f^(-4/3) (f_l < f < f_h),
# SNR is proportional to A and sigma (template norm. factor).
# (See Siemens+ 06, PRD, 73, 105001 for details.)
# Horizon distance is defined as mean distance where a signal
# of fixed amplitude (e.g. 1.4-1.4 BNS) can be seen with SNR 8.
# Thus the horizon distance is inversely proportional to the
# template normalization parameter sigma.
# The normalization of the horizon distance can be arbitrary
# since only the relative difference of sensitivity (PSD) at
# different times/detectors is important (probably).
# Since sigma is order 10^(19-20), we use sigma for the template
# with the highest high-f cutoff, and define the horizon distance
# to be sigma/10^(19) Mpc. This definition should be consistent in
# other places where this quantity is used.
self.horizon_distance = self.sigma[max(self.sigma.keys())]/1.e19
assert not (math.isnan(self.horizon_distance) or math.isinf(self.horizon_distance))
# Burn-in period. Use templates with all zeros so that we won't get any triggers.
if options.verbose:
......@@ -275,6 +299,9 @@ class PipelineHandler(simplehandler.Handler):
self.firbank[instrument].set_property("latency", (len(template[0]) - 1) // 2)
self.firbank[instrument].set_property("fir_matrix", template)
self.triggergen[instrument].set_property("autocorrelation_matrix", autocorr)
# Since the whitener's average is not satisfactorily converged,
# claim horizon distance to be zero.
self.horizon_distance = 0.
return True
return False
......@@ -346,12 +373,22 @@ if options.vetoes_file is not None:
template_file = dict.fromkeys(all_ifos, None)
template_bank_table = dict.fromkeys(all_ifos, None)
template_ids = []
for filename in options.template_bank:
xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename(filename, contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler, verbose = options.verbose)
table = lsctables.SnglBurstTable.get_table(xmldoc)
template_bank_table[table[0].ifo] = table
template_file[table[0].ifo] = filename
# Obtain template_ids. We use the cutoff frequency as an ID.
# FIXME we assume that the same template bank is used for all detectors,
# and we check that here. This was true in past searches, but might not be
# if we e.g. rigorously threshold on overlaps between "whitened" templates.
these_template_ids = [row.central_freq for row in table]
# this always passes for the first file, and only passes for the
# subsequent files if the template banks exactly match.
assert len(template_ids)==0 or template_ids == these_template_ids, "mismatch in template bank between instruments"
template_ids = these_template_ids
......@@ -364,32 +401,23 @@ process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, "StringSearch", options.__di
# append search_summary table
# also for putting rankingstat objects
search_summary_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, ["process:process_id", "comment", "ifos", "in_start_time", "in_start_time_ns", "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns", "nevents", "nnodes"])
search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummary()
search_summary.process_id = process.process_id
if options.user_tag:
search_summary.comment = options.user_tag
search_summary.comment = "None"
search_summary.ifos = ",".join(all_ifos)
search_summary.out_start = search_summary.in_start = LIGOTimeGPS(options.gps_start_time)
search_summary.out_end = search_summary.in_end = LIGOTimeGPS(options.gps_end_time)
search_summary.nnodes = 1
search_summary.nevents = 0
xmldoc_rankingstat = ligolw.Document()
process_rankingstat = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc_rankingstat, "lalapps_string_meas_likelihood", options.__dict__)
# append the injection file and time slide file (ligolw_add job in previous pipeline)
# the injection file already has a time slide table in it.
# FIXME we can require NOT to have time-slide file as argument when injection-file is given.
if options.injection_file is not None:
# FIXME we can require in the dag generator script to NOT have
# time-slide file as argument when injection-file is given.
del options.time_slide_file
xmldoc = ligolw_add.ligolw_add(xmldoc, [options.injection_file], contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler, verbose = options.verbose)
xmldoc = ligolw_add.ligolw_add(xmldoc, [options.time_slide_file], contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler, verbose = options.verbose)
......@@ -405,14 +433,6 @@ sngl_burst_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, ["process:process_id"
# construct dictionary of segment lists that were analyzed
# (i.e. which contributes to the live time)
analyzed_seglistdict = segments.segmentlistdict()
# =============================================================================
......@@ -481,11 +501,18 @@ for ifo in all_ifos:
triggergen[ifo] = pipeparts.mkgeneric(pipeline, head, "lal_string_triggergen", threshold = options.threshold, cluster = options.cluster_events, bank_filename = template_file[ifo], autocorrelation_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(template_bank_table[ifo]), 403),dtype=numpy.float64))
# Load/Initialize ranking statistic data.
rankingstat = stringutils.RankingStat(instruments = all_ifos, delta_t = options.delta_t, snr_threshold = options.threshold, min_instruments = 2)
# handler
handler = PipelineHandler(mainloop, pipeline, xmldoc, template_bank_table, sngl_burst_table, analyzed_seglistdict, psd, whiten, firbank, triggergen)
handler = PipelineHandler(mainloop, pipeline, rankingstat, xmldoc, template_bank_table, sngl_burst_table, psd, whiten, firbank, triggergen)
......@@ -520,10 +547,9 @@
# obtain nevents from the coinc event table, and write output to disk
# FIXME vetoes table also needs to be dumped here with ligolw_add
search_summary.nevents = len(lsctables.CoincTable.get_table(xmldoc))
# write triggers & coinc events to XML file
ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, options.output, gz = (options.output or "stdout").endswith(".gz"), verbose = options.verbose)
# also write rankingstat object to an XML file
ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc_rankingstat, options.rankingstat_output, gz = (options.rankingstat_output or "stdout").endswith(".gz"), verbose = options.verbose)
......@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
from ligo.lw import lsctables
from lalburst import snglcoinc
from lalburst import burca
from ligo import segments
from ligo.segments import utils as segmentsUtils
......@@ -44,6 +46,30 @@ from lalburst import burca
class backgroundcollector(object):
def __init__(self):
self.zerolag_singles = set()
self.timeshifted_coincs = set()
# Used at snglcoinc
def push(self, event_ids, offset_vector):
# time shifted data?
if any(offset_vector.values()):
if len(event_ids) > 1:
elif len(event_ids) == 1:
def pull(self, two_or_more_instruments, flushed_events):
index = dict((id(event), event) for event in flushed_events)
flushed_ids = set(index)
background_ids = self.timeshifted_coincs & flushed_ids
self.timeshifted_coincs -= flushed_ids
background_ids |= set(event_id for event_id in self.zerolag_singles & flushed_ids if float(index[event_id].peak_time) in two_or_more_instruments)
self.zerolag_singles -= flushed_ids
return [event for event in map(index.__getitem__, background_ids)]
class StreamBurca(object):
def __init__(self, xmldoc, process_id, delta_t, min_instruments = 2, verbose = False):
self.delta_t = delta_t
......@@ -63,6 +89,7 @@ class StreamBurca(object):
min_instruments = self.min_instruments,
verbose = self.verbose
self.backgroundcollector = backgroundcollector()
def push(self, instrument, events, t_complete):
......@@ -75,22 +102,34 @@ class StreamBurca(object):
return self.time_slide_graph.push(instrument, events, t_complete)
def pull(self, coinc_sieve = None, flush = False):
def pull(self, rankingstat, snr_segments, coinc_sieve = None, flush = False):
# iterate over coincidences
newly_reported = []
for node, events in self.time_slide_graph.pull(newly_reported = newly_reported, coinc_sieve = coinc_sieve, flush = flush, verbose = False):
flushed = []
flushed_unused = []
for node, events in self.time_slide_graph.pull(newly_reported = newly_reported, flushed = flushed, flushed_unused = flushed_unused, coinc_sieve = coinc_sieve, event_collector = self.backgroundcollector, flush = flush, verbose = False):
# for exact template match
if not burca.StringCuspCoincTables.ntuple_comparefunc(events, node.offset_vector):
# construct row objects for coinc tables
coinc, coincmaps = self.coinc_tables.coinc_rows(self.process_id, node.time_slide_id, events, u"sngl_burst")
coinc, coincmaps, coinc_burst = self.coinc_tables.coinc_rows(self.process_id, node.time_slide_id, events, u"sngl_burst")
# finally, append coinc to tables
self.coinc_tables.append_coinc(coinc, coincmaps)
self.coinc_tables.append_coinc(coinc, coincmaps, coinc_burst)
# add singles into the noise model
if flushed:
# times when at least 2 instruments were generating SNR.
# Used to select zero-lag singles for inclusion in the
# denominator.
two_or_more_instruments =, 2)
for event in self.backgroundcollector.pull(two_or_more_instruments, flushed):
# add any triggers that have been used in coincidences for
# the first time to the sngl_burst table
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